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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. For some objects, we have access to Material names that we can use in custom text macros, but we don't have access to the Texture Source File at all.
  2. I haven’t had that problem before. The 2 things that come to mind are Z-fighting (2 objects occupying the same space) or a video card issue. If you posted an example layout file along with its referenced plan file, one of us could take a look.
  3. Which part of your image is the Picture Box? Are you sending to layout from Plan or from Layout? If from Layout, is the image being placed directly in the CAD Detail or is it a Layout Box sent from a Plan? What text issue are you were referring to? And assuming the caution symbol is the picture box, can you just use simple Unicode caution symbol instead of a Picture Box?
  4. CAD Details seem to work fine for me as well.
  5. You said up in your original post that you know that you "can add a single image into the library", but that statement alone leaves a lot of questions and the terminology really needs to be clarified first. In Chief Architect®, an Image is a unique object type that displays your desired picture file in 3D. The plan view representation of an Image is a 2D Block. Images can be batch imported using Build>Image>Create Image Library, but I don't think this is actually what you want as you won't be able to display these pictures in plan views or place them in layout. We can also batch import Backdrops using File>Import>Create Backdrop Library but again, you can't use these picture files in plan view or in layout. They are only intended to be used as Backdrops in 3D. What I think you really want is a way to bath import Picture File Boxes. The problem here is that these cannot be directly added to the library at all. In order to ad a Picture File Box to your user library, you first have to block it. You can then name that CAD Block and add the CAD Block to your library. This means you must first create and name individual CAD Blocks before they can even be added to the library. There's simply no way of doing this in a batch. The fastest method IMO would be to simply File>Import>Import Picture, group select all the desired picture files from any given folder, click Open, and then one by one, Shift select, Make CAD Block, name CAD Block, and Add to Library. Maybe just store them in a more appropriate location then. One that doesn't get moved... such as your Chief Architect Premier X12 Data folder. You could also get into the habit of opening the Picture File Box and checking Save in Plan. Just a couple thoughts.
  6. Just looks like either user error or deliberate user input. Try using the Auto Detail tool and/or a backslipped cross section and you just might get a more clear story of what's going on. Either way, there's no reason the slab has to be stepped or contain extra lines. It's almost certainly just because of some peculiarities of your particular plan and its settings.
  7. YES!!! This^^^^ I often wonder the same thing. I feel like we got locked into this mindset that everything has to happen inside Chief when there's really no logical reason that it has to be this way. The same can be said for macros and text objects amongst other things. Sometimes storing outside Chief allows for more effective searching, more robust filing options, easier editing, and even quicker access.
  8. The ceiling planes don't actually have to be on the 2nd floor. You can also just uncheck Use Room Ceiling Finish.
  9. You could also convert to a custom countertop and just apply the molding to the countertop.
  10. What Eric was trying to say is that YOU cannot have the plan open in Chief when you try to zip it. Close the plan and then zip it. If you try zipping while the plan is open then the resulting zipped file contains no information.
  11. I am away from my computer and I don’t rightly remember/know all the reasoning or nuances but just off the top, this behavior gives us a way to set a “base level“ default and still allows for us to set another sort of temporary active default to control only newly drawn roof planes.
  12. It would help if you were to post a plan or at least an image, but if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it can totally be done, and it can be done in just a couple minutes...
  13. You're likely getting no responses because you haven't posted the plan. A lot of people just get tired of asking and so they just pass right on by. You would probably have an accurate answer in a matter of minutes if you posted the plan, otherwise it's anyone's guess as to what's going on in your plan. I could personally play the guessing game but I have better things to do.
  14. Chief actually gave us an option to simply set a Door Type as "Fixed" back in X11.
  15. Ya, Chief tends to add these various Match Properties and Text Macro name:value pairs little by little and commonly only when we ask for them.
  16. Freestyle group select and the Edit All Roof Planes tool are about the only options.
  17. Weird. I had just quickly tested when I first responded with that advice and I thought I had it working by giving it some thickness. I just tried it again real quick and couldn't repeat. Odd. Either way, yes, adjusting the sample size definitely works, and yes, Chief is treating this scenario oddly. I'll let you know if I have a chance to play with it again and figure out what I did differently last time.
  18. Looks to me like you should be asking your question over in the Home Designer forum...
  19. I posted an example already. My texture image is 4 times as big as the one you are using. Use that one instead and you can set the scale at 1x1 and it will be 4 times as small.
  20. I don’t think anyone here was suggesting that you change your standards to fit the program. I know that I for one was only offering my personal advice from the perspective of somebody who has laid out thousands of walls as a framer and I only chimed in because the topic was already being discussed. I probably wouldn’t have said anything otherwise. Anyway, as others have already pointed out, dimensioning to the center of your walls is totally doable in Chief. Shouldn’t be a big deal at all. I did want to take a moment to re-visit the wall centerline dimensioning standard again though— this time completely in your defense. During my commute to work this morning I gave this subject some brutally honest consideration and it occurred to me that even in my own practices, centerline dimensions would have one major advantage that until now I had never considered or even heard mentioned...They allow for both verbally communicating and remembering a dimension without having to also communicate/remember which side of wall A and which side of wall B are being referenced. Only thing to communicate and remember is dimension and framing thickness. I can’t say that I’m planning on switching my drafting standards anytime soon because I have other reasons for marking edges as well, but I can finally see at least one completely logical reason a person might prefer centerline dimensions. Sorry for giving you grief.
  21. You can still apply to a single face, the symbol just has to be thicker than zero if you want to scale down to under a single unit. Thicker than zero doesn't preclude the single face idea. Please note that I'm not saying I think the behavior is good, just telling you how its working. You can also increase your texture image to include a larger sample area...
  22. What is this method you are talking about?
  23. I got it now. It all started to make sense after Glenn pointed out that you were using child palettes.