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Everything posted by jcaffee

  1. If you look at the attached plan, floor 3 in dollhouse view, you will see that I am getting the base railing wall on custom stair rails in X7. I never had this issue in X5 or X6 with OOB settings. I've tried every setting I can think of to resolve this, but to no avail. Help me Mr(s) Wizard! This is manifesting on every X7 plan. jon 20150312_Rail_Test_01.plan
  2. If I remember, the Viking needs some fussing, but there is a CA 2-drawer dishwasher you can re-label. jon
  3. Also... https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=86197e43fb7354413194539af1047dcf and... https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=b0143a4729e51d874a44340bf227e40 jon
  4. Viking catalog in the Manufacturers' lib. jon
  5. I understand completely. Thanks for contributing to the game! jon
  6. a calibz file is a compressed archive. Uncompressed, it's 18mb. jon
  7. Yep, 18mb for one fixture is a touch heavy, even for me. jon
  8. The small apparent change of the icon set is purely aesthetic. You'll get comfortable with it in a couple weeks. Get on with your work. Have a nice day! jon
  9. You mean "stubby" the 3/4-fingered carpenter is going to learn something new? jon
  10. Try reducing the Specular property of the siding materials. Or, post a plan. jon
  11. You need to reset the *.layout filetype association at the OS level to get rid of the Sketchup error. Did you try opening the *.layout file from within CA instead of clicking the file? jon
  12. Intermittent issues are usually hardware related. A good place to start is testing your RAM to ensure there's not a wonky chip... http://memtest86.com/ jon
  13. There are dozens in the Manufacturers' Libraries. jon
  14. needs to be selected as a "panel" jon
  15. Be very wary of the Express install. Several versions back, NVidia Shield was thrown into the mix and the install went way beyond drivers. @$@$#%^%!@## reconfigured certain network protocols, and it took me the better part of a day to reconfigure my very mixed network (I mean really, who in their right mind still has an OpenVMS Alpha server.) NVidia has since fixed this, but my point being; any company that is careless enough to release damaging software, doesn't get "Express" anything--ever. <cough>McAfee</cough> jon
  16. http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/home-designer-interiors/ Yes. Read the whole page. jon
  17. Joe, have you tested a 0 layer in the WML to see if it registers in the Material List? 1/32 is a THICK coat of paint, but doing a 1/32 and a 0 for primer... I guess I should do my own test. jon
  18. Post the plan & RTM. As convoluted as the manual can seem, study: walls, rooms, wall materials, and wall material regions. Oh, and post the plan (in case it hasn't been mentioned) And, if you want paint, wallpaper, etc. to show in the ML, then you must give it a dimensional layer in the wall definition, or use an accurately defined WMR (Wall Material Region). jon