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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Nope,you can keep using older ones but can't sell them after upgrading.
  2. Ah, woke up now, just saw the rest, need another cup Had a quick run at this over coffee. Changed window setting and cut windows; break railing wall, change section in front of windows to furred, no room definition, Primary exterior wall disappears, put back, reverse layers if they are wrong (were on one side, not other) Paste back windows, fix gap in railing wall.(each side was slightly different there) Still issue with soffit on one side. CHANDLER fixed.plan
  3. Not at machine with Chief but does this help?
  4. Had to do something along these lines for a pediment once, another time for cathedral ceiling. IRL I once did installed the exterior crown on a Carpenter Gothic with tons of these. Made my head hurt. I had a couple of little programs that worked out the cuts and I'd go home at night and try to work corners out, getting the angles and the math made my head hurt. This was before digital was common so I relied on t-bevels and foam core. The worst was getting around the copper drains that were already installed. When I did this in Chief last time it was something like real life. Made the molding flat first, converted to a millwork symbol and rotated. The pediment was easier thanks to the gap between the sides. (wonder if that's how that developed to begin with?) Here I took those symbols and adjusted the stretch zones so I could "lop off" the ends and put them together. I'd only bother to do this on a model if dimensions were settled since you have to work them all out ahead of time, and it was really important (there's there's also my tendency to be a weenie). Note that I had issues getting the blocks correct which made it less workable fitting it to walls. But this was a quickie.
  5. Update. Sent them 3D dwg , a DAE, and another 3DS set to legacy. All but the 3DS worked-they tried Rhino and 3DMax (several versions). I then took the 3DS, opened it in TurboCad and did a save as and added options-"Preserve loaded 3DS materials, and "Save Keyframe". Just heard back that they could open that but that "some of the normals were reversed" (which I don't know what that means) So oddly Chiefs export of 3DS doesn't work properly in 3DMax? Thought CA used 3DMax for symbols?
  6. Had a hunch, thanks for looking. I was looking for a way to compensate for the incorrect behavior of using "Auto Finished" on sides and back of cabinets. Every cabinet order I have ever done requires finished sides called out or you don't get them. It's bad enough OOB... but once I start hacking cabinets (add an extended side to a cabinet, standard interiors that don't match the exterior, standard sides that LOOK unfinished as a reminder) it gets even worse. Hacking for interiors makes every cabinet a peninsula cabinet in description. Thought it would be nice if I could get side mods to read somehow too. Looked into messing with the components again (shudder) doesn't appear to help. It occurred to me that even if they give me the attribute it may only be a True/False which would be useless anyway. I'll muddle along as is, besides I'd prefer they do stairs.
  7. I tried- a few times (I'd be happier), client is north of Boston and wanted local, the outfit she wanted does drone pictures of the site to insert. This is all for presentation to land the job to begin with.
  8. I do my cabinet schedules according to how each supplier wants them ordered. Every one I deal with has a single column for finished sides with anything more than that added as a modification (flush finished, door on side non working, wainscot end...) This one is in progress right now, has been abbreviated from it's final.
  9. Is there a way to access attributes that are listed for an object in the schedule but not it the object properties? for instance cabinet "Side finish"?
  10. I just re-installed Thea and it opens there too. Thanks Rene.
  11. Oh, sorry never occurred to me since I do that nonsense every day-we each see what we need to
  12. You don't HAVE to do this. It just makes it easier to help out, BTW it is suggested in the sticky at the beginning and has been for a while.
  13. Not it's not impossible pretty easy actually. Here it is-take a long look through the DBX of all the items I've referred you to so you can start to see what you can manipulate and what you can't. Here is a plan with base set as what you are after- set it as a default, change side to finished and presto. I'd copy a slab door to my user library and NAME it cab_side or such so it's easy to identify in the materials of the DBX (didn't bother here) I like your idea, going to implement it myself, a visual clue would be handy thanks. Cabinet side different.plan
  14. I tested it in TurboCad and also brought back into Chief as a symbol. Thanks for looking. WC Modle
  15. A client of mine has contracted with a rendering company that is using 3D Max. I sent them a 3DS file and they say they can't open it? any idea why?
  16. what version are you using? (which is why the say to place in your signature. Unless it's very old version this inda cabinet DBX 101. MIght want to read up a bit in help, reference manual or the tutorial. Here's the gist... Cabinet box dbx, front sides back tab, select door, specify, pick a glass door. F1 gets help, Information for the Schedule is placed in an OIP field (object information panel). Please complete your signature to include version you use, some computer info helps at some point.
  17. For one maker I'd do it this way, for another I'd use two cabinets and list them as combined. In some instances I may list the first method as combined as well but would still build and list it as a single cabinet. SO it just depends on how the maker wants to read it. BTW you can select a block and have it show in the cabinet schedule if you need to. cabinet schedule.plan
  18. Meshlab is one, there are several programs out there
  19. Hi Brett, welcome aboard. I posted a link for you in Tips to the plan file with an example of the symbol I use for making the inside of cabinets what they are in real life. I set my default cabinet to use that in the back. Fillers done that use the defaults will also have these in the back and will need to be altered. Keep some in your library and drag them in as needed. Otherwise in that file and this one -open the cabinets there (and here) examine the dialog boxes, then open the symbol (s) and examine them looking at -orientation and origin, then stretch areas. Do a little reading up on symbols in either the help or the reference manual (my favorite). You will want to make a "cabinet inside" back insert for walls and any other depths. Keep them in your user library (be sure to rename them) For finished sides- yes CA is a bit unreliable when it comes to finishing sides. I expect that may be fixed sometime soon since based on conversations I've had but in the meantime. I set the default cabinet sides to "unfinished" then I use a custom OIP field (pictured below) where I place the finished sides. SO yes you have to do it. The options are-either to have them already filled out to have both finished in your default cabinet OR have neither filled out. While it is easier to delete than to add I currently favor not filling it out (however I have set up all my user library cabinets to have a Flush Finish Mod since that take more work to add) For the way I work with cabinets and defaults I ONLY use the cabinets for the "Build, Cabinet,.." menu OR cabinets that I have stored in my user library. I NEVER use cabinets from Chiefs library since they do not behave well with defaults. I've set keyboard shortcuts for the menu cabinets (CB; CW; CT; and fillers FB; FW; FT) Design with those then use "Replace from library" to change to cabinets that I already have conigured (with mods listed). The system is pretty efficient and gets a schedule that can be used to create an order (I've posted info on doing that in the past) This plan has the beginnings of a schedule though I typically rename most of the fields to make them shorter. Then once you get a handle on that you may want to look over the annotation sets that are in this plan. They are an older set and may have some mistakes (in the process of redoing all of that) but they will give you an idea of some things you can use them for that will speed things up. Finished Sides and interiors.plan
  20. What I use for this (as my default cabinet) is here-only issue is fillers need the "back: changed to unfinished so I keep them in the library and/or copy them around the plan AND I have a few different depths made. Put this over there and I'll show you how I deal with finished sides that solves the issues you have run into. It's not perfect but works for me.
  21. You can use "false drawer" instead of drawer box if you don't want to see the boxes but then you can't open them in 3D if you want to. Move using using Transform replicate and type in a number OR resize to fit properly.
  22. If the question is can you filter individual folders within the user catalog (which I think it is) the answer is no. That has been requested, make the suggestion again. I'm set up so that all my work is done from the user library for efficiency. It would be a big help to be able to filer it since it is extensive. The solution I use when adding a brand catalog or a lot of new symbols is to make sure that everything is already in folders-the bottom of the user library is blank. Then name the folder that I will be placing everything in so that it ends up at the bottom of the folder list -Z_new stuff- or whatever. I rename it later. Also use a trick to move folders that I will be working with so they end up at the top of the list-" A__Tirebiter" etc.(I often set up a folder for individual projects copying items to it from elsewhere (NOT shortcuts) so that if I have to change things in a DBX I don't have to click around the library.
  23. Change separations to zero, use blank area to create reveals, set sides and back to openings as needed, usually toe height at zero.