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Everything posted by jcaffee

  1. Object painter is slick, but it needs some work as the property lists are incomplete in some cases (e.g., cabs w/custom drawer/door fronts) jon
  2. You need to close the plan before zipping. "Zero data" error. jon
  3. From the list on the left of the image you posted; Reset Options>Reset Side Windows jon
  4. Working one of the new X7 features into the workflow--transparent backgrounds in exported images. I used both ray trace and a standard camera view of the same shot. My goal was an almost primitive atop a textured/distressed sky. jon
  5. Short answer, yes. The graphics card determines the quality, and speed rendered, of all camera views and most output but ray trace. The GPU manufacturer usually publishes how many lights a card is capable of rendering in Open GL. Most mid-range cards will render eight lights. jon
  6. No, set to 240" or greater will eliminate z-fighting in camera views. jon
  7. 3D>Edit Active Camera>Scene Clipping>Clip Surfaces Within: Set this higher than the default. I do mine from 240 to 600. jon
  8. This tool is turning into a real time saver! Good addition CA. jon
  9. Play around with the "Polished" settings to achieve what you're after. jon
  10. MS Resource Monitor>Network>TCP Connections. This shows all active connections in real time. jon
  11. Why is CAX7 keeping four TCP connections open during a session? (X6 had one, and I chalked that up to lazy developers not killing the process after license check--but four?) Does the Deathstar really need durable access while I'm using the software? To what end? jon
  12. X7 is not yet a released product. jon
  13. Rod, have you tried BunkSpeed? (http://www.bunkspeed.com/) It's a hybrid GPU/CPU real-time render engine. Anyway, very nice stuff from Octane. This is me working on more line art technique... I've ditched the Alien Skin Software in this shot and used CAX6-generated overlayed line art atop RT. Then a Levels adjustment layer above the RT layer with White levels reduced about 20% jon
  14. I guess my concern is what libs do I need to export from X6 because they're missing in X7. Aw heck, I'll just bite the bullet and install the new stuff. jon
  15. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. jon
  16. Have any of our "early adopters" discovered library changes? New or deleted symbols and/or materials? jon
  17. Very groovy! The hidden powers of CA--operated by creative users unbound by convention--never ceases to amaze. jon
  18. Look for the jpeg textures, they're there. jon
  19. Some good (Although BIG) textures here... http://belgarddesignpro.com/index.htm jon
  20. Under $4K delivered... jon DS_config_1134628.pdf
  21. Johnny, that image uses the base ray trace with a line art layer and a composition of both, processed for vignette and bokeh in AlienSkin Exposure 7. Layer 1 (RT) blend is normal Layer 2 (Line) blend is Multiply w/42% Fill Layer 3 (Comp) blend is Overlay w/100% Opacity and Fill hope that helps. jon
  22. Working that Photoshop/AlienSkin magic. Three different "Blends" of the same shot. Model, RT and Line art from CAX6. jon
  23. Can you post screen shots of your CA Render and Video Card Status dbx and the CA profile settings in NVidia CP? jon