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Everything posted by BenPalmer

  1. typically only on start varies, but usually hitting F2 or DEL...but as your starting up, before windows loads, it should list it usually on the bottom of the screen what to push to enter setup or bios. Good luck.
  2. Yep Glenn, see it now...don't think that was there before...i don't have to float is there on all of my posts by default now. Good to have it.
  3. Thanks Bill...I was thinking that too...however it stays on the automatic dimension layer. I may have to change the way I work, but it still doesn't make sense to me that if it stays on the auto dimension layer that it should work like the 'auto refresh' feature when I click auto dimension. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Thanks Bill....surprised it is designed to make duplicate dimensions. So I am designing a new house, as i'm moving walls, i'll move a string out of the way and keep working, then i'll hit auto, and any string i moved manually doesn't delete. I opened up Chief 9 (I know...old program, but I had it handy), and it does delete those manually moved...definately want that functionality back. The auto refresh is nice, but if there are a couple wings on one side of the house, and interior walls in that wing, auto doesn't give me overall wing dimensions, so I adjust a automatic string to see it temporarily, but then things start tripping over each other when hit auto again...would love for auto to show all overall wing dimensions.
  5. Somewhat related question, but more on Microsoft's there any risk in turning UAC settings to 'never notify'?
  6. You're welcome...yeah, hope they fix it...I think they mentioned running as administrator may make some things not work...haven't seen anyone complain about problems with it though, so it may be fine.
  7. I have the same issue: It was discussed here with somewhat of a solution:
  8. Is there a setting I need to toggle on or off for this: start new plan draw a room with 4 walls hit auto dimensions ('auto refresh dimensions' is off) hit it again, and it works as intended now move one of the dimension strings away from the house, and then hit auto dimension again, and the moved string stays, and a new duplicate string is created (you may have to draw some interior walls to reproduce this...had to do that on one, but not another) i can do this over and over and I will keep getting new strings Is anyone else getting this? Auto refresh doesn't see this behavior, but the auto dimensions aren't good enough, (especially with wings...something I've been requesting for years), for me to rely on auto refresh...if they would just add a wing dimension string, then auto would be perfect. Thanks
  9. Kirk, it looks like you were attaching an image, but it doesn't show up for me??
  10. I can't find a way to delete a post options in the edit section that I can find...anyone find it?
  11. I like the new forum...seems to work great and smooth...all the navigation and functionality is there...just organized a little different...just look around