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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Try setting the spacing as 1/16" or even 1/8" to see what happens.
  2. I would like a text or rich_text with a "hyperlink - or similar" to execute a Chief Hotkey. Actually, it could be a special item designed to provide the keystrokes automatically. Just something visible, selectable and identifiable.
  3. I think you need to upgrade. I'm not 100% sure which version provided this capability - but I'm pretty sure it was X13.
  4. Hmmmm..... I got an upvote last week - but no answers. I guess I'll need to send it in as a suggestion.
  5. I've heard the public beta will be very soon. Maybe this week.
  6. x = "Concrete" if floor_finish_name.length > 0 x = floor_finish_name end
  7. That's because upper_layers is already an array.
  8. I would like to make a link execute a Hotkey. Is that possible?
  9. Ahh.... I understand. I was thinking more like what's required for Log Homes with Log Columns. There we use a jacking plate under the Columns to be adjusted as the Log Bearing Walls shrink. Typically those are provided to allow the Columns to be lowered to match how much the walls shrink in height. If I was using a Lally Column within a Log Home I would not want to disable the adjustment screws.
  10. lower -left corner of the "Dashboard" shows the SSA Expiration Date. Typically, you can renew simply by logging in to your account.
  11. This makes no sense it the columns is supposed to function in the future to adjust for settlement.
  12. Exactly. But to be more precise, I put all schedules in CAD Detail Windows so they can be sent to any Layout Page. Generally I will have 1 or more such pages specifically identified in the Layout Page Table.
  13. I'm sure that is simply the requirement that the bottom be laterally restrained. It doesn't mean the screw needs to be encased in concrete - only that the base should be securely fastened.
  14. The Project Browser provides a way to navigate to various plan views. But it's a bit cumbersome when there are a lot of views to select from. I've been adding some Callouts to the Title Sheet of my Layout - linked to SVPs and Camera Views in the Plan(s). This gives me a quick way to simply dbl-click on a Callout to immediately open the desired view. Above is an example of some linked Callouts that I use that open the corresponding SVPs. It's really helping me get to the desired view without having to search thru the Project Browser. I still use the Project Browser for some views - but for the main ones I need to work on this is much easier. It would be even better if the LAYOUT PAGE TABLE worked this way. However, that would likely only navigate to the Layout Page rather than a Plan View.
  15. "Saved Plan View" which needs to have a separate "Layer Set".
  16. Make sure each foundation plan is a different "Saved Plan View" with it's own Layerset Then send each of those SVPs to a different page
  17. Ahh... So maybe they will be enclosed and therefore inaccessible at the bottom.
  18. Place on in a plan rotate about the x or y axis 180 degrees save to your library btw, what's the reason to invert the lally column? AFAIK, it's not uncommon to have the adjustment at the bottom.
  19. Terry, I do most of my own structural calcs and specify what needs to be used. I use "Vitruvius StruCalc" as my structural software. As an Architect I am licensed to stamp & sign the calcs.
  20. Terry, You have to specify the structural member sizes. Chief is not going to do that automatically. If you specify the correct sizes and materials the material list should be accurate.
  21. Do you really want the liability of a possible miscalculation? The material list is only as accurate as the model so you must be very precise in what you show. If I was a builder or contractor I might use the material list - but as an Architect (or even as a general contractor) I let subs & suppliers do their own takeoffs.
  22. For some things you just have to do a little bit more work. btw, shutters are popular in some locations and not in others.
  23. You need to use a Library Garage Panel Symbol. You might have to make your own Panel Symbol unless you can find one in one of the Manufacturer Catalogs.