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Everything posted by Chrisb222

  1. Thanks for the reply. This seems to be the default substitute font, as one other user font is also defaulting to that style in CA, and it's not a sans-serif simple font, it's a display font (I was a graphic designer for 20 years and well versed in Mac fonts). The font works fine in all other programs. Thanks again for your thoughts.
  2. Thanks, good ideas. Here is a screen shot of a floor plan in X7 that shows the font displayed correctly: I like the font because it's very narrow. When dimensioning tight spaces, it will fit better between the dimension extension lines, as you can see in the 6" wall thickness dimension. Here is the same plan in X9, the text has defaulted to another font and is all messed up, it even caused my window callouts to enlarge: I'm sure I can find another font to replace it with the same effect but it would mean changing everything in every plan. I use this font for 90% of the text in a plan. Here is the font: Arial MT Cn LtArial MT Cn Lt I'm running CA on MacOS High Sierra. Thanks for any insight...
  3. Just tried uninstalling the font, rebooting, and reinstalling, rebooting. -It still shows correctly in X7, incorrectly in X9 -All other user-installed fonts work in both programs As a side note, Command-Q does not work for "quit" in X9 like it did in X7 (and all other Mac apps), even though the menu in X9 indicates "Command-Q" as the shortcut for Quit. ???
  4. Just upgraded to X9 from X7, also had to upgrade my MacOS so I could run X9. I use a non-CA font extensively, and have since I started using CA, but X9 is not displaying the font correctly. I thought I might need to do a reboot to get it to recognize it correctly but that didn't help. It isn't saying the font is missing, I've had that before when switching machines, it displays text when I open a file, it just doesn't look right. I open the text DBX and it says the correct font name, but the text preview isn't right either. I checked and the font still displays correctly in X7 and all other Mac apps. When I go into any text DBX in X7, or any other app, I can select the font and it looks normal. When I go into any text DBX in X9, I can select the font but it is not right. Puzzled. Any ideas? I will have to drastically change almost all of my text defaults if I can't get this font back in line. Thanks.
  5. Excellent, thank you both. I need to think more creatively, ha!
  6. Ah, yes I was able to do what you did. But I don't see the option to convert a straight line segment into a curve. How would you achieve a barrel, or arch effect? Thanks Eric!
  7. Wow, didn't know about that. Thank you! Worked perfectly. A better way to create a vaulted or barrel effect on the bottom of a gable end wall over a railing, as shown in the pic above with vaulted deck ceiling. I usually do it with a window in the gable attic wall, with no frame, sash, or casing. That's how I did that one, but it's lacking in accomplishing exactly what I'm after... for instance, I would like to have a non-linear beam that follows the angle of the vault or the barrel arch, but I usually resort to soffits for that. I attached a pic of a barrel porch ceiling I did where the arched bottom of the gable is a window, and the white arched "beam" is a soffit. Also good to know, thanks!
  8. Hi, often the houses I build have frieze in only the front gables; not in the eaves or the rear or side gables. When I apply frieze to "gables only" it applies to all gables, which is fine because I can then select roof planes in the rear and delete the frieze on them using the Roof Plane Spec DBX. However, occasionally one roof plane will have a gable in the front and also in the back, and so far I haven't found a way to delete the frieze from only the rear gable on such a roof plane. I have tried various ways to separate the front gable from the rear gable by temporarily moving a wall to break the roof plane, but when I restore the roof I end up back where I started, and so far nothing has worked. See attached pic. Also in the attached pic, I have a scissor-truss vaulted ceiling in the rear deck. I sometimes need a vaulted or barrel porch roof, and usually use a window in the gable (attic) wall with no frame, sash, or casing, which is a decent workaround, but I wonder if anyone knows a better way... Chief X7 on Mac. Thank you.
  9. Thank you for the suggestion. But you lost me at "then just add a space." I understand everything up until that, but I'm not sure what that means...
  10. Yep, that worked! Thank you so much! Of course, it would be nice if CA recognized that casement windows with opposing hinge sides should automatically be considered unique schedule items so I wouldn't have to individually specify a custom label......
  11. Tried changing lots of stuff, it only works when that same information is also included in the Schedule, like specifying "Tempered" in the window specs (as long as "Tempered" is included in the Schedule), or "Manufacturer" in the "Components" DBX. When I deleted "Tempered" and "Manufacturer" from the Schedule, it reverted to the same window number as the mirror image...
  12. Yes I tried that and it works but then the Schedule reports the wrong window size.
  13. Hi all, First post, I'm a design/build homebuilder and have been using CA7 for 1-1/2 years, and really love this program. I've only recently started exploring window and door schedules and automatic window and door labeling. I should've been using it sooner as I was hand-labeling like I did in the days before CA, but I'm a slow learner and it takes time finding all the new gems to make my time designing better and more rewarding. Anyway, the lake house I'm currently working on has casement windows on the back cathedral with trapezoid transoms above. The "problem" I'm having is that Chief wants to label two trapezoids as the same window number, even though they're mirror images of each other, and also wants to label two casements the same although they have opposite hinge sides. Anyone know of a way to continue using the "Group Similar Objects" option in the Window Schedule Specifications DBX and also have these items correctly listed separately? In X7, at least? Picture attached showing the two issues... Thanks! -Chris