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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Yes Michael, I forgot that you could do that and can't find the tool or remember the procedure. This could solve many little problems if you care to re educate us.
  2. Hey Scott, What was the final score last in last night's game ? About 2.5 to 16. Maybe your team will win tonight, see you there.
  3. Signature ? Thanks for the update Glenn, much appreciated.
  4. Glenn, are you running Chief X8 in Windows 10 ?
  5. Then you will need to reference the As Built Plan as well for any layout views from that plan or just go with the Proposed Plan as all that info should be there also when you did the save as.
  6. Tools > Layout > Referenced Plan Files... Browse & Select "Proposed Plan" and it should be that simple unless I missed something.
  7. Just one more option that I was reading about Post #17 : disable video card
  8. Everything looks ok in your Preference render panel but you could try adjusting "Hardware Edge Smoothing" as that is specific to your video card. While you are waiting for tech support to call back there is some info Here: +video +card No definite solution for everyone but lots of background info and possible solutions. See posts #25,#30,#31 and all the rest if you have time.
  9. That is ok Glenn, You get to make up for it tomorrow with Scott. See you there, and thanks for the update.
  10. Thanks Glenn, I now have a much better understanding of this situation and how it works. BTW it might help reduce the confusion if you update your own signature.
  11. Junior, From what I can see when I twist my neck you almost have it you just need to follow Glenn's instructions carefully to finsh. Method 1. Specify "Use Soffit Surface for Ceiling" in Room Specification DBX (dialogue box) under Structure tab for all rooms that share the common ceiling area. Method 2. Deselect "Use Room Ceiling Finish" in Roof Plane Specification DBX under Structure tab for the roof plane that provides the ceiling for the affected rooms. Note: Regardless of which method you use check that you undo the settings of the other method. Also both methods allow you to select a ceiling finish if you need to change from the default. See DBX shots below:
  12. Hi Steve, Thanks for the signature update. Your .bmp file shows the Preferences "Appearance" panel (DBX) You are likely correct about the onboard video card but I was going to compare your render settings with mine just in case, but I can't. Also if you are posting, .bmp files work but .jpg files are a little more functional if you have the choice to do that. Not sure what software you are running but this may help get you switched over to your Nvidia card.
  13. Joey, Is this the look you are after? Everyone seems to use slightly different terminology but pictures never lie, and the plan is even better.
  14. Just go to page 0 and select text box and move if you want to keep or delete if you do not.
  15. Sorry Steve, Unable to reproduce on my machine. Maybe Joe will remember soon or check with Tech Support. Quite an interesting situation. Also looks like your signature needs updating for X8.
  16. Robert, I was having that problem and reported it to tech support and it was supposed to have been dealt with in update 3.24 Layout • Fixed a set of issues that caused Plot Lines and Color fill to not line up if a camera was sent to layout with Perspective Crop mode turned on. • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented CAD objects from initially displaying in layout boxes. • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to open the Layout Box Layers dialog for camera views sent to layout as Plot Lines. • Fixed a problem that caused Orthographic Overviews sent to layout as Current Screen and No Scale to shift after printing. • Fixed an issue where Perspective camera views using the Vector View rendering technique with no color would sometimes show the backdrop image when sent to layout. • Fixed a problem that resulted in a view previously sent to layout to appear selected after sending a different view to layout, even if it is on a different page. • Fixed an issue that caused elevation views containing CAD that were sent to layout at No Scale to display incorrectly. • Fixed a problem that resulted in the Plot Lines radio button in the Layout Box Specification dialog being incorrectly disabled in some cases. • Fixed an issue that caused shadows or Color Fill to be offset from their correct location in views sent to layout in some cases. • Fixed a problem where the backdrop would not generate correctly and lines would disappear when updating a Perspective Full Camera view sent to layout as Plot Lines. • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a layout view that referenced a floor level that had been deleted from the plan. • Fixed a problem that caused the program to lock up when sending Plot Line Views to Layout would lock up in the Mac version of the software.
  17. MIchael, This would be assuming that you already have a Plot Plan Layer Set that has been established? Or are you just saying that I could skip DBX #1 and #2?
  18. I am at my computer and man was this challenging for me the first time. So here is the map for others in this situation.
  19. Thanks Rich, Your honesty is something we need to see more of on this forum. There needs to be an open discussion on these things if we are going to get them resolved. I am finding that there are many things in the software that I struggle with and eventually fix but have no idea how it happened or how to reproduce it again. Software bug, operator error, hardware glitch, it is often hard to report a problem that is not understood. There seem to be huge gaps in the recorded knowledge base that need to be addressed so that CA can understand the frustration that we go through and let their development teams forge ahead on these issues.
  20. Mark, Here is the link back to the thread that Graham is referring to: I did not think this would be an issue with an interior view but it looks to me like the exact same problem.
  21. This has taken quite a bit of time to figure out in my situation and I think it is important to give a complete picture of the complexity of a "Workaround" when asking Chief for a Software Modification. For me this just did not do the trick: This comes a little closer but I feel is still not complete: Tweaking has a lot of meanings so I tweaked and tweaked and tweaked until I gave up and then tweaked again. About the fourth time I closed and reopened the plan I noticed that I lost one of the offending "Symbol hole" lines and although I did not know how this happened I then knew it was possible so I tweaked some more and accidently moved the Window Symbol and when I moved it back the other "Symbol hole" line disappeared. Eureka!! I had just discovered tweaking maybe, or maybe not the same way Rich did. So now I have the Standard View and Vector View figured out I still need to make the Plan View look right. Fortunately there are CA training videos (#370 & #371) that illustrate this so I will figure that out. All of this just to illustrate how important it is for Chief to take this Request seriously as it would be a massive time saver. Respectfully, Chopsaw
  22. Chopsaw


    Shure you can Just Shift Select them then Cad block and add to your User Library and organize in folders just as you have suggested for future use whenever you like. I like to open the block and give it a name that I will remember before I put it into the Library but it can also be done after.
  23. I will post you plans if you would like to take a look. Plan b may need a little more help to level the ridge that returns to the main roof plane and I was able to maintain your original overhang. I also thickened up your driveway slab to reduce the bump on plan b. Glad you did not fall asleep on you keyboard, you never know what the plans will look like when you wake up after that happens. See post # 17 for fixed plans. And good Luck.