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Everything posted by Chrisb222

  1. Haha, funny thing is I did do a forum search and didn't come up with that hit. I also tried writing a macro before posting the thread but was unsuccessful. Anyway, that worked, thanks Eric!
  2. Thanks. I know, but I only have three types of flooring in the entire house; hardwood, tile, and carpet. They can be different colors or styles, that's up to the homeowner, but the type won't change. I also like the graphical look of the floor plan with just shapes of areas that share flooring types. The schedule is tedious and doesn't give totals for like rooms, you would have to add all the hardwood floors together for example.
  3. Hi, I want to convert the rooms into polylines and show total area in rounded sq ft. I have combined the living/dining/kitchen/hall which all receive hardwood. When I assign the Object Specific "Area" macro to the label it gives me area in decimal feet with 6 or 7 decimal places. I would like to round this to ZERO but haven't had luck. I can't use the "Room Area" macro because they're no longer rooms, the macro is not recognized. Any ideas? Thanks. See attached.
  4. @solver Thanks again Eric. Thanks to your kind help I can now show my client what they want, and not have to make excuses why I can't.
  5. Great, thanks a million. Working with it now, practicing holding my mouth just right...
  6. Great idea, I'm going to steal that one too. Not a fan of stock room divider.
  7. Eric, so the window you posted here, the tilted sash is placed into a frame. I guess I need to figure out how to do that too. Did you place the tilted sash into a frame, then make that assembly a symbol? Or did you just place the sash into a pass-through window?
  8. Eric, looking through your plan, it looks like you placed the window in a user-defined wall, My Room Divider, with Insulation Air Space, 0" thickness.
  9. Thank you, yes your plan is just a sash. I'll continue with your instructions. (Room Divider didn't work for me either, wouldn't let me place a window, even after creating a room with them so they expand to 3-1/2") THANK YOU AGAIN!!
  10. Thank you so much! Unfortunately I can't get past the first step! Whenever I make the wall invisible, the window disappears. I thought it was something I unchecked in the window DBX so I tried placing a standard window but it disappeared with the wall too (see attached). What am I doing wrong? (Also, when I uncheck everything in the window DBX, I do not see the sash in 3D. I only see a hole in the wall) Thanks again, sorry for the trouble! BTW, the house on a house pic is cool!
  11. Thank you. Not sure I can do that but I appreciate the effort to help me.
  12. Sweet! Is that a Chief window or something you created? Would love to know how you did that...
  13. Hi, I can't find any way to show windows open like you can with doors. Client wants to see 3D pics of house comparing awning and casement windows ... open. I already told him "Sure no problem!" Ugh lol. Time for the walk of shame.....
  14. Wow. Where I'm from (Ohio) full foundation under the front porch is universal. Every house. Back patios are usually slab-on-grade, with footing for posts if covered. But the front porch always has a full foundation unless wood framed with posts going into the ground.
  15. That doesn't work for me. At least, I didn't see a foundation under the 3D porch when I selected that. I did find a "Foundation Wall" specification on the "Foundation" panel of the Railing Spec DBX, but it didn't produce the desired result either. None of my efforts have produced a standard foundation wall on Floor 0. This needs to be part of the Foundation Defaults, like the Garage specifications, and needs to produce a foundation drawing on Floor 0. Maybe there's something else I'm missing? I'm certainly no expert.
  16. I just made a suggestion thread about this:
  17. All front porches here have the same foundation as the house, although the porch footings are not always as deep as basement footings. Seems like this would be easy feature to add.
  18. I'll throw in my two cents, as a home builder actually working in the field. I totally agree with Richard 100%. Most guys working in the trades are alpha males, and I would NOT want to be the designer who used mixed dimension notations, walking up to a framer who just had to rebuild a wall because he mis-read my print. Just sayin' Of course, having the option doesn't force me to use it, so I can't say it's a bad feature for someone who wants to experience alpha rage.
  19. I'm already using the new perspective control in conjunction with the perspective crop tool. Funny, now that I'm getting the hang of it, it's easier than ever before! And has solved some of the issues I used to have with getting the view "just right" in X7. Thanks again.
  20. Haha, funny how we see different tools as having different levels of usability. The first time I used the input survey data, I jumped for joy. Yeah, I've had to start over before, but for me it's a great tool. Interesting discussion, no right or wrong answer.
  21. Oh my gosh, IT WORKS, thank you so much. I can't tell how much aggravation this has been causing. Yes, I'm sure I'll learn to like the new method eventually, since now I know how to do both. Thanks again!!
  22. Hi, I'm used to X7 and just started using X9. I am used to the way the 3D "Perspective Full Overview" camera worked in X7, but it's different in X9. The main difference I'm experiencing is that when I want to zoom in or out using the scroll wheel on my mouse, the perspective changes and the camera in plan view actually moves closer or farther away from the object I'm viewing. In X7, the view would remain static and simply get bigger or smaller, the perspective never changed, and the camera location in plan view never changed. This is aggravating because when I get the perspective I want, but too much background, and zoom in, the perspective changes. I've searched everywhere for a setting to change this, searched the forum too, but no luck. Any ideas to get this working like it did in X7? Thanks... EDIT: Also, panning the camera in X7 with the grabber hand (Command key on Mac) would just slide the view left or right, no perspective change. Now, it rotates the view and throws off my perspective angle. GRR EDIT: Even the "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" buttons change the camera location/perspective. GRRRR EDIT: Okay, it appears the zoom in and zoom out buttons might work. They're moving the camera, but not changing the perspective.....?
  23. For anyone else who finds this thread with a similar problem, I for one LOVE the input method. Works like a charm, and is extremely useful if used correctly. Yes, use "Chord Length" and their bearings (direction) for entering arcs. Then if you want, you can change the straight line to an arc and approximate the shape. There is a way to input arc data but I haven't been able to get it to work. A problem I think some people have is not understanding the direction of the bearing angle. The CA input method expects you to go around the lot in one direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise. In the picture above in Post # 1, the surveyor has plotted the bearings going in both directions, so when inputting the data you must convert some of the lines to the other direction, or the resulting drawing will be wrong. This is easily done by exchanging the North/South directions in the bearing angle. For instance, Line #1 is indicated as going "Toward North, To The West": 1. 328.66' (N 32 06 29 W) To reverse this line, simply change its direction 180° this way: 1. 328.66' (S 32 06 29 E)
  24. Hi, after resigning myself to never being able in X9 to use the font I was using extensively with X7, I decided to install another font to use instead. However I'm now unable to get CA to recognize ANY user-installed font on my Mac. (I had to upgrade my OS to High Sierra to use X9, not sure if that had any effect.) User-installed fonts are working fine with other Mac apps... Ugh. Being stuck with the handful of fonts that X9 recognizes is no fun. I was just wondering if anyone else has succeeded in using a non-native font in CA... thanks