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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Chief thinks in terms of rooms - for better or worse. If you dont think in those same terms, and approach your project file differently, you will run into issue after issue. What I understand you to be saying is that you have a post and beam structure and am unsure if you should place that structure first or the "in-framing" first. Since you can't make rooms with post and beams I would say start with the in-framing, but I would draw lines that represent the "grid" of your posts and beam members. After you are done with that place the structural members into the file - and I would isolate the layers for each type. I'm not a Chief pro, but that is how I would go about it.
  2. Yep that was it, thanks. I had thought it needed to be checked for the sides to be dimensioned, but works fine un-checked.
  3. Thanks Glenn - that was easy.
  4. Is glenn's method the same as yusuf's?
  5. Does someone mind verifying this works on their system. When I set the default to R/O its 1/2" off still. I couldn't get it to work, but maybe I am missing something.
  6. edit - Joe show's below there is a way.
  7. You probably should post in the general section, as this area is more for people giving tips than asking questions.
  8. Is there a way to move a roof plane's baseline post creation, but in a way that actually resets the roof plane to the new baseline coordinate position keeping all other settings "locked"? I understand you can move the baseline, but simply dragging the baseline over to a new location messes up the other aspects of the roof plane settings. Thanks in advance.
  9. I should have clarified the term "true". Yes, other cards can display at 4k, but the buffering required creates a delay. I suppose for the type of work we're talking about it may be fine, but running anything past 30 FPS only 2 cards can do that - Nvidia’s Titan X and AMD’s dual-GPU Radeon R9 295x2. Any other card that can "handled" 4k is taxing it to a point where you are talking 16-20 FPS which is noticeably slow. So if you are rotating a high res 3D model its going to jump around a bit (but again, maybe this is fine).
  10. Just to be clear, you will never get the same "sharpness" from a TV product (even 4k) as you do from a computer monitor. For presentations and things I'm sure the TV would be fine, but for everyday work most recommend against using anything other than a true monitor. Also, as I understand it there is currently only 2 video card series that are true 4k - the Titian is one of them.
  11. if I am reading that correct its basically saying you need to apply to each separate primitive solid - so they've removed the feature altogether from CA. Well I guess that answers that.
  12. Yeah, I have a couple uses for this feature - but I don't expect to then be able to individually control the sub-items on their own without "un-blocking/grouping". Mostly I would want to have all items of the block influenced by a "cut" solid like the video shows.
  13. Thanks, and yep, I did see that and noted in my first comment - which was the point of the thread. What is the new (alternative) approach? It says there is one, and yet can't find it.
  14. Here is the instruction video training for that functionality in x1 - you can skip to 5:56
  15. So from x1 CA lost functionality?
  16. I was watching a tutorial on CA and solids, and for some reason I can't duplicate the process in the video of forming a "union" between multiple solid objects (not touching). The video has a note that newer versions of CA has a different process, but I can't seem to find it. I'd like to have multiple primitive solids as a single "object/shape" but not touching. An architectural block doesn't work - since I need to be able to interact with the shapes as a single 3d shape. Extracting other shapes from it. Thanks!
  17. Is there a way to scale a PDF of a drawing which contains only dimensions of walls etc on a 30 deg angle? Am I forced to find 90 degree dimensions to use?
  18. I really miss blue or brown line reversed prints...
  19. So you know, I really dont think many engineers use CA, so its doubtful you'll find someone from this forum that can integrate the way you're seeking. Your best bet is to export into dwg and then import their work...which will increase your options.
  20. I think what "support" means is that CA has never had a feature which specifically supports network based work-flows. What you are doing is just opening and saving files on a networked drive which should work the same as X6. Joe may be on to something there with your paths - and if thats not it then try looking at your computer and network. I realize you may think this is a CA issue due to the upgrade, but CA really doesn't care where you place files on your network so long as the read/write are the same as any other drive.
  21. I did it in VW - but I am sure it could be done in SU. If you send me the size and really want the rounded edges I can size it for you. I just modeled it to be somewhat proportional is all.
  22. Ok....but before I saw that I created one with the edges beveled if you want. It is a "proportionally" made model from the pic - so you can scale if you want. Also, I applied the different beveled edges per area and even slopped the "leg ends".
  23. I am glad you said it, and I agree fully. Although, its good to have lots of control on certain levels - so its a hard balance to make. Perhaps a small preview window where you can see the results in a fraction of the screen size so you can make certain adjustments without needing to go back and forth with actual ray tracing? Its not so much the options, per-se, but the fact you have to fully execute the render to see the results - then rise-repeat to correct.