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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Here is my simple vid - nothing new, but there is something odd going on the fact you can't balloon those walls.
  2. My 2-cents (probably not even worth that) is the OP made manual changes to the walls AND the attic walls...nearly all of them. Add to that some of the conflicted settings (including room/floor settings) and you have yourself a mess. Michael's approach works since its rebuilding those walls that where manually played with by OP. I didn't figure it all out but this doesn't look correct either -
  3. ^^^^^ this...the design of that roof isn't good and asking for future problems. Redesign.You could just raise that added roof 3' or so and have an elevated post-to-beam support leaving the tie-in of that roof addition unessissary since it would just sit above the other roof planes. The gutter system remains as-is and the new roof's storm water just spills down to the lower, existing, roof/gutters. This would also look better too.
  4. Well said. However, I am curious about the "steeper learning curve" comment. For me, Chief has been the most difficult software product i've ever had to try and learn. It just isn't intuitive or logical to me...
  5. Just an FYI if you've upgraded to the current version from (directly or indirectly) this version you are selling ...that doesn't work.
  6. There is a good video about building laddered over frame truss conditions on Chief's YouTube follow that instruction but use rafters instead of trusses.
  7. You nailed it. With the boxes it locks the direction differently than the wall - ? Interesting.
  8. Can someone help tell me what I am doing wrong? I am trying to simply use the "tab-move" feature for walls but it doesn't seem to work.
  9. lol...very well could be - but then again, Chief isn't helping its cause... ...yeah not sure what is going on. My system is a fairly standard system - nothing odd.
  10. I use a Titian (Nvidia) with most recent driver. My system is: I didn't have issues with Raytrace until the last this is a new issue.
  11. I've tried all sorts of things including new install and as you suggested - nothing is working. I will have to call Chief on Monday and submit a bug. If no one else is getting this then I am very curious what it could be.
  12. I dont raytrace often so it hasn't been a huge deal, but since the last update any time I try and raytrace Chief crashes. Should i re-install the entire program?
  13. Thanks Michael - i didn't notice that...but do now. Complete user error on my part.
  14. I am having an issue making a copy of a material region and moving it to a new location. Thought maybe someone might know how to get this done correctly. problem.plan
  15. Is there a way to better control the center, reflect, and parallel tools? What I mean is they "bounce" all around and trying often to get the tool to act upon the selection I want can be a challenge. Is there a trick to this?
  16. We've been begging for material regions to deal with corners - and you are right its a major pain. Hard to image why it hasn't been fixed yet.
  17. I have a plan from a builder im trying to improve/work on. However, for some odd reason I can't get my deck railing to work such that it frames the deck floor etc. Lexar_young.plan
  18. Micheal is right on here. There are such good 3rd party apps for walk-thru's that is what I would use for this type of presentation. Personally, I dont think scripted walk-thru's are that effective.
  19. Just some advice, you most likely won't find an architect willing to do this for you unless they took ownership of the project (and all that implies). However, you may find an engineer willing to make sure your structure/design is sound and stamp the building plans.
  20. I think the OP is referring to the micro-update we had recently. I could be wrong though...
  21. I had a project where both Michael and Glenn saw the "bug" behavior and we both reported. The issue with blocked symbols and shapes I had may not be the same issue the OP has, but without the file we dont know for sure. Perhaps it is a terrain issue.
  22. There are known bugs in blocked symbols and shapes. Its a real pain.
  23. Its so incredibility easy to use the duplicate tool id say that is the fastest and simplest method.