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Everything posted by DzinEye

  1. Also in that post Solver suggested using the blank line style for the cabinets in the reference set... which effectively hides the cabinet and shows the sink
  2. Thx Eric. Just scrolled through...and funny thing is when I got to your solution I see that I gave you a +1 for that way back when you posted it. So much for learning new tricks.
  3. Since I've only ever needed to do this after the fact, just like you're doing here, this was my solution, but as Ryan suggests, if you insert the original sink in this way you won't need double sinks. They really should let the sink remain on the original layer. I believe he IS using reference set Joe... the problem is you need to have the base cabinet layer turned on in order to show the sinks in those cabinets. If you don't want to show the base cabinet then you're SOL without a 2nd sink. I don't know why the sink layer needs to change...
  4. If you need/use material list etc. then this will muck it up, but you can insert another sink(s) free-standing then move it into position over the embedded sink and it will maintain it's layer.
  5. Extend the exterior wall into the room and break it where the corner is. Then select that piece of wall open the DBX and select the Roof panel, select 'Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom'. To hide that wall in your plan view you can put that piece of wall on a layer you can make it an 'attic wall' and have that layer off, or make up your own layer name for it that can be off in plan view.
  6. Thanks Rene!... Ingenious idea to use cabinets and sink to achieve this. Will have to take a closer look. Enjoy Costa Rica!...lucky dog.
  7. Ya... you should post this Q in a new post... but here's what you need to do.. First select the page number text box on page 0, open it and select the Layout Page Label macro from the available list... or just type it in. Then in your Project Browser you need to set up one of each of whatevever different prefix pages you need... T, A, S, etc., using the Label area in the Layout Page Specification per the example below. "A-#" will automatically let you add A-pages, "S-#" will let you add S-pages, etc..
  8. I've always done this with a cased window so never noticed this issue before. Only way I could get both corners to finish as you want was to use two separate windows for the center section. Don't know if anyone else knows a solution, but I think you should bring this to Chief's attention.
  9. Just make it: Specify a Glass Panel door style, then using the Lites tab to give it 5 lites, and specifying a nice wide muntin width to match your photo
  10. For what it's worth, you can get it even closer by specifying a Glass Panel door style, then using the Lites tab to give it 5 lites, and specifying a nice wide muntin width to match your photo
  11. I have a similar problem myself... the roof is creating weird spiky balusters below, even though there shouldn't even be a baluster there at all as I have 8' spacing specified.
  12. Marty, Not to dissuade you from pursuing a custom 2D block, but just in case you don't understand... Eric is trying to show you that you can get the look you want in your custom symbol by simply by turning off the window layers for Interior Casings and Exterior Casings...and may as well turn off Opening Header Lines as well. Sorry...I can't offer you a solution on the use of a custom 2D block with regard to 3D window placement, but I've played with creating new windows in the past and it is very fidgety to get things right. You can do it, but it takes a chunk of time messing around with various settings. Have a look at videos about custom windows on Alaskan Son's youtube channel
  13. Verify what wind speed you need to design for per the ASCE wind speed map.
  14. Is there a secret to getting a clean looking (mitered?) outside corner with wall material regions? I always seem to get an inside corner butt-joint
  15. Your tile pattern has a 1/3 offset lay, so pretty sure you'll need to capture at least 3 tiles worth of width in order to create a repeating pattern.
  16. Ahh.. now I see that in your last sentence. You should put that in your first sentence! No, I don't know of a way to batch import... but I'm kind of curious why you'd find it more convenient to have them in the user library than any other system folder you could browse and import from?
  17. Right Click on your User Folder, Select - New - Image , then provide the path to your image
  18. Thanks Steve. Yep...I get it now. Well, I get how it is set up, but I don't get why they set it up that way. Kinda wonky if you ask me. Perhaps they have a good reason...but it's sure not readily apparent. Wonder if it might have something to do with making style pallets work
  19. Anyone know why are there both a Material Defaults for Fascia AND a Roof Defaults for Fascia ??
  20. Thanks Michael.... wow... that just seems hard to believe. Looks like I have to make a Suggestion...
  21. Not sure how I've gotten this many years into Chief and yet not know whether or not this is possible or I simply haven't learned it, but my attempts to solve and my search were fruitless. I selected a number of roof planes and made some changes to soffit, frieze and materials. Then I noticed I missed selecting a few of the roof planes I wanted to change. I thought that I would use the match properties tool to quickly match the roofs I had just changed. This led to much frustration and no solution. Forum search led to no solution. I tried object eye-dropper too. Is there no way to do this?? Seems like a massive oversight if so.
  22. Are you sure about that Richard? Try setting your 'Walls, Main Layer Only" line thickness to something quite different from that in your normal wall definition and then toggle that layer... .my wall lines do not change.