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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. You don't get this Export progress box? Does Chief return to normal functioning after you try to export?
  2. To whomever, a down-vote is worthless feedback. Tell us why, and provide your solution.
  3. Check the layerset - it's possible that the fixtures are on a layer with a color set to red; if so, change the layer color.
  4. Set up your basement normally, then remove the floor structure. Add a manual slab for the new floor. Add a molding polyline for the footing overpour. Cut a section and autodetail and/or add CAD as necessary.
  5. Draw an arc, convert it to a 3D Molding Polyline, then assign a molding shape and texture. EDIT: You can achieve a smoother curve by converting the arc to a polyline before converting it to a 3D Molding Polyline:
  6. I don't believe that planning for future adjustment is the intended use of a field-height adjustable column. The adjustment range aids in erection, ensures the full bearing of the structure on the cap, and allows for leveling the floor. I agree with Eric @architectthat most column manufacturers require the adjustment screw to be disabled after final adjustment. Here is the language from the ICC ESR reports for two widespread brands: Afco: After the column has been adjusted...one screw thread must be damaged...to prevent vertical movement of the column. Akron/Tiger: After installation, the adjustment assembly must be encased in concrete to prevent movement after installation. Perhaps there are exceptions, but in my neck of the woods, you won't get an occupancy permit unless the adjustment mechanism has been disabled.
  7. Most methods for this kind of work require a brute force approach. My typical workflow: 1. For reflected ceiling plans, I prefer to use closed polylines to define the perimeter of each area that has a discrete grid layout, such as rooms, etc. I then assign each closed polyline a Fill Style>Grid with a Scale Width and Height to match the ceiling tile (12x12, 24x24, 24x48, etc.), and adjust the Offset and Angle to nudge the pattern into place. 2. For 3D views, I minimize the number of areas that need to be modeled accurately, then create ceiling Materials for just those areas, and adjust the Material properties as required.
  8. 1. The troffers won't display because your 3D View Layerset doesn't have the Fixtures, Interior layer turned on. 2. The lines don't display because CAD linework doesn't display in 3D Views. 3. To align the ceiling in 3D view with your linework in plan, you will need to adjust the ceiling's Material Definition Offset and Angle. You may need to create several separate Materials, with different Offset and Angle settings, to get each Room to display the ceiling properly.
  9. You can use the Grid 01 material, adjust the Color to black, Reflection to 0, Scale to around 1.25, turn Metalness off and Two-sided On.
  10. Check the Material Definition. Some materials, such as Predefined Metal, appear dark (or black) when rendered using the Standard technique, and will appear as they should (like a metal) in a Raytrace.
  11. Here are Mitsubishi symbols I scrubbed and repurposed from MEPContent: Mitsubishi X14.calibz
  12. Our workstations are all from Falcon Northwest and use liquid cooling. Since 2014 we've operated 8 units and experienced only 1 cooling system failure, with a replacement cost of $150. In the previous 16 years we ran air-cooled Dell workstations with Quadro cards and fried at least two power supplies per year.
  13. Just place your Rotator, then drag-and-drop the Chief door and door hardware object folders into the Rotator folder. No need to separate the hardware.
  14. AFAIK, Chief can't model an overhead sectional door correctly OOB. There is no setting in the door dialog box that will approximate the actual condition of a garage door installation. I would be happy to be wrong, if someone can show us how (work-arounds not included).
  15. There is more than one way to accomplish this, depending on whether your workflow imports as Collapse by Material, or Keep Hierarchy. This example uses Keep Hierarchy and a hinged exterior door. 1. Export from Chief as DAE. 2. Import, Keep Hierarchy. 3. Select the door, which will highlight the object reference in the Scene tree. Rename the object's containing folder so it's easy to find in the tree (for later). 4. Select the door hardware, and rename the folder. 5. Open the Library and navigate to Objects>Doors>Rotating Doors. Select Simple Rotating 01 and drag-and-drop it onto the door object, a blue rectangle should appear to indicate the operation is valid. 6. Return to the Scene tree and turn off the visibility of the door and the door hardware (this is why it's important to rename the containing folders). 7. With the Twinmotion door selected, adjust the properties as desired. Then you can animate.
  16. Just a thought, it almost looks like what I get with these settings: Window Specification>Options>Recessed into Wall Window Specification>Sill>Use Exterior Sill>Inset>Apron IOW, is it possible that the 1x1 is the Apron?
  17. If I understand correctly, which is a big if: Referencing the Default Settings>Floors and Rooms>Floor Levels>Floor 0 dialog box, the basic issue is that the Absolute Elevations>Floor value needs to be coordinated with the Relative Heights>Stem Wall value. You can either: 1. Adjust the Stem Wall value: 2. Adjust the Floor value:
  18. The stringers are 1/2" plate; modeled them with Polyline Solids in X9 I believe.
  19. I need them for setting up isometric cartoons of structural and special assemblies. Sometimes I use CAD, but other conditions need to be modeled for 3D purposes, so I use the model to build the isometric:
  20. The terrain hole modifies the terrain above and below, as you've noted, so it may not help with an earth home that is partially buried. AFAIK, Chief doesn't have a terrain feature that can create a horizontal recess in a terrain perimeter. Some creative possibilities may include polyline solids, molding polylines, etc.
  21. Turn off Hide Terrain Intersected by Building.
  22. You could use a tile texture built with the development team's Substance Player Tile_Builder. Here is a quick and dirty: Metal_Wall_Panel.calibz
  23. @DefinedDesign, here is what I use: Wire Shelf.calibz Wire Shelf with Standards.calibz Insert the Wire Shelf with Standards symbol into your plan. It's set up for a "standard" 18x60 unit. This symbol has 4 corner standards with casters, and the lowest shelf at 6" off the floor, per most commercial food codes. Then insert the Wire Shelf symbol, center it on the previous symbol in both the X and Y axes, and set the height accordingly; repeat for every shelf you need.