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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. If you want anything more than guesses you should post both the plan and the layout.
  2. Ya. Pick yer poison I suppose. Either add polylines and manipulate as necessary with any changes to plan or Auto Detail and polyline union. The latter seems a little more efficient to me for many situations though.
  3. You can get the walls for mono slabs to display by setting the wall(s) to use a different Pour Number than the room they define. The wall fills only disappear if the pour numbers match.
  4. The contractor has to do dang near 100% of the work all over again, that's why.
  5. I disagree. It's more like a customer walking into a car rental place and asking to buy the car...something that I believe any car rental place would happily do for the right price.
  6. What have you been doing to date? Or have you not actually drawn up these situations at all before? Also, it would really help if you were to post the plan so people could look at what you've done and show you quick examples of how you might proceed without having to model something from scratch themselves.
  7. Not sure I even understand the question. What do you need help with? The design itself (what beam sizes to use, what types of temporary supports to use, etc.)? Modeling (How to actually separate the model into 2 pieces)? Drafting (how to put it on paper)? Annotating? Planning? A little more information might help us help you.
  8. Alaskan_Son


    Do a save as with all the unnecessary parts deleted and post that trimmed down plan.
  9. The comments made above by Joey, Shane, and Greg are probably correct in a very general sense when it comes to doing standard run of the mill CDs, but it really depends on what exactly your goal is. I personally use Chief all the time to model real world conditions including exact framing member locations and very precise junction box locations. A lot of times...especially in our higher end kitchens and bathrooms, the placement of those electrical objects is absolutely crucial and needs to be properly dimensioned one way or another..
  10. Edit>Edit Behaviors>Rotate/Resize about current point. Then Place Point at your desired center location. You can then use a number of methods to proceed from there including not only Eric's suggestions but also Multiple Copy using the rotate handle.
  11. When I have this happen, my solution is to just open the text box(es) and then click Okay. If the only fix for you is to manually resize the box then I would double check to make sure that you don't have Auto Width unchecked.
  12. This ^^^^ is what I do too. Image in back drawing group, followed next by polyline with semi transparent fill, with everything else in front of that.
  13. I'm not sure we're all even talking about the same thing here so I'll take a moment to clarify. Imagine we have 2 evaluated macros: Macro #1: Name: macro_1 Context: none Value: 1+2 Macro #2: Name: macro_2 Context: none Value: 2*3 We have the Insert> button in TMM that has actually been there for quite some time now. Using that button you can insert both macros into a new non-evaluated macro as dumb text like this: %macro_1% + %macro_2% The result would be 3 + 6 What's new in X10 however is that you could also use an evaluated macro and enter the macros like this: macros.macro_1 + macros.macro_2 The result would be 9
  14. You have to use the format, and if it's an evaluated macro, the Insert> won't work anyway.
  15. To get it to resize while still retaining its aspect ratio using this method, you might need to draw a temporary line from one corner to the other and then snap to that line while resizing.
  16. Hey, whaddya know...4 ways. You can also do the same thing by using the right mouse I guess that's 5 ways.
  17. At least 3 ways to do this: Hold down the X key (resize edit mode) while dragging one of the corners Group select the view by either marquis selecting, holding down Control, or holding down Shift; and then use the single edit handle to resize. Use Transform/Replicate and resize that way.
  18. This really kind of depends on the symbol of course and on what you are trying to accomplish. If for example a symbol has the junction box included, it would probably be best to leave a y offset; and if you would like to place the height based on the center of fixture or j-box then you might also want to leave a Z offset as well. Regardless of your intentions though, you would likely want to at least double check the offsets and adjust as/if necessary.
  19. In addition to the above, it can also be as simple as just placing the fixture onto a wall, selecting it, clicking Open Symbol>Options, changing it to Floor Mounted, and then moving it to wherever you want it.
  20. Actually, this is also possible in X8 as well. Just takes a couple custom macros. Shoot me an email if you're interested and I can help you set it up. It wouldn't be free, but it also shouldn't take all that long. I would just need to see how you have your cabinet labels and schedule(s) set up. Quick example done in X8...
  21. What you're seeing are NOT temporary dimensions. They are dimensions you have placed onto different layers. Switch to your All On layer set and you should see what I'm talking about. The thing is that with Temp Dims turned on, Chief will display any and all relevant dimensions when you select an object...even if that particular layer is turned off.
  22. Not sure if you ever got this sorted or not but i took a quick glance at you plan and I think in that particular situation you may be better off putting your terrain and retaining walls onto the floor below.
  23. Here...I just did it on purpose somehow... ...not totally sure how though. It was some combination of copying, point to point moving, and panning. I'll try to see if I can do it again when I have a little more time.
  24. I've been seeing this a lot lately too. Just haven't found the time to report anything. Whats even more annoying is that sometimes I'm getting the "ghost" of the seemingly selected object where it no longer exists. "I see dead things. They don't even know they're dead" I think it has something to do with panning because every-time it has happened I have the little high five icon stuck on for a little while.
  25. You can use the Rotate Plan View tool.