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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I will do a vid, I would appreciate a critique, must go now, I will try to do it this afternoon, I think this will be a good vid.
  2. Yeah, that is what I would of thought, I spent 3.6 seconds and could not do it, I will spend 5.7 seconds next time and I am sure I will get it. JPC, let me do a vid, I discovered a new way of doing that stuff.... manually.... as manual as I can do it but it is using existing tools.... easy peasy... may not be as fast as Glenn, but I do remodels and I must do them manually.....
  3. Interesting, I had never thought of that. I tried it, it did not work for a mono slab. BTW, I do not know what a FOUNDATION PANEL is...... I have learned to never question Glenn's knowledge, but I could not do it. I do my foundations manually, more control and easier for me. There are multiple ways to do what the OP wants. If I get a chance, I will do a vid of the method I would use.
  4. Yes, or you can have a floor and delete all layers so it has no structure. So I think there are 3 ways to achieve the same thing. So what are the advantages of one method over the other?
  5. try this video it's old but I think it holds up
  6. BTW, I would of built those members out of psolids, I would not of used ceiling joists.
  7. i can confirm your results. I cannot see the ceiling joists in wall elevation either. I rarely if ever use the wall elevation camera. I wonder if this is inherent to the wall elevation camera...... not being able to see the framing..... interesting.
  8. I sure wish you would post this plan so we can review this. Either you are doing something wrong or there is a bug. Let's find out what the problem is, please post the plan, it will benefit all of us.
  9. Working on a project in X8. Not a super complicated terrain, but there was a bit of info..... anyway, the terrain behaves as I think it should. Has anybody else noticed that the terrain behaves better in X8?
  10. I ran into this problem last week. I do not know how to do it via the dbx. You can do it with custom mutins.
  11. Yes, you are correct, I misspoke, .......... bottom line the headers and their labels should show on the framing plan and we should have control how they appear. Gosh, how does everybody else handle this. Do you have to draw a line to represent the header? This is stupid. The header is there, why can't there be a way that I can choose how to display the header.
  12. I wonder how long we will have to wait for this? This kind of stuff is no-brainer stuff. We do it on every plan. Why can't this be automatic? Window labels on the floor plan. Window header label on framing plan. I do this on every single plan that I have worked on for the past 35 years. CA already builds the header ( a default size). Why can't we control the size of the header via the window dvx. Why can't the header size show on framing plan. Why can't I control the line weight and style of the header in framing plan? It's there, why do I have to provide a line to represent the header. Every single door and window will have some sort of header. Why can't the header show up on the framing plan? This is the kind of feature that I assume is relatively easy to provide but it would be a game changer for me.
  13. Convert to solid, great idea, thanks.
  14. Go to YouTube and search. SAM VIDEOS BY DSH In you tube all of my vids should have VIDEOS BY DSH
  15. Suppose I have a site plan all drawn in CAD. i send to layout, but I want the lines to be squiggly , how would you do it? Do I need a separate program? If it was 3D I could use the water color, but it is not 3D, any ideas?
  16. Hi Jeff, I will take you up on the lunch. Unfortunately I did not keep the vid. I did a search and it was not on YOUTUBE. I might of posted it on CHIEFTUTOR'S web site which has recently been erased and revamped so no point in looking there. I will redo a vid for my lunch. I will try to do it first thing in the AM. However I bet someone will beat me to the punch and do a great vid for you.
  17. What would be really neat is if CA used the warehouse idea in lieu of the library. But not a big deal, we can work it out.
  18. I am thinking of using the WAREHOUSE METHOD. Create a plan, call it TABLE WAREHOUSE PLAN, and put all of my tables in the plan so I can then do a quick floor overview and see all tables at one time. Same with cars, create a AUTOMOBILE SHOWROOM PLAN, put all my cars in there and when I need a car, do a quick overview and select the appropriate car. It is just so hard to keep track of all the different tables in all the different folders.... I have a feeling I am missing out on some good stuff CA is offering. Thanks for the feedback guys. You know what we should do is hire someone to create these warehouses....... hey, wait a minute...... how about if each one of us takes it upon ourselves to make a warehouse plan that we can share with others. It will then be that person's responsibility to keep the warehouse stocked with the newest items that CA provides. I will start a new thread, I will sign up to take care of a particular warehouse, anybody else interested, please sign up for the area you want to keep up to date. We can then share those WAREHOUSE PLANS with each other. At the end of the year, we can give a prize to the best WAREHOUSE MANAGER....... maybe an all expense paid trip to a golf course (travel costs not included).
  19. What a problem to have... too many symbols I can't keep up with them. Whenever CA offers another bonus library, I dutifully download it. But I doubt i have used many of the symbols. There are so many tables in so many different folders, it would take me 15 minutes to find the right one. How do you guys keep track of them? BTW, somebody was looking for a vacuum canister..... it is now there in the last bonus library content.
  20. Glenn, I would be interested in learning how you do that. Do you have time to do a quick vid.