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Gets complicated when adding a sliding screen door to the outside an existing sliding patio door.  Need a wall offset (2.5" in my case), panels 0 left 1 right, no casing, no lintel, no jamb.  If you adjust any door parameter, panels get reset so you need to go set again.  And you need to show the screen door closed or else the glass door exterior casing adjusts to the screen door.  I may be missing something here, help me out.


Just wish screen doors would be an option for sliding doors and let CA adjust everything.

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5 hours ago, solver said:



Your comment above is what is called hijacking. You find a thread that is very slightly related to your question, then add it to that already existing thread, when it's best to start a new Topic and ask your question there.


Doing so helps keep the forum organized, and helps when people are searching for answers.


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I'm really sorry to have apparently hijacked a thread where the OP asked about a screen door and I posted about issues around a sliding screen door, hoping Joey might have some suggestions.

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  • 3 years later...

Yes, copy / paste-in-place. Then reverse the swing side, set to glass panel, and change the glass material. Adjust label and layer if needed. Adjust jamb / casing / hardware / framing / schedule, etc. if needed.


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