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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I still think you are wrong. I opened your NOGO plan, did back clip cross section, vertical dimensioned countertop, then converted to custom counter top, dimension stayed in place.
  2. I think you are wrong. I'm on x7. I built base cabinet, dimentioned from from floor to top of counter and then to back splash. I then turned into custom countertop, dimensions stayed. I built upper cab., dimensioned molding, all worked well, not sure what your issue is. I could not reproduce.
  3. This is nutty. This is basic stuff that we need to have correct on our plans. This information must be accurate. This is why some of us are advocating for CLOSED PLINES WITH LABELS..... this way we can manually size the boxes and the label will display the area of the CLOSED PLINE. This is why I never use CA's area calculations. I can not trust their calculations. This information must be accurate. I cannot stress enough to CA how important this information is. If this information is inaccurate it can cost somebody thousands and thousands of dollars.
  4. I could not get it to download also. JB set me straight, there was some kind of trick that JB helped me with. Come to workshop and I bet JB can help you out before we start workshop.
  5. Hey guys, this is some good stuff, I just spent some time with Jared B. discussing google earth. Thanks so much for your time JB, a lot of help. And I think there is more info that some of us knuckleheads could glean from this site. Let's keep sharing this info, this is great stuff. - Topo lines, it looks like Jon Scussel provided a link on the methodology, I will look into this - what about plat maps, does anybody know how to get plat maps out of google earth? I hope to do a vid to summarize all this stuff once I think I have enough info. If there is anybody out there who is a super star with google earth pro, maybe we could team up and do a vid for the rest of the guys.
  6. Do you think I have GOOGLE EARTH or GOOGLE EARTH PRO?
  7. I am looking for someone who would be willing to spend 30 minutes on a GOTOMEETING to show me what you know about GOOGLE EARTH. Two weeks ago I was able to peak into a window and see a women BAKE A CAKE, today, I can not even see the windows. I am a bit confused as to what happened. Does anybody who knows a lot about GOOGLE EARTH have time to do a GTM with me? If you have time, please email me at dscotthall@mac.com I give up.
  8. Here is a vid, three approaches, none perfect. http://youtu.be/H2YjqHxmh7E
  9. Interesting, the deck does not frame on top of a deck. I said, the smaller deck does not frame on top of the lower deck. To get a deck to frame on top of another deck, I believe you would have to frame the decks, and then select the decks, and then TURN OFF AUTO DECK FRAMING or RETAIN DECK FRAMING, which ever the option is, and then you may get the framing of the upper deck to sit on the lower deck. I do not believe Mick was clear on this. I do not like the Gumpsters option of building deck in a different plan and turning into a symbol, however his suggestion should work..... oh boy..... could be confusing..... no super good method to do this, if it was me, I would build the upper deck separately in same plan, turn off auto deck framing, and then move the upper deck over the lower deck...... not great fool proof method, but maybe the best solution......
  10. Not recommended, I recommend keeping the out buildings in same plan. If I had to guess, Lew will disagree and recommend the symbol method.
  11. Okay, simple example. I get that you east coast guys have basements. Well we have walk out basements. And sometimes we may have a detached garage on the same level as the walk out basement. This means that the walls of the basement are on the same level as the walls of the detached garage (detached garage has a mono slab). If we put the walls of the basement on the same level as the walls of the detached garage (makes sense doesn't it) and if the walls of the basement are on level zero, then the walls of the detached garage are on level zero, how do we put a mono slab below the walls of the detached garage on a level below level zero? There is no level below level zero to put our mono slab on. The above statement leads back to Doug Parks statement that maybe we should have the ability to have multiple levels below level one. I do not disagree with Doug Parks statement. I think us mono slab guys have learned that there is no harm in putting our basements on level one. There is not any limitations to this approach, it simply gives us the ability to use an additional layer (level zero) if we so choose for a mono slab. Joey, does that help you understand our approach?
  12. Very little has changed. What will change when CA gets around to it, will be the ability to use the MMRLS (MULTIPLE MULTIPLE REF LAYER SETS). What I mean by this is..... not only will we have the ability to use MULTIPLE REF LAYER SETS (not doable until X3), but we will have the ability to use the MULTIPLE MULTIPLE REF LAYER SETS which to me means we can send a PLAN VIEW to layout, and that plan view may utilize several ref sets, and each ref set may ref A DIFFERENT LEVEL. If you do not understand the MRLS, the above statement will mean very little to you. But if you do understand the MRLS, you will understand the SUPER POWER of THE MMRLS. Perry spoke of the power of the ref sets, what he did not address is the power of the MMRLS which is taking the MRLS one step further. In several years, this entire topic will be quite elementary. On a side note, the MRLS is very elementary now, and some of us recognize this, but pre X-3, this was new ground breaking stuff. In several years, I predict the MMRLS will be very elementary.
  13. What Perry says is so important, and if you do not understand it, I would suggest you learn it. I did a vid set on ref sets explaining Perry's thinking, look for it, it is somewhere, there is some really good stuff there. What Doug says here would be a plus, but not a deal breaker in my opinion. Back to the Perry's ref sets, ref sets are so so valuable, and they can be improved upon if we could include MULTIPLE FLOOR REF SETS WITH REFS FROM MULTIPLE FLOORS for any view sent to layout. I have spoken to Scott Harris about this and I would bet someday in the future the suggestion will be implemented. Scott Harris is all about listening to what we need, he will eventually make it happen. In regards to whether the basement is on level zero or level one, the mono slab guys are thinking ahead and understand why basements on level one is preferable to basements on level zero. Basements can and do work on level zero, but here is the challenge the mono slab guys recognize........ Try to build a basement on level zero, and then try to put a mono slab detached garage on that same level. You guys in the northeast, I bet you can not do it..... but us nit wits who use daylight basements and detached mono slab garages at that particular level, understand why we have found it works better for us to put the basement plans on level 1.... hmmmmmmm....... this might be why Doug Park says we should have unlimited levels below level one......
  14. Jon, sorry about the problems in getting this vid up and running. For some reason I sometimes have issues with uploading the vids. I only had to do this vid 3 times, I spent 45 minutes of my life doing these vids, and I end up with a 3 minute vid..... lucky you, short and sweet. Hopefully this answers your question, if not let me know. http://youtu.be/ScPpdYnrmS0
  15. I think you can. Here is a vid. Too complicated to explain without a vid. http://youtu.be/ScPpdYnrmS0
  16. So was I. I have maybe 25 photos at my immediate disposal, and this was one of them. This photo was taken during my road trip up to PA. back in 1978 when I drove my dorm mate at the University of Houston up to his place in Mechanicsburg PA. Good memories of that trip including the trip to Falling Water, one of my all time favorite homes.
  17. I am very sorry Mss Clifford, I did not mean to be rude and I did not understand you were experienced and had been doing this for awhile. I thought you were inexperienced so I was trying to help out someone I perceived as being relatively new. No problem, I will stay off your threads from now on.
  18. ain't that a pistol, here I am checking out the stairs to the water fall back in 1978.
  19. Open your plan, select exterior wall, open wall definition, do you see a stud framing layer? No. That is the problem. Open interior wall, do you see a layer with stud framing? Yes, that is why you have framing there. Stop screwing around with CA's default walls until you know what you are doing.
  20. You bet P., this is a no-brainer. Ref sets are so so very powerful. Now, to move on, let's talk about using more than one ref sets from more than one floor....... ref sets are very very powerful and with a little nudge from us minions, I have a feeling CA will improve their power.
  21. Preface: I have never looked at CLIENT VIEWER until today. So I am working with a client, teaching him the program as I work on 18 plus of his projects. This guy is very sharp. He wants to be able to send files to his subs so they can view projects on client viewer. So we spend 15 minutes via GTM downloading CLIENT VIEWER and reviewing its capabilities. Somebody at CA Headquarters was really thinking when they came up with this client viewer. This I predict will be the norm in the near future. How powerful is it that you can share your project with your subs & clients in 3D via the client viewer...... oh, and did I mention that when subs can view the project in 3D, their prices come down? Powerful stuff. But here is my beef with the folks at headquarters..... 1. I want my hot keys with client viewer 2. I want to be able to change layer sets 3. I want my framer to be able to put some text on the plan. This way he can make notes...... I think I want this come on guys, I want this framer to quickly go to a layer set that he is interested in, and if I train him correctly, I think he will be using the hot keys, and of course let's make it easy on him, as he is viewing, he can make notes via text. Yeah, this is good stuff, please fix the 3 items I listed and I will be one super duper happy camper. thank you, thank you very much.