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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Yep - in fact here I did a quick vid on this...
  2. Here was the final product.
  3. Yep, I was making a Nana "type" wall - otherwise the Bi-fold option would have been good. Thanks guys!
  4. I even tried removing the door from the wall....
  5. I wanted to make a folding door system just placing door panels next to each-other. How can I get a door to work as a general symbol? When I create a symbol of the door it grabs the wall too. Thanks!
  6. Kirk - is CA considering any sort of render farm in the future for clients?....perhaps part of an SSA package? Also, does the CA viewer allow Raytrace? I was thinking about getting a dedicated rendering computer for our office but was thinking about the need for additional lic.
  7. PDF's a couple (few) years back switched from having raster images only (though broken up) to "vector" mixed with raster AND multi-layer support. I can tell you in VW we have a option to import the PDF as a bitmap or as vector - which solves this issue. I dont have CA in front of me, but perhaps that same option is on the import window..... Otherwise, if you have a copy of Acrobat Pro or Photoshop you can open the PDF and then save again as bitmap only.
  8. Here is a quick concept fix if you want - I did this for my own exercise but here are the files if you want.... Obviously lots more to refine, as I was just playing around to a point, but this may help - or it might not since I have no idea what you need for the project. Doerr.plan
  9. Here is a pic of what I am talking about -
  10. I believe Chief is having a hard time doing this automatically since your porch width is greater than your main body house you can't have the same pitch unless you wanted your front porch roof peak to extend past the main body roof, or lower the pitch and have a bastard valley. Not to mention having the garage gable is a problem for the area these 2 valleys would be - and you'd then need a cricket or something to fix the intersecting valleys. Overall what you are wanting has a lot of problems even if you did manually build it....just FYI.
  11. I might get some flak for this, but I am not sure CA is good in a multi-person collaboration type work environment. I had a multi-person environment I tried to bring CA into and it didn't work well for many reasons. Our main application in our office is something other than CA, but perhaps the type of projects you do and your needs can work for CA....generally speaking there is no built-in support for multiple users. CA is worth having in your office though - you can quickly create presentations for clients.
  12. Very nice Rich - well done. I'd love to know how you captured that looks great. Any chance you would share your method?
  13. Exactly. Its almost a cost of marketing in some ways. I'll say again you can't do that for everyone or you will get burned, but clients you know are bona-fide.
  14. For new clients I typically take a retainer to start, but for clients i've done a lot of work for they can call me up and ask me to do something like this so they can get the process started. Its not "free" but I feel my being easy to get going in a project helps me land a lot of work. I try to make myself almost an extension of their back-office. Concept work, and that process, is very important to me.
  15. Thank you very much!
  16. That was an oldie but goodie.... I think they still sell that program, and it was actually fairly popular with architects....good 2d, and I guess they got better 3D but I had moved on to Vectorworks (MiniCad). Honestly, if I was to ask CA to incorporate any program's 2d that app would be at the top of my list. Vectorworks has some very sophisticated image and texture mapping now, but Powercadd was just so nice.
  17. This is just preliminary, but I was able to use CA for a light commercial project. This image secured me the contract and I got approval to move forward....
  18. OK - i did what you said and the connect was fixed but I still dont have a room....odd.
  19. Thank you! I ended up just placing polys which was fast, but I will go back and fix.
  20. For some reason on a project I can't get connected walls to make a room. I opened up a new plan and took the same 2 wall types and was able to make rooms in the same manner I am trying for my "problem file", so I am stumped. I can see there is an odd connection at one of the intersections, but not sure why. Below are the screen and I included the file of course. CONCEPT3.plan
  21. VW had the same option and its a checkbox per member or class setting. VW even had a joist hanger option where it showed the hanger hardware. Its just not a lot of people bother to create 3D for framing materials so use a line instead just in 2D....which I did a lot.
  22. Tough but good question. Id say 30%ish for me.