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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Floors 0,1,2,3 are not the same as Basement, 1st floor,2nd floor,3rd floor, etc. For your case, you could just insert another floor and name the floor plans as appropriate.
  2. Have you checked to see that Chief is actually using the GPU?
  3. Material Regions work very well. You can even create stripes, etc.
  4. Copy the Library Object to your user Library. Make the edits there Use that for AFCI Outlets. For GFCI Outlets you can do the same and then just change the default to use the object in your library. Unfortunately Chief doesnt have a default for AFCI.
  5. I've developed a single macro that can be used to label any Stair, Ramp or Landing. This pic shows the results based on the values assigned in the model. Every one of the labels is just a text box with the same macro and an arrow connecting to the Stair or Ramp or Landing. Since Landings have Labels, the macro can just be inserted in the Label instead of using a text box with arrow. I have a text box in my user library with the macro so all I have to is place that and add the arrow. The Text Box along with several additional macros is available for $85 usd. Payments can be made to PayPal account
  6. I have the same question. Personally, I've copied all the Electrical Symbols to my user Library and made all the editis I want there, including Labels, Layers and Layer Sets. Then I set the Defaults for them. That p[retty much takes care of even the most complex plans. I also have custom Toolbars for Outlets, Switches, Communications & Alarms which use those symbols.
  7. Only if you are using any of the prior versions of Chief. . Personally I only keep a couple of versions back.
  8. When a new set of Wall Elevations is created and "Clip to Room" is checked: The Callout line is not clipped to the Room resulting in possible problems with the "FILL WINDOW TOOL" The 3D Elevation View is properly clipped If the Callout is selected and "Clipped to Room" is then un-checked Both the Callout Line and the 3D Elevation View are properly clipped If the Callout is selected and "Clipped to Room" is then checked Both the Callout Line and the 3D Elevation View are properly clipped IOW, the initial creation of Wall Elevations is not properly clipping the Callout Line in the Plan View.
  9. Post a plan with the symbol. There's no way to answer your question without knowing what the symbol is. ps: I do have symols that do it. I also have a system that calculates the required length per braced wall line and displays the lengths provided in schedules.
  10. Hi Tammy, It's best to avoild the material sprayer in most cases. it's much better to open the object dbx and set the material(s) there. That way you can be sure you are only affecting the selected object.
  11. Not a good idea to share with builders. Consultants (structural, mechanical, electrical) is usually OK.
  12. That stair wold only be compliant if the inside radius was increased to about 4-1/2 feet. The line shown by chief with the arrow isn't the "Walk Line" as required be code. The other option would be to decrease the number of treads so that the minimum tread width at the walk line (12" from inside) would be 10" minimum.
  13. Hi Steven, Is there a way to set HDRi backgrounds to be at a size relative to the Chief model? Is there a way of positioning the model at the center of the background? My model is pretty close to the [0,0] origin but I don't see any way of coordinating the HDRi background to the model scale and center.
  14. If the scale is included in the Layer Set name the attached macro will display the scale accurately in the plan view. Simply put it in a text box in the plan view. layer_set_Drawing_Scale.json
  15. Definitely build framing and probably also using the CAD, Auto Detail tool.
  16. What are you using to export? Why not print to PDF?
  17. This ensures accuracy in the layout. Layouts may feature views at varying scales and can be printed on sheets of different sizes.
  18. I would need to tell what's wrong.
  19. Without the plan there's no way to tell.
  20. So at the beginning of the macros add this: referenced ? obj=referenced : obj=owner then add obj. in front of each of the lines that are displaying the data That will make the macros work for whichever way they are being used. You might want to look at my template in
  21. custom_fields["field name"] is the way to get the data. Of course you'll need to specify the object in your macro. Owner would be typical if you want the outpt in the object's label.
  22. I can't find the NKBA Dimensions in X16. Does anyone know if it's still available and how to get it?
  23. For purposes of the plan, yes. In reality the electrician may not use GFCI outlets if the circuit itself is protected. However, he or she will place labels on non GFCI outlets where they are protected.
  24. Find an archive version prior to your save that you can open. Then save it with a new name or save it as the original.