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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I just tested it and yes, Perry is right (not that I doubted him but just wanted to try). Perhaps if you have this default set before you model your data it would be correct...? Although, even though i used to draw single lines in my 2d drawings, I prefer the full shape in 3D modeling since I can then see the edges of the beams and framing members to make sure it fully works.
  2. I agree that only a few % of the users of CA are on the forums, but the reputation CA has among architects isn't good, but I think that has more to do with them confusing the DIY products and the Premiere version. Unlike Revit, which we don't call "Autodesk", has solid branding of a pro-product. The name "Chief Architect" is on all the DIY produces, and we don't typically use the term "Premier" to identify CA. It largely depends on the location I suppose you work, but I can tell you where I am "builders" don't design/draw homes like they did even 10 years ago. Everything is getting so complicated most builders are seeking professionals to handle their work. The architects I talk shop with typically use Revit and Sketchup.
  3. Just thinking, if I had to name (3) three things that would change my experience overnight with CA, it would be: 1. Better basic 3d modeling tools - like Sketchup has, including groupings/component methods. 2. Option to make connections manually and turn off automation (again, just option to do that - nothing would change for current use). 3. Terrain and Street/Road improvements. Terrain is very complex and I feel hard to control, while the current road/driveway tools doesn't create real (code based) transitions. Wishlist visual items would be: 1. Profile lines. 2. Poche fills for wall/object sections 3. Shadows in any view.
  4. Sorry Scott - I really didn't mean to blow you off but I had something huge come up at the last min. I promise if you come this way again I wont bail. I'd love to come to the UGM but i'm swamped right now, and driving through eastern Washington right now with the fires going on could be an issue. Hw 20 (which I would take) is actually closed (last i heard), so I would end up having to traveling around-about meaning 2-3x the time. On the modeling challenge, I have no question a competent CA user could give anyone a run for their money in any app....although, it is entirely possible they could run into a major sticking point and lose that competition, as I know you've had problems as well with certain things. Though the other apps may have issues and nuances, I dont believe they are anywhere near the level of issues CA has. That said, 50% of my issues would near go away if CA would implement my suggestion on having the manual connections as an option. It more often than not the automation that gets me stuck.
  5. Its true VW and Archicad have a lot of features, but if you don't want to use "a feature" to complete a project you have powerful (but basic) 3D shape modeling tools as a standby. I may only use 30-50% of Vectorworks, but I can do anything I want with that % since I can approach the same challenge from different directions. CA seems to be a 1-trick pony in that if you dont do it the way they want, it aint getting done. Obviously I dont mean everything is like that, but many things are. For me, if CA had solid basic modeling tools I would feel more confident in my ability to get things done on time. I believe this would help new professionals using CA as well - since many of the 3D apps use similar features and processes now to create/model shapes. Not to mention, the initial concept phase would be much more useful. I too have not done large commercial projects beyond some interior design for a certain office space or floor of a large building. I'm not after CA to provide anything of the sort, so we are in agreement there. Please keep in mind you guys are CA guru's and represent a very small % of the users in regards abilities - your perspectives may not be the same as a more common user. You guys have a perfected work-flow that you've been repeating and users like me are still trying to find a workflow to duplicate and perfect. If one of you guys took at start to finish video tutorial on a project with all your processes that would be huge (but I realize not practical in terms of effort).
  6. Thanks guys - I dont understand that since I never myself changed any of that....but thank you!
  7. I dont find CA so far to be any fact, its been the opposite. There are so many things it does elegantly and quickly that I believe if I can start to better understand the app I might be able to make it work. So far, if I had to spend the time I do now on projects I couldn't keep using CA. Some might say its my failing, and not CA's - but I have to disagree based upon what I see on the threads and tutorials by Chief Experts. Dan B. gets stuck often. That doesn't happen in other apps....I find I rarely, if ever, get stuck like I do in CA. As to this thread - I dont fully understand why CA doesn't have basic 3D toolsets like most apps have now. In another thread I saw a Dev mention it was coming, or a focus of CA to improve - something along those lines. If CA had SU tools inside of it that would be all that is necessary for this app to meet all sorts of needs.
  8. I have no idea how this happened, but I was placing some block walls (its existing in remodel) and my terrain lines disappeared. I have terrain, and all my terrain layers on, but no terrain lines except up in the front of the home. Bizarre - and i've just spent the last hour trying to figure this out. Honestly, I am struggling mightily and im trying to give in to the CA logic a bit - but am failing. At this point I am asking so many questions I feel I should be paying you guys my fees to design this stuff. ashok_mallya_residence_b.plan
  9. johnny

    Text issue

    edit post - found the issue.... If anyone looked at my previous non-edited post, the issue was I had a line on the (wall) angle which I used as a guide, and the dimension I ran used that line and not the wall.
  10. johnny

    Text issue

    Thank Sir - found it. Although, I have to say there are a lot of input options for text that seem to be overlapping.
  11. johnny

    Text issue

    Thanks, but I dont see any "rich text defaults" in the menu. I even checked defaults window, could you please point me to that location? Also, so you know if you click on "layer" the rich text is on, it takes you to the "default text style" shown above.
  12. OK, so I set all my default text styles to "Arial" font (as need in the screen shot below), but for some reason when I go to make a "rich text" input the "Chief Blueprint" font is showing. I double-click through the process to see that, yes I have Arial set as default. This stumps me.
  13. Wow.... i've heard of FormZ but never seen a video. The few I just saw where very impressive - looks more intuitive than SU. Here is a 5 min. creation of a Wright house. I'm going to check that out thanks.
  14. johnny

    Line style

    So I know, if I can select a room and label it automatically that would mean there is a positive definition - correct? Otherwise, what is "room definition problem"? Here is a selection of the space. Now, the space is a basement space but I placed a slab floor in there - does that mater?
  15. Again, since this thread it talking about the subject, I thought I would show you a quick reference on 2d shape to 3d shape to 3d model to 3d structure video in Vectorworks. Please forward this below video to 13:04 and see how this process works in Vectorworks. btw...even though VW is much faster at concept work, detailing in 3D later in the project flips to Chief Architect being much MUCH better for residential projects. This is why I am trying to force myself to learn CA.
  16. johnny

    Line style

    Thanks guys.... I was able to use a 3d poly and fixed the issue. However, I find myself in yet another odd issue. I have my terrain set to "hide terrain intersected by building", but its not doing that. So essentially its hidding terrain I want visible and making visible terrain i want hidden. My frustration level is rising quick, but I do appreciate (again) all the help. I couldn't use this app without this help. ashok_mallya_residence_b.plan
  17. I had the same issue when I started - only to come to the realization Chief simply doesn't work for this type of process. You need to use something like Sketchup to start (I use Vectorworks). Some people will say they can "design" fine using CA, but when I do I get too wrapped into the minutia of the details. What I want is a free flowing method like Sketchup/Vectorworks has - but even they too are a bit restrictive compared to truly sketching.
  18. johnny

    Line style

    Oddly, I dont seem to have that wall type in my defaults.....
  19. johnny

    Line style

    Thanks - will try that. Here is the plan FYI (was in another thread so wanted to link instead of take more CA drive space)
  20. johnny

    Line style

    Adding to my last post - I guess a terrain feature doesn't work since it gets clipped too. Man its things like this that just ruin my work-flow. I realize once I get it I will get it, but it kills my scheduling having to work through these issues. (mini-rant over)
  21. johnny

    Line style

    Sorry I wasn't trying to call you out on that - but pointing out someone would get the idea the "no rail" option would work. Thanks Scott for all your time and help. TO ANYONE: Just cause I dont want to create another thread - one issue I am not having is trying to "close" some terrain that exists under a floor structure on a remodel project where it is supported by beam/posts. The terrain is cutting itself - which typ would be fine, but in this case I want it to show. Should I just do a poly/terrain feature or something in that area, or is there an actual way to control the terrain for this area?
  22. johnny

    Line style

    Thanks Scott - I will do the 1/16" trick then. Though there is an option for "no rail" so shouldn't that turn off the rail? I dont claim to be a literary guru but one would get the idea that option would turn the rail off - and yet nothing happens. Again, thanks for the work-around on this.
  23. I wanted to have a single line representing my deck area (existing) - so I turned one of the lines off (set to none) in the wall Dbx (as shown). However, my deck outline still shows 2 lines...?? Is this a bug perhaps?
  24. Just as a helpful point on the design, you typically wouldn't have full window casing on the exterior of a window/door/vent which is on a brick clad wall. I mean you can do whatever you want, but this is unusual for that condition.
  25. Thank you both for the responses....the terrain I was able to "mostly" fix, but the deck issue is still odd since I dont have railings for that deck. I will try to send the "shape" to that layer I guess and perhaps that will work.