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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Hello BT, I thought maybe I could use this formatting to isolate my results by floor but can't seem to make it work. I don't get an error but also no results ? #################################################################################### result="" sqft=0 $tree["rooms"].keys.each_with_index do |key,index| s= (index+1).to_s if ($tree["rooms"][key]['floor_number'] == '1') result += " " + s +"\t" + $tree["rooms"][key]['room_name'].to_s + " \t" + $tree["rooms"][key]['floor_number'].to_s + " \t" + $tree["rooms"][key]["internal_area"].round(0).to_s + " sq ft\n" sqft +=$tree["rooms"][key]["internal_area"].round(0) end end result += "Totals: \t\t\t" +sqft.to_s + " sq ft \n" result ###################################################################################### One other little issue I noticed is that the macro seems to pick up the data from the "Living Area Label". Is it possible to use this in the plan but exclude it from the results ? I really appreciate you sharing and taking the time to teach these skills.
  2. There may be a few things you could maybe make use of in the Theater and Music Library.
  3. Just as Kbird1 said but irrelevant unless you use Print Preview and to understand the scale in relation to the paper size you might as well also turn on your Drawing Sheet as Glenn pointed out above.
  4. It will print fine but displays at a lower resolution to save on system resources. If you want to view it in layout at a finer resolution select the layout box and zoom in and then hit refresh and things will be much clearer but slower. Or use plot lines for you section views rather than live views.
  5. If you are using the %scale% macro in layout you will need to zoom until it says 1:1 which is a little tricky without a bunch of luck or system adjustments. Most likely you will be better off doing a test print to PDF and then using you PDF viewer to adjust the zoom level. Many other benefits to proofing things at that stage as well, not to mention it will prevent scratches on your monitor.
  6. Yes you were correct although I have no idea why. I do like the way you had it laid out nice and clean. Maybe one of the guru's can explain ? I formatted the Totals: line the way it is in Chief Schedules just for consistency.. I did not really like mine or yours or even BT's format. Take a look and see if it works for you. Room Sqft Macro for Table Revised by Chop.json
  7. Yes I believe that is on Joe's suggestion list. Although I think he does most of the work in Notepad++ so that is not so much of an issue. Very nice work by the way especially for someone who claims to not know Ruby. I will give yours a play if I have time to see if I can make it work.
  8. Here is the basics copied form BT's original Roof Plane formatting. But you are already beyond the original as I see.
  9. Looking good Mick... How about a total square footage for the rooms ?
  10. There may be critical differences on a issue like this in Home Designer Pro 2020 vs. Premier X11. You should likely post on the Home Talk Site.
  11. I believe that is the correct code and it appears that you were successful with the Roof Plane Schedule. Maybe post the test plan if you are sure you have the tabs in the text schedule.
  12. Mick it looks like maybe you missed a tab setting up the text schedule for your column headings ?
  13. If you do that you can also set your own offset to drop below the deck surface.
  14. What is the file format of the scan ? Maybe post it here and someone will see what the possibilities are.
  15. Yes that method makes it work for both the label and text macro's. Thank You s= index.to_s needs to be s=( index+1).to_s in the text macro.
  16. Thanks Eric, I did not realize it would be that simple. Putting it in the result line produces an error but in the indx line it seem to be working. indx = $tree['roofplanes'].keys.find_index(id)+1 I just need to figure out the global part now but that will likely be the same trick.
  17. Yes it will need to be a 3D item.
  18. Because it would reduce the level of confusion for those not familiar with Hieroglyphics. If you have a listing of items that goes from 0-33 some people forget that there are actually 34 items once they get to the end of the list.
  19. Yes absolutely. Just convert to symbol and choose Electrical - Show Advanced Options and you can make anything a Electrical - Light and then add Light Data if you like.
  20. I think Rich is correct in that Hieroglyphics would be simpler but I think I am finally getting the hang of this and will be able to make use of this type of macro. Is there a simple way to make the Roof Plane # sequence start at 1 rather than 0 ?
  21. They can still be edited manually. It seems a little silly that you can adjust the diameter of a round footing in the DBX but not the size of a square one though.
  22. I am sure that I could have used that quite a few times if I had known sooner. Thank You. Too bad it is not a one click option.
  23. You can convert the Rich Text to P-solids if you do it correctly. Look for a tutorial by Yusuf.
  24. How bad does it look ? Do you have a special font in mind that I could help with ?
  25. So is it the background of the PDF that you would like to be transparent or the linework ?