Multistory in frame structure


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Hi friends:

I have been trying to design a 4 story building with columns. Adding additional stories is no problem, but while i create the stories/floors, colums are not copied in that floor. May be i am missing something.

Any one can advise.

I am attaching a sample structure for this to get familiar.



Sample building.plan

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Yes, there are several ways one might go about this. It would be a good idea to start by examining the exterior wall definitions as they relate to the structure. Some of the details of the curtain wall would need to be modeled using 'manual' tools like solids, moldings, material regions, etc...

I would need to see more of the plan for your structural connections before I could suggest anything further. Feel free to post a screenshot or detail drawing showing your proposed exterior wall assembly...curtain wall relative to columns...interior finish around columns...connections and finish at platform get the idea.

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I have attached the plan wherein i have tried to make a curtain wall with the help of nana wall, and windows, but did not succeeded.

I am also facing a problem (dont know how to) lift the road level or terrain level 6' above ie join the lower of upper stair and top of the stair going downwards.


thanks in advance

Anwar height.plan

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  On 5/5/2020 at 2:03 PM, robdyck said:

Yes, there are several ways one might go about this. It would be a good idea to start by examining the exterior wall definitions as they relate to the structure. Some of the details of the curtain wall would need to be modeled using 'manual' tools like solids, moldings, material regions, etc...

I would need to see more of the plan for your structural connections before I could suggest anything further. Feel free to post a screenshot or detail drawing showing your proposed exterior wall assembly...curtain wall relative to columns...interior finish around columns...connections and finish at platform get the idea.


in this way can we make schedule for windows ??

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  On 5/5/2020 at 2:51 PM, SMC2992 said:



in this way can we make schedule for windows ??


If you are making the wall definition to include glass walls it will not show up in a window schedule as that is not how they are built.  You can build a standard wall with other definitions but for the glass portion to show up in a schedule you would need to place window symbols into the wall.

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  On 5/5/2020 at 3:48 PM, SMC2992 said:

This WE was meant for me not for any other, it is a grammatical error no offence sir


no offense taken...just wanted to make sure you knew that help on this forum is not guaranteed, but may be available only as people have time. 

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For the curtain wall, I'd probably start by using a wall type defined with 1 layer representing the aluminum framing. Then, windows can be placed. You'll need to define a window type that works within the aluminum framing, and I'd be using cad reference lines in elevation / section view (as well as plan view) as a guide for placing and sizing the windows.

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With all due respect, you're using the wrong software for a building like that.

Can it be done? Absolutely.

Will you like the results? Ehhh...

Will it be more work and trouble than it's worth? Most likely.

Will it be easy to share with engineers and the like so that it will make proper sense based on construction technique? NO.

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It is true that this software was designed more for typical western-style wood framed or masonry residential construction, but as the guys above have implied, you CAN do it with this software, but you will have to do a lot of things manually.  If you will have an engineer, and a curtain-wall/aluminum storefront specialist involved, and you just need to provide the basic look of the building for them it will be okay.  For the curtain wall, just use a glass wall type, and then 4" or so inside of that glass wall use an invisible wall all the way around to separate the floors from the glass wall, and make the space between the walls 'open to below'.  You'll have to make polyline solids to represent the glass framing.   Good luck.


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  On 5/5/2020 at 7:34 PM, DzinEye said:


It is true that this software was designed more for typical western-style wood framed or masonry residential construction, but as the guys above have implied, you CAN do it with this software, but you will have to do a lot of things manually.  If you will have an engineer, and a curtain-wall/aluminum storefront specialist involved, and you just need to provide the basic look of the building for them it will be okay.  For the curtain wall, just use a glass wall type, and then 4" or so inside of that glass wall use an invisible wall all the way around to separate the floors from the glass wall, and you'll have to make polyline solids to represent the glass framing.   Good luck.



You are a genius 

Thumbs Up for you

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I liked Mark's approach, but I thought I'd see if if inverting the curtain wall approach would work well. I used a wall type that was aluminum, adjusted my windows to match glazing only, and used cad reference lines to develop equal spacing representing the aluminum framing. This way the windows will show up in a glazing schedule. I also used framing posts set to be steel columns laid out on a grid.




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  On 5/6/2020 at 1:33 PM, robdyck said:

I used a wall type that was aluminum, adjusted my windows to match glazing only


Creative approach Robert!  
I think the flexibility of Chief to accomplish certain goals in many different ways is one of the attractions that many of us have to hanging around on this forum.  It's a combination of puzzle solving, creativity and helping others that makes it somewhat addictive.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/5/2020 at 12:23 AM, SMC2992 said:

Hi friends:

I have been trying to design a 4 story building with columns. Adding additional stories is no problem, but while i create the stories/floors, colums are not copied in that floor. May be i am missing something.

Any one can advise.

I am attaching a sample structure for this to get familiar.



Sample building.planFetching info...


I am surprised to see negative points. have I offended some one??? if yes I humbly apologize for that to whom i have offended

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  On 5/16/2020 at 11:24 AM, SMC2992 said:

I am surprised to see negative points. have I offended some one??? if yes I humbly apologize for that to whom i have offended


Dear All

Thank you to all those friends who have removed me from negative list

I don't know what that negative marks meant but they were quite embarrassing in some sense. 


Thank you again

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