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Everything posted by Chrisb222

  1. Hmm, great point, I'm sure that would boost my graphic engine's capabilities re: PBR. Thanks! (Nice pics, BTW )
  2. Thanks for the reply. I used all the suggested settings, but did not set up defaults and PBR as default camera. I will try that. However, I'm certain my little Mini with CPU-based Iris graphics is not up to the task. It's just frustrating that X10 now requires a super system for this one feature, and now Ray Trace behaves differently...
  3. I hear ya. I'm pretty disappointed with PBR and X10 rendering in general. I love the other new features but can't start using X10 until I sort out the rendering. My humble MacMini runs CA just fine, and I'm pretty good at getting nice Ray Traces in previous versions. And since RT seems to rely on the CPU my system did just fine. However, it won't handle PBR at all, since my computer only has Iris graphics, no separate GPU. PBR is slow and the results are horrible. Can't even begin to use it although I have tried, using this thread as a guide for settings. I don't really want to buy a new system anyway, since what I have runs CA just fine... but not PBR. And Apple has no good high-end system right now, and when they DO upgrade the MacPro, the price will be sky high. I'm loathe to, but have been considering the move to PC and found what seems like an excellent system for the money: I'm a little sore that CA gave us a great new feature that only runs well on super high end systems. Oh well... for the time being I'm experimenting with adapting my RT routine to X10. It seems to be working... Recent Ray Trace in X10 on my MacMini, 26 lights, 10 passes in about 5 minutes (plus I can work in Chief while it's running): Same scene in PBR, best I could do, cannot use "Improve Lighting Quality" as everything goes black:
  4. Edit: Oops, I see I misunderstood the problem. Oh well, someone else might too...
  5. I'm going to ask this here before making a Suggestion, but I cannot find any way to delete, reorder, reorganize, or otherwise change anything about the OOB Line Styles. I know I can create and add styles and have done so but I want to delete all the trade styles I never use. I'm constantly scrolling past hundreds, thousands it seems, of unnecessary line styles to get from the top to the bottom of the list, both of which are where the styles I use are located. In the attached pic I need to change the Blank style (bottom of list) to the Solid style (top of list). If anyone has a tip to blow up this list I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  6. I'm missing something. The stairway for the railing buried in the wall is cutting the wall at the bottom of the stringer. Can you explain a little more about your method?
  7. Who has the best method for hacking this effect? I use a method I picked up here using ramps but it goes squirrely. One free delicious American lager for the best method posted....
  8. Crap. Well... it should. This type of stairway is daily stuff around here. Thanks anyway Eric.
  9. I thought I read here that X10 will now allow a rake wall with railing as one automatic piece, but cannot for the life find the thread... Was I dreaming? I've got the railing wall following the stairs, which I could do in X9, and I already know how to hack this effect, did it in previous versions. Looking to see if there's a setting I'm missing to add the railing on top of the rake wall automatically. Thanks stair rail X10.plan
  10. In the overview video, CA also suggests even saving views of certain rooms, since you can save the zoom level with the view. Very useful for navigating to often edited rooms such as kitchens and baths.
  11. I recently upgraded my Mac to High Sierra and did not experience anything in terms of slower 3D rendering. No change whatsoever.
  12. If you're using a window, you can't get rid of the cutout, except in certain cases in pony walls, and then only in X10 it seems. For now CAD lines & masks is how I cover up the cutouts. I posted a Suggestion asking for cutouts to be hidden when their parent window is hidden. Click it and give your support:
  13. It's easy to change the drywall color to whatever you want, without a paint layer, using the Adjust Material Definition tool. Just click the tool on the drywall in a camera view. Applies to all walls with "Drywall" material: That won't work if you want multiple colors in a plan, but for that you could set up additional drywall materials with different colors.
  14. Hit D Returns you to Default pointer. Or go to Edit > Edit Behaviors > Default
  15. It looks like you don't have shadows on, Toggle Shadows On. Go to 3D > 3D View Defaults, set Daytime Ambient to 100%. It will look blown out in standard render but works for RT. (Setting Interior Ambient to 100% also enhances interior RTs) In RT Settings, try Ambient Occlusion at 0.1 Min and 6.0 Max, Direct Sunlight 5.0 Uncheck Use Tone Mapping. You can adjust those settings during or after RT. I didn't have your textures so my RT looked cartoony too but a little more realistic using these settings.
  16. Why, it's the breakfast of champions, of course!
  17. Yep each return is consistent in PDF. I had already made the PDF file but didn't look there. There are still oddities, though, like on one elevation, there's a dark line where the return meets the gable, on another it's a faint line. But at least it's not broken like the example above. I don't care if they're different, as long as it isn't broken errratically. You can see how they're "inconsistently consistent" in the attached screenshot of PDF. But yeah, the PDF will do, and is what I print from. Thanks!
  18. Yes. This infuriates me. Please make it ... Another ... suggestion.
  19. Select all the dims at once, hit "open," go to Primary Format tab and check "Use Default Formatting"
  20. Gotcha. It looked like the bottom of the stringer was even with the subfloor. Yikes!
  21. Anyone else seen this, or know why? I often get weird erratic linework on my elevation vectors. Attached is a common example. This is an automatic Chief roof return, nothing manual about it, no weird attic walls or anything else strange in the plan... I usually fix it with CAD / masks but would rather not if I can make it behave. Thanks
  22. Hi, I had this issue in Pony Walls which I made a Suggestion about that turned out to be unnecessary since that problem seems to have been addressed in X10, but this is a little different. Many times, I want to turn off a window or door layer in a certain view, and also the cutout, but the cutout always shows. Maybe this is different in X10 too, or am I missing something in X9 whereby the cutout can also be hidden on any floor level or wall type? I have always just thrown a CAD mask over the cutout but thought I might be missing a setting...? Thanks.
  23. I'm just curious, what does the bottom of the staircase bear on IRL?
  24. Even though I have SSA, this is the main reason I've held off upgrading to X10. I'm only now, after much struggle, getting decent RT results. Are we better off just moving to PBR and leaving RT behind? That seems to have been the decision at HQ...