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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I'm very confused over something related to CAD details. It appears that a CA project file has its own CAD details and the layout file that goes with the main file has another set. Can someone help me understand why and when you would use one over the other and vice versa? - Also, am I limited to bringing a Cad detail located in my main project file only into a Layout file? - Is there a good reason why we can't bring a Cad detail into a main project file and display the same way we would in Layout (like a blocked item)? -Lastly, is the "save-as" method the only method someone can use to transfer CAD details to new project files in an easy step? (without copying individually) Again, thanks in advance.
  2. I was just futzing around but I think this is actually a clean solution. Obviously you would need to get your settings correct - my example is just conceptualizing the process. So again this is using a ramp for the outside stringers and then set a custom rail however you want. What I will note about the ramp option is that you can actually very effectively set the "base" and "bottom" heights which give you control over how the edge at the first tread works....pretty cool actually. Bill's option looks like it would work too, but the ramp option almost lets you size the stringer like a solid piece of material.
  3. OK, I have a better solution for you after thinking about it. 1. Create your curved stair as you would any other stair - expect with no handrails and open under. 2. Create a "ramp" the size of the stringers you want and set your rail style, and again "open" under. Set each "ramp" flanking your stairs in the middle and it worked great. I still would suggest drawing some guide lines to establish your diameters etc. as this will make input faster IMO. (ADDED - i just noticed Glenns comment above being the same - I had my window open)
  4. You should star by drawing a 2d plan view you want for the stairs, and then use that as guidelines and as a sketch of what you are trying to do.
  5. Architectural notes for me appear on each major drawing sheet. I've attached an example of a foundation plan with these types of notes - however, this was done in CA and I wasn't familiar with the text formatting properties. I use architectural notes for most typical call-outs that I want more narrative. I've found this approach to bringing less errors and less plan clutter. This is different from structural notes, or combining structural/general notes.
  6. Would anyone mind sharing where they place architectural notes? In plans I've done in CA, I've had specific layersets that were activated by the Annosets, which then had an activation of the specific text layer for each architectural "sheet" I had in a file. I would actually have Annosets named "A-1 Floor Plan" etc. Watching Wendy's videos it would appear she doesn't do it that way, so I am curious how others get that done.
  7. Thanks bud.... you know i'd love to know 1/2 the stuff you know about CA. (PS - another clarify for people who didn't understand what I said, in some of your Annoset/Layerset/MRLS vids you talking about how confusing it was, and my point is that you provide a testimony of the confusion in a Scott Hall version of you 3-4 years ago....which is why I said "intermediate" user.)
  8. No way I am intermediate....try hanging on from pure noob to beginner.
  9. I guess I have clarify. Scott at the time was an intermediate user (wasn't that like 3-4 years ago?) he is a pro. Those videos helped me a lot, and I am sure Scott knows how thankful I am on his time and efforts - - and this isn't to say his method wasn't effective since his stumbling through things is more matched to my stumbling through things in CA, so its MUCH more informative than a typical tutorial. My only point was that there wasn't fluid tutorial since the process is semi-complex. Again, id rather have it be "real" than making something look easy that really isnt.
  10. I believe the Anno-set concept was a good solution to the existing framework CA had in place, but I can tell you that other apps which deal with the same problems have a lot easier system to understand and control. If anyone wants me to provide a quick vid on how VW deals with the same issues, please let me know. I can tell you I never had an issue learning that system, but the CA system is very difficult to track sometimes....but admit that Wendy's recent vid helped a lot. Scott, I love your presentation style, but if anyone wants to watch the anno-set series he did on Anno-sets/layerselts/MRLS located at, it will give you a good testimony to an intermediate user's view of this process.
  11. You mean this doesn't say that?: I still find this odd and would prefer each 'view' to remember the annotation set. For example; I'm working on framing in plan view, but have multiple sections open so I can transfer beam and post sizing and notes to the sections. Going back and forth between the views means I have to toggle the annoy set each time because my sections are at 3/8" and plans are at 1/4" scale. I would prefer to have the annotation set be remembered with the view. I understand that plan view isn't static and can change for foundation, framing, plan views, etc, (although it would be helpful to have the foundation also remember it's annotation set).
  12. I could be way off base here, but I think the problem is that what they have visible in floor plan view isnt visible in any other camera view. Views aren't attached to the layer-set process.
  13. I opened my plan up today and I have SF number showing that I didn't have before, and I can't click on them or select them to delete. I assume one of the numbers is the conditioned space SF or something....but not sure. Thank,s JP
  14. The "Cloud" is mostly a marketing term in that the data follows you around or can be shared with anyone in the world. Autodesk has "Cloud" based applications, but these are just web apps that work with data from a network accessible through the internet. I dont know of any architectural/professional software that is wholly run from the maker's own network. There are obviously enterprise/networked versions, but that involves owning or leasing your own mainframe etc. As the other two people who commented mentioned, you can have your data in a "cloud" and that can be beneficial.
  15. I probably dont have the answer, but you should make sure your wall primary layer is set to be the rough framing (studs) and not the siding. However, I can tell you people on the forums will ask you post the plan.
  16. Thanks bud!, and thanks for the shared resource...I found this very interesting.
  17. Wendy, your videos are so much better than what Chief produces for tutorials. I really would advise Chief to look at your approach (and even Scotts for say webinars etc) and redo their lineup. Your videos are very understandable and I can track fully. I also agree with you about the fonts....I use Arial myself. Thank you so much.
  18. Thanks Rod. I'll try this too, but what I was really after is a way that a 3D presentation to a client can easily communicate the amount of grade changes around a building.
  19. So you know, its not a particular request - stepped terrain models with non-stepped roads and pathways are the norm. Perhaps you didn't know that, but its probably the most common type terrain model among architects. Here are a couple examples.
  20. So before I request this under suggestions, I wanted to ask if there is any current way to have terrain data shown on elevation models..? Meaning, you get a graphical representation of what the terrain does in CA, but if you are looking at the model there is no reference to locate actual numerical differences in the terrain. The only way I see to do that is looking at a plan view of the terrain model. Stepped topography is one way to see actual steps that relate to a specific measurement in elevation change. Another is Triangulated irregular grids/network. Here are examples of both. Stepped: Triangulated irregular grids/network: Glenn and Scott showed me a way before of getting the result of a stepped topo, but its very hard to work with other site elements (roads/walkways etc) after the method is used.
  21. Perhaps you can illustrate with a pic or two - I read what you are saying but not fully following.
  22. Where are they??? I dont see a link, am I missing something?