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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. This is a sheet I have used over the years. Was shared with me when I started out on my own. I'm sure I need to updated it again, the Feb update didn't fix some of the code changes. MDP Plan_Check_List.pdf
  2. Map the layers when you import it. Follow the prompts and you will see where you can place items on specific layers.
  3. You can also use a kingpost truss and adjust that truss. Quick and easy.
  4. You're right, I only use Chief. The way Solidworks or any other Autocrap do it is of no bearing to this software. If you want to adjust the angled wall(s), stop selecting the angled wall(s) and select the adjacent wall(s) moving around your plan counter-clockwise and when you get back to the beginning, everything will be as you want it.
  5. ^^what he said^^ Corner Board tool. Can do inside and outside corners.
  6. I see people asking for this, but I don't really understand the question. If your walls are moving, you are doing something to move them. Which wall are you trying to move? I can honestly say I have never had this issue, and I have been using Chief for 15 years.
  7. Used his saved camera view inside the room.
  8. I trimmed the lines back to inside the sash. Maybe that was the issue, not 100% sure, but I did get them to load.
  9. Was also able to get yours to load. Ted Volz.plan
  10. I was able to get some to load. What did you need them to look like?
  11. But when they click on SEEKING SERVICES over there it sends them here.
  12. Others may have a different answer but for me...I would simply ignore that roof situation until time to do the exterior detailing. I leave Auto Roofs on for as long as I can, sometimes during the entire design process, then simply make a couple small adjustments to that roof when ready. I don't think Chief will Automatically do that. I know you are new to Chief, so a little advice...again, from my perspective. I see many new users come to Chief, then almost immediately come here and agonize over every little thing as they are working. You will learn, as I did, that there are time when you simply move on and come back to situations like these. Framing is another one. Your floor framing is not going to be the way you like it. You roof framing is not going to be the way you like it. Just keep working with the auto tools going. Many of the little issues work themselves out, and those that don't. you simply fix at the end. Kind of like a punchlist for Chief.
  13. I made the switch around 15 years ago and haven't looked back. I literally locked myself in my home office for a week with a set of my plan completed in AutoCAD and started with videos and trial and error. I had a set of plans by the end of the week. That was in v.9 (or v.9.5 maybe)..anyway, best thing I could have done for my, at that time, brand new solo venture. Now...I can turn out models with the accuracy needed to use the materials list with my builders, do decent renderings (though that is a very small part of my office), and the best con docs I have ever produced using Chief Architect. Here is a set that I am about to begin the details for. 24x36_X12_PROOF_5_12_20.pdf?dl=0
  14. I use TEMPLATE methods. My plan and layout templates are set up to handle 90% of the homes I am generally asked to design. I open Chief, click NEW PLAN and simply save it with a client name and have at it. I like the nice, clean, blank templates to work from, though, I do have general notes and various schedules already populated and ready to go.
  15. Click just outside your exterior walls and form an exterior polyline. That should give you the square footage you are asking for. BTW..Chief/HD Pro don't know how to lie or to be inaccurate. They simply report to you the information in the model. The square footage, when turning on the LIVING AREA label is accurate to the way Chief reports it, which should be to exterior of the framing layer, minus garages, stairwells on floors above, and open to below spaces unless you tell Chief to report those items. You are overthinking the process and getting yourself flustered.
  16. Paint Tool = BAD Wall Definition = GOOD I, personally, try to avoid the paint tool unless absolutely needed. It simply changes the way something "looks" without giving you the true material definition you need, especially if you are using the materials list.
  17. I reply with a fee proposal of $10,000,000 with the first $3,500,000 due immediately in the form of cashiers check only. They usually don't reply.
  18. Just draw it. Besides, it needs to match your plumbing layout otherwise, what's the point.
  19. If you can see it in 3D view but can't select it, then the layer is locked for that views layer set. Unlock it.
  20. Is the layer locked? Can you see it while in 3D mode? Can you see it in plan view?
  21. That's your first problem. Yes. Otherwise just use 2D CAD or pencil and paper. I have created orders from the material list. In fact, as a "proof" one of my homes is currently under construction and we are comparing the take off from the supplier to the materials list Chief generated and we are pretty much right on the money. Chief DOES NOT account for waste, so you need to add a % to the number, but for roofing, siding, sheathing, sub-flooring, flooring, etc...we are right on.
  22. Does your framing have a material assigned to it? Also, there are separate layer sets for all the camera views. Just because it shows in plan view does not guarantee is will show in a camera view.
  23. Always, always, always leave auto foundation on until you have to turn it off for some cleanup or final adjustments. Makes life sooo much easier.
  24. Go to floor 0 and set the slab height there.