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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Larry, why did you post the plan? Was it because you wanted a quick and correct solution to your problem? There is a great team out here to help with user issues if a plan is posted.
  2. I just noticed that if I opened an x7 plan that had framed door panels (no molding on inset of panel), when I brought to X8, the framed door panel (shaker) now how molding on inside panel. In X7 we could pick framed door panels in a CA template plan, no longer. Nuts.
  3. Yep, you got it Gavin Dennis, the secret is to pick the panel style from library and not from the cab drop down menus.... is that correct?
  4. I am not to sure I get this behavior. But here is a challenge, try to have a glass door on the front, a glass PANEL (not a door) on the left a panel on the right (without glass) I can get glass on the side, but it must be a door and not a panel.... (which means I get a door knob on the side which I do not want.
  5. I can confirm to what RACKLAMORE says.. interesting, upgrade to x8 and be done with it...... I am assuming my x8 results are the same as everybody else results, can anybody confirm that x8 does not have problem. Bottom line, use pony walls, do not use material regions
  6. I can confirm, I opened in x7 and I see the problem, I do not have problem in x8.
  7. Try reopening and check again, maybe it was fixed when you opened and closed the file.
  8. I opened in X8, I made no changes, I did full overview, I do not see problem, I cannot explain why you are having a problem.
  9. Yea, I agree with JC, do a save as, it's computerese 101.
  10. Yes, F&C specs are needed to be MORE FLEXIBLE. Using layers in the CEILING DBX works for FULL SOFFITS, but if the soffit had some shape to it, if gets a bit tricky. JPC, you brought up a good point.....
  11. Yep, I did, if one was to go on their browser and do a search for DEMO PLAN VIDEOS BY DSH it would probably pop up. I think it is a similar method that 95% of users use.
  12. What option would it take away. You can't have ceiling joists and floor joists occupy the same vertical space. It only makes sense that floor joists override ceiling joists.
  13. lol, it really was not too difficult to predict a solution could not be had without a plan. The really difficult part is predicting the number of guesses without a plan. But I will take the winner's medal and put it on my mantle next to my "Jerk of the Month" award. But on to more important topics, who will win the Super Bowl? My prediction.... Denver, they have the best defense and the most experienced quarterback.
  14. Is it possible for a file to be modified before it was created?
  15. Here is a plan with a lot of valances, maybe one of these will work for you. bbb valances 1.plan
  16. I bet there are some invisible walls that are causing the break in siding. I wonder how many posts it will take to solve this. I am betting we get to number 13 without an answer. This is number 4.
  17. Steven, here is a pretty good vid that might help. https://youtu.be/2uNJhGGk94g
  18. Good stuff Michael, it's only taken 10 years to take care of this, mucho appreciato. BTW, I tried several years ago but I could not figure it out, props to you.
  19. You know the lunch invitation is always open to you. It would be super to see and talk to you again. I will see you when you are in town. Case has been reopened.
  20. I agree, thank you Michael for your work. They work great in most conditions with the exception of a CABINET PANEL that is not "recessed" Need to move out manually, but I get this is tough to program. Thanks again Michael and thanks Dermot for telling me they show in the CABINET OUTLETS USER LIBRARY. I had a hard time finding them. Case closed.
  21. Appreciate the effort Randy, see plan for comments, your method is workable, but not the norm. And I do not understand why the outlets do not "SNAP" to cabinets, I need to rotate and futz with it.
  22. Well I promise if I figure it out, I will post a plan with the symbol to save everybody else from having to adjust it in the library.
  23. Give it a try Michael, maybe you can figure it out.