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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. It can be done but requires some custom macros.
  2. This is something I too would like to see and something I requested a number of years ago. Maybe add your support over there...
  3. On that particular plan, the easiest solution is to simply check Ignore Top (2nd) Floor in your Build Roof dialog.
  4. Very nice! Just a friendly reminder, but don't forget how handy the Help Files can be. A quick search would have turned this up and saved a little of your trial and error time...
  5. 1. Ya, that one is no good. 2. Same, but do as Eric suggested and use the actual ceiling framing and you'll be in better shape. 3. Not sure what you mean. It's pretty easy to either set up an elevation view at the desired angle and then drawn the p-solid in that view, and it's equally as easy to simply rotate the p-solid after the fact. 4. Quick tip. You have to select the object by the appropriate face to get the desired rotational behavior. Also, try group selecting the object before rotating to get more expected results.
  6. Oh, I see. Totally misunderstood. You’re not actually responsible for getting the plans stamped. Sounds like a different workflow than what we typically deal with. Sounds like you must be doing a pretty good job on your drawings too if you never hear back. As a builder myself I rarely draw for other builders. I did just do one project for another builder here this spring though that did something similar to what you’re talking about. Their engineer literally just took a red pen and marked up the paper drawings all over the place. They’re just using that set of marked up plans, but that’s also in an area that doesn’t have any permitting requirements.
  7. Varies quite a bit from one locality to the next, but generally speaking, my experience for residential drawings is this: We draw plans as thoroughly as we reasonably can including any elements derived from our own rough calcs. We send those drawings to engineer. They send back required calcs and notes regarding what should be changed/added/deleted, we make changes, resubmit, and when all is right, engineer approves. This isn’t always the case and some engineers draw their own pages, but the above has been my experience in the overwhelming majority of cases. If you’re not hearing back, I suspect it’s because the files you provided were so far outside what they need or expect to see that they figured it wasn’t worth the hassle.
  8. I’ve typically modeled those overframes in one of 2 ways... -Manually using solids -Using trusses that are essentially just rafters (edited as necessary in truss detail). In both cases though I’ve typically used a Truss Base for underneath the over-frame area.
  9. Yes. This is true but it can be just as much of a bad thing as a it is a good thing since those annotation objects then might not jive with the visual display in layout. I really don’t mind the manual updating though. I do it one view at a time and take the opportunity to proof each page while doing so.
  10. This is not entirely true. If you place a wall onto anything other than it's Default layer, it loses some of it's automated layer behaviors. For example, attic walls generated by that wall are no longer automatically placed onto the "Walls, Attic" layer and if you were to change that wall to an invisible wall, it will no longer be automatically moved to the "Walls, Invisible" layer. These are just a couple really quick repercussions that come to mind. There may be others I'm not currently thinking of.
  11. I feel the same way. Side note though... One thing I would suggest you think about doing is using a filled polyline with the invisible line style for some of those instances where you have to delete errant lines. Sometimes you can just cover them instead of delete them so that next time you update the view, they don’t need to be deleted again.
  12. Plot Lines using Pattern Line Defaults for me. With plot lines we get more accurate and robust control over exactly how lines display and print, the results are sharper and crisper since they’re all vector based instead of raster (image) based, we get the option of using the Edit Layout Lines tool, we get usable snaps in layout (especially handy for positioning views and for placing CAD patches), and we get to use Pattern Line Defaults. In my opinion Plot Lines win 90% of the head to head comparison battles. They do have 2 downsides though....They take longer to generate/update, and they must be updated manually.
  13. I recommend using a Vector View. Send to Layout using Plot Lines with shadows turned on.
  14. Nothing to download. You just extract the files online. Takes a few seconds. Here you go... Centre dévelopement alimentaire pour présentation ( or... Centre dévelopement alimentaire pour présentation.plan
  15. .rar is just a zipped file. Plenty of easy ways to unzip online. Here's one...
  16. Kevin, If you want Chief to properly fill in gaps above and below your defined room with the proper wall type, then your railing walls need to be assigned that wall type. That's the only way Chief knows what to put there. Instead of using the "Screen Porch Railing" wall type, change those walls to the Brick-4 Wall Type. In addition, you'll need to make sure that all those walls are oriented correctly so some of them may need to be flipped.
  17. Away from my computer so I could only read the text file, but that looks good Chop. You did a good job keeping it simple too.
  18. Away from my computer but you don’t even need to create a custom macro. You can simply do the conversion right there in your text field... %elevation.to_ft% OR %elevation.to_ft.round(2)%
  19. This is correct. Any changes to your default settings will affect only that one plan. Any changes to your Preferences will affect Chief's behaviors with all plans. In addition, Default settings are basically plan settings whereas Preferences are program settings. I would word this a little differently. Global changes affect every instance of that version of Chief that you might open up on that machine...old plans, new plans, etc. Per the Help files, they "apply to all plan and layout files and are preserved between sessions". Changes to the Default Settings in your Plan Template are still file specific. They only change the settings in that one single plan file. They will initially affect all new plan files that are created using that template, but every single one of those new files will have it's own unique settings from that point forward. No Default settings in any plan (template or not) can affect the default settings in any other plan. It only seems that way if you use an existing plan as the basis for a new plan. The new plan just starts with those settings though...they're still not global.
  20. Try starting with Tools>Toolbars and Hotkeys>Create Hotkey List That will create an HTML file. Open that file and see what it shows for assigned hotkeys and test those out.
  21. That's what the NumberFormatter is for.
  22. Where are you seeing this as a "default display"?
  23. That was just copied and pasted from Eric's code. I use this type of formatting for all sorts of things actually. Most importantly though, regardless of what I am ultimately displaying, I still want precision. I may or may not ultimately put 7.23" on some drawings, but I want to know that's what the number is, and I want to use that number in any calculations.
  24. I don't think the example was using Eric's code at all. And I didn't disect BT's code that far. It looks at least a tad over-complicated though and a bit too dependent on the automatic label. When setting up custom labels like this, I find its typically best to build them from scratch for the desired use, using only the source values (schedule_number, width, height, and type_code in this case), and keeping them as simple and as explicit as possible. In this case, the desired label formatting could pretty easily be accomplished in as little as a single line of code and without all the unnecessary error handling...although I would likely use about 3 lines of code. EDIT: I took a quick look at BT's code and it looks like the problem is almost certainly the result of the conversion of a text string to an integer. .to_i converts only leading numerical values to an integer. If there are no leading numerical values, than the result is zero.