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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. gable backed into a shed roof? try a gable line?
  2. I believe then you can report that via the regular support tool
  3. material list using a polyline?
  4. for us up here in canadaland, there are regulatory requirements for window openings, but not doors as doors are solid
  5. basically, ideally, you want to ensure you know what scale your plans will be in layout before you start dimensioning or adding text. Once you know that you then pick your default set accordingly. and the way I do that is I change my saved plan views to use the one I want. You have to do it once at the beginning of the project..if what you want does not match the template SPV. I think others just have multiple templates but of course, you have to set these all up. Mine are a bit overkill, but I just spent a few hours one day manually doing them all. The other way is after the fact the way you are doing it, or changing the text style to what you want and everything that uses that text style will change.
  6. hmm how is this being accomplished? if I dimension my building, add text, dimension electrical, and then I need to expand the building so a different scale is required in on layout. wouldn't you have to go into each and change them? Room label text style, dimension text size, etc.
  7. I did the math on 512GB, I can do 500 projects. if the 1TB was only $100 more, I'd probably buy it as they are faster read/write I do go over 16GB RAM on my dedicated machine but that is because I am opening other things, such as MS edge.
  8. I've seen this occasionally but thought it was something in my plan. I just click the fill window button
  9. i just did, and I saw that you can filter by object type, which is handy, but it also implies one knows what the types are. I suppose over time you will as one can look at the "Details" after finding what they want and then make a mental note of it (or save the search). But the more interesting thing in the video is it didnt appear to work for cabinets for the manuf he chose. I took a look and that is because the most of the items are "cabinet doors" not cabinets in that catalog. Here are three different types. So one has the "know" the items below are in these categories
  10. i wouldn't consider myself a wiz, but I will do automatic roofs, and then finish the walls locations, and then alter the roofs manually. of course the problem is, as soon as the customer wants an a little bigger/wider, etc, then you have to adjust the manual roof again. I find it very time consuming for plans which get lots of changes, especially additions that have gables & crickets
  11. like this? I manually altered the right gable to go around the wall, and removed the small hip that was there. I tried automagically at first, by breaking the front wall, and changing the roof settings, but that did not work Tried adding a gable line, also did not work
  12. I'm on studio 528.49. I upgraded from Nov Driver. They appear to behave the same
  13. I picked up a used 11x17 xerox "phaser" printer for $200 after watching the used plotter market for awhile. The cartridges are a few hundred bucks, but at something like 6 000 pages per cartridge, I'm hoping I'll never actually have to buy a cartridge. maybe by that time, I'll just buy another used printer
  14. CA just clarified that live cameras in layout are capped at 300DPI, so if you want to to reduce size, save at 144 or less. Below is tabloid and 24x36 with one full page PBR camera in layout at the different DPIs
  15. that was the case but appearently if one uses 600 dpi, you will get a smaller file size. with a full page PBR view, and the rest of the layout being plan and elevation views, at 600 DPI (11x17) my file is 7MB wish I thought of that 2 years ago
  16. I havent seen this and I have moved to using the viewport in the layout for the most part (instead of images) If I understand the scenario: you have the layout opened and it has a camera layout box on it as well as the image, and you have the related plan open, but not the actual camera, and double clicking on the layout camera box, causes the program to freeze? or is it just singe clicking on it? is it live or update on demand? A couple things maybe, is this a pbr camera? are the max export samples set, and to a low number (<500)
  17. Assuming you are referring to stepping down the foundation wall? if i recall correctly the brekenridge sample has a stepped foundation.. it comes with how to videos It can be found here: there is also this video:
  18. hmmm, then i would need two elevations for each of front and back for pie lots for 2, for a pie lot, then front elevation would then show a thick psolid: I think that would be same as above... a 1"x1" by 600" high psolid works...but a little cumbersome to dimension to (center vs edge) I think the little construction line is easiest at the four corners. And I can turn off the callout in plan view but leave it in elevation. only problem is if i change the outside walls of the house to be nearer the PL, by extending the house, I have to move the construction line 1x1 psolid on the left, little construction line on the terrain perimeter below
  19. I thought maybe construction lines would work, but they do not show up if they are at an angle on plan view. I see some other options, 1. really short construction lines at building corners, 2. put a really skinny post at the property corners which is also really tall draw a line on the elevation but then one cannot see if it is matching plan view. I suppose one could dimension it on elevation, as a sanity check, but the dimension snaps to outside of building not framing. Anyone have better ideas? construction lines would be nicer in this instance if they had labels in the middle of the line, below the line below are construction line
  20. I had a request from a part time interior designer (does about 12 projects a year) to view the CA model in VR. She tried it out with her kid's oculus glasses on my computer and liked it. The CA desktop viewer would be a good option (not sure if a higher end computer is required) but the viewer does not look to support VR. Her use case is to setup a VR room in her basement, where her customers can come and experience the model. She is not interested in actually doing anything in CA. She would like me to the CA work. Is anyone else doing VR, and are you doing it in CA exclusively?
  21. ..playing around with billboards. I did see a couple threads saying billboards cannot follow camera, but it looks like they can and the create billboard looks like the same dialog as create image. Are they the same now? the doc says both they cannot follow the camera, and they can be checked to rotate with camera "Billboard Images do not rotate to face the camera. An example of when this may be useful is an image of a trellis, which might look awkward when facing a camera from a side view. " "Check Image Always Faces Camera to prevent the image from rotating to face the camera in 3D views. This box is unchecked for Billboard Images." but of course one can check it and then it rotates.. anywho that is not my real problem my real problem is looking through the house the billboard does not show. is this to be expected or am i missing something? it just shows as white, as if the bill board was not there The tree shows that I put there just to check and see if it would show, and the terrain shows back of house view showing the lone tree behind the window: no tree, just white and terrain through the window
  22. @Bob-Roraback may I ask what are the settings for the right side grass of that picture. I've been playing around but have not been able to get a sparse crab grass look or more of a wild grass look