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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. A wall cap will work if you use a pony wall with the same wall type above and below:
  2. I believe the OP wants a recessed curtain track placed in the open space between the ceiling and the wall. I suggest using a molding polyline (shown in red in the 3D image):
  3. Chief doesn't allow multiple-component Materials. If you're concerned with an accurate Materials List, I believe you'll need to define 4 separate Materials and modify the Depth attribute in the Define Material>Materials List tab; then modify your Wall definitions for the appropriate thickness of the Zip-R layer.
  4. Here is my preference: pull the side gable eave back a bit and return the front gable eave a couple of feet:
  5. I've been able to use them for wall bracing using the appropriate ESR report: ESR-3373. The big disadvantage is that wall panel lengths must be a minimum of 48", and you need the code official to sign-off if you design the panels to resist both uplift and shear.
  6. I believe it would be most common and economical to use top-chord bearing bar joists in this case, unless there is another compelling reason for bottom-chord bearing joists. If using top-chord bearing, I suggest setting the garage floor structure to the standard seat depth of 2-1/2" (for K-series joists) as a starting point; Chief will then automagically build the foundation walls higher, and you can manually draw in the bar joist profile: A hollow-core precast plank and split slab system may also be worth considering.
  7. Create a new Material and assign the picture as the Texture Source.
  8. Yes. I apologize for not reading your signature - I didn't realize you needed it for X12. I don't have X12 installed any longer, so here is the Sketchup file which you can import directly into your version of Chief: texas storm shelter.skp
  9. I thought this would be a good symbol to have, so here is their 6x10 above-ground model: texasstormshelter.calibz Provide your own slab. The symbol is ready to resize for depth and width. This doesn't have their roof option.
  10. I upgraded from a Logitech MX510, which I've had for years and years, to a Razer Mamba gaming mouse. The two features I love about the Mama: 1) very light, and 2) the middle button allows me to switch DPI on the fly, and I can customize up to 5 different DPI settings. When I'm moving the cursor between three side-by-side monitors, a high DPI allows me to navigate without the need to lift the mouse and set it back down. When I'm doing precision work I use a low DPI. The best purchase I've made related to mice is the Cougar Bunker mouse bungee; I know it seems trivial, but it was truly a game changer because I no longer have to fight the mouse cord.
  11. Only if you have a pony wall:
  12. Joey, The slide I uploaded was based on a DunRite. Lessons learned: 1. It's absolutely crucial to fully understand DunRite's terminology and specification for the Entry and Exit directions and number of degrees of rotation. I got it wrong and we had to extend the landing to meet the entry box, as seen here: 2. The DunRite slide had horrible aluminum welds - we had to send the slide out to have them ground down, then have the whole slide re-powder-coated. The slide with shipping cost $13,600. After the extra work the cost was about the price of a stainless slide with polycarbonate cover from Wiegand Sports for $19,000. The deal-breaker with Wiegand is that they require you to pay for a supervisor to fly in from Germany and pony up for expenses and accommodations.
  13. You could use Text (not Rich Text) and use Text Specification>Text Style>Source of Text Style>Use Layer for Text Style. Then you can control the text size using the Annotation Set and associated Layer Set.
  14. In Chief, each individual Symbol is a copy, not an instance - IOW any modifications you make to a copy doesn't affect the other copies.
  15. here is the slide as shown in my post: helical slide.calibz here are the sketchup files with different landing configs: helical slide.skphelical slide negative balusters.skphelical slide 4-inch cutouts.skp
  16. One possibility: if you change the Window Specification>Object Information>Description value for both windows from the default %automatic_description% to an identical custom value, e.g. "hinged", and Schedule Specification>General>Include Options>Group Similar Objects is checked, then Chief will ignore the hinging and will group the windows together based on their identical Description.
  17. Needed to whip this up for a project. It's based on the Superior Clay 18x18 Diamond pot. It's not quite right, but I can't put my finger on what's off. Anyway, it does in a pinch. Chimney Pot.calibz
  18. Chief's programmed behavior is to zoom approximately 10% with a single mouse-wheel "notch". I haven't noticed any zooming issues since the update.
  19. 1. Select the two end railing walls and set Rail Style>Start/End Posts>Start Type to None: 2. Select the front railing wall and set Rail Style>Newels/Post to Rail to Post: 3. Enjoy the result:
  20. Can you shoot an ortho view and pull the walls down, then add a Wall Cap? This screen shot uses Flat Ceiling Over This Room with a default Ceiling Finish:
  21. I don't think you're missing anything. The Plan View displays the Roof Overhang to the exterior face of the subfascia, and it displays the Roof Plane to the exterior of the fasica/shadowboard. I believe the Reference Manual is not consistent with what is actually displayed. And, there is the problem with the language used to explain Boxed Eaves and Default to Overhang.
  22. Ryan, I suspect the OP needs a full 8" thick wall below grade as shown in the detail, which is why an extended top-chord bearing is necessary. Truss bearing length may also be an issue. These are design issues, but they manifest as Chief issues when attempting to model the conditions. It would be nice if the software would give us more control over truss end conditions.
  23. You can get close using a Pony Wall for the foundation wall and checking Wall Specification>Structure>Platform Intersections>Ceiling Platform>Hang Floor Platform Above on Wall. Draw a Floor Truss, modify it, lock it, then copy it across. You will still need some CAD work to clean up the sections, or you can not worry about modeling the condition and simply reference the nice detail you have.