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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Is it possible to Change arc center display size? thanks
  2. I guess I was looking at this
  3. No, Never seen it but I do believe it is exponential notation.
  4. You and me both....... in fact I am now stapling the entire 2016 code book to the back of my plans and noting on the plans to refer to the code book attached to the plans.
  5. That is very nice. Would you mind sharing the macro?
  6. Yeah, that is what I thought... I am not at 'putter to verify, watching golf, 2 way tie for fed ex championship now.... good stuff....then I can switch over to Watch Perry's Chargers. (They were my Chargers back in the day).
  7. I added my method to Eric's plan. See if you can spot the differences...... both methods have their advantages. Now change the size of both bay windows and note the behaviours. Neither is perfect. Overall Eric's method might be better Box Bay Demo A dsh 1.plan
  8. As usual, another nugget from Michael.
  9. I just sent out invites to the JPC SECTION WORKSHOP, if you did not get an invite... SEND ME AN AMAIL AT dscotthallATmacDOTcom I will open the doors at 2:45 PM PST
  10. Thanks P., sounds like JPC can make it, I will set it up. Yeah, trying to get over jet lag but not too bad. Hear is a pic from a castle looking down at our ship coming down the river to meet up with us in Breibach. 8 days of castles and cathedrals, I am now ready for some tract houses.
  11. Should we do a section workshop today at 3:00 pst? If JPC and Perry is in, I will set it up.
  12. Use a ref set. Put the light on a unique layer and then turn that layer on in your ref set.
  13. It would of been easier if you did a marquis select, (16 items preselected) hold down shift key and select (1 item deselected) hit delete and 15 items are deleted leaving one item. I do not know how you created so many items, but it sounds like you screwed up.
  14. Oops, my bad, I auto built the sidewalks next to road and never noticed that 6" of sidewalk sits on 6" of curb. Sorry for my mistake. Nice catch.
  15. There might be something to overusing copy/paste. I used copy /paste on a very simple mini storage building and that too was very slow.
  16. Some operations worked okay, putting in new doors and windows, but the 3d is painfully slow. I cannot explain why 3d is so slow.
  17. You need to close file before uploading. There is no file attached.
  18. I think they have many chimney tools. You need to know which ones to use for the particular fireplace you need. there are many threads on the subject posting a myriad of methods.