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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Amen. I appreciate you always chiming in with the correct website for HD users. I really think people who try to help them here and who encourage them to follow this forum and really unwittingly doing these guys a huge disservice. The vast majority of the time, the advice they're given by Chief users here simply won't work in HD. And very few HD users have any clue how to filter through the information here. They could spend all day looking for a tool or capability they don't even have.
  2. it depends ENTIRELY on how accurate your model is and whether you configure all the various settings appropriately or not so that the material list can properly report what you want it to and how you want it to. Quick example... Forget to actually frame the floor system and your floor framing portion of the estimate will be completely wrong. Or, frame and model everything perfectly and set your walls not to report to the material list and your wall framing portion of the estimate will be totally wrong. All modeling and settings done correctly and appropriately, I’ve found Chief to be quite accurate. There are a few areas where their calculation methods are a little debatable, but all within an acceptable margin of error as far as I’m concerned.
  3. Away from my computer, but as I recall, you don’t get boxed eves unless soffits are turned on. You can turn them on and use a Gap material type though.
  4. I tend to agree for the most part. I personally model a lot of things from scratch myself as well. For these block walls though, I typically just adjust the vertical offsets of the one material definition and call it good. I don't worry about the top of the wall or how the blocks look on the ends...not that important. Having said that, adjusting the material definitions is a lot faster than modeling each wall from scratch IMO.
  5. Your question is super confusing then. Why the following reference? Your thread title made it sound like you were talking about the view title itself and then you said the above thing about "north" and multiple "directions", and then you circled the whole entire thing which included another object entirely (the callout), and then you you called the auto generated label a "callout". To get some better assistance, I would highly recommend you try to A; clarify things a little better, and B; use Chief's terminology whenever you possibly can. When I start to describe to someone how to achieve any given task or ask a question of my own, I will pretty commonly open look back at Chief and double check what their exact terminology is just so I don't confuse matters. Anyway, just to clarify, this is a Layout Box Label... This is a Callout... There is no default callout that gets generated when sending to layout. Only a Default Label As Chop already mentioned, you have to place the callout and title yourself. Most people just create a CAD Block like Chop did, position it accordingly and modify as necessary for any given view. The macros he used are some pretty standard built in macros that are very simple to use and that reference information placed by the user (you) into the layout page information fields... ...and the compass rose is really quite easy to create with our various CAD tools. Sorry, it's not the most in-depth and I kinda raced through a few things, but here's a quick custom tutorial video and custom "Compass Rose" CAD Block on the house. Merry Christmas... Compass Rose.calibz
  6. David, there is a difference between most screen sharing/video conferencing apps and dedicated remote desktop apps. The former require some involvement from users on both ends and even then don’t typically allow for the same unfettered access that a true remote desktop app does. The latter on the other hand can be set up to access and operate an unmanned computer from another computer in a different location.
  7. Are you talking about the compass rose or the view title or the callout, or...?
  8. It seems pretty obvious to me from the OP that he or she is talking about the way The CMU material does not appear as it would in real life. The first block for example should start right on top of the footing and there should be a whole block on one end of the wall. In addition, the top of the wall wouldn’t have a seam in it. In order to get a more realistic representation, a person could do any number of things, but what I would likely lean toward doing myself is painting a unique material onto each wall and then adjusting the material definition to move the texture and pattern offsets. Simply adjusting the vertical texture and pattern offsets should get you most of the way there. If you want the ends to be accurate it would require multiple materials… One for each wall. For the top of the wall you would have to cap it with something and use yet another material definition for each wall. Either that or just use a series of p-solids or other 3D objects as Steve suggested.
  9. I can see now from your second picture that those cabinets are floating. I didn’t realize that before. Have you tried putting another object between your cabinet and the rope light? And are you sure the bottom of those cabinets is solid?
  10. I’ve never put rope lights under a toe kick like that and I’m away from my computer so I can’t test this, but I suspect it has something to do with the way Chief treats that toe kick area as part of the main cabinet box shape. I would recommend trying 2 different things… 1. Create and apply an L-shaped molding profile to surround the light (behind and above), separating it from the cabinet. Either that or use some other 3D object(s) for the same purpose. 2. If that first one doesn’t work, maybe break that cabinet into two different cabinets. One for the box, and one shallower cabinet for the toe kick area below.
  11. It looks like you solved your problems for this particular project, but what about those situations where you might actually want the roof lower like that (because they do exist)? I believe your problems with the floor finish building through are likely because your walls defining that room are being cut down too short by the roof above. When the walls are cut too short like that, they no longer stop the floor from building through... so, in order to address this, you can leave your roof planes right where they are and just define a very small attic area in that area where your roof is cutting into the room anyway...
  12. Well put Eric. You're a sweetheart
  13. I agree, but in this case, I feel like you may be pandering a bit. There's unwritten rules of forum etiquette, and there's just basic common courtesy. I really think we're talking about the latter here, and unless this particular user can accept a little warranted criticism and adjust accordingly, they're not going to get far. I guess the bottom line is that sometimes things need to be said to help set people on the right path. I haven't always liked things I've been told, but it's typically the tough conversations that help us grow.
  14. That was David taking up his valuable time to make YOU a custom video 8 months ago showing you how to do exactly what you're asking about in this thread.
  15. ...and BTW, if this is your idea of “giving back”, I think I can speak for most users when I say No Thank You. I’ll focus my efforts elsewhere. Seriously though, I’m not trying to be mean, just blunt...where did you look “ under Dual dimensioning”? What does that even mean? Chief has nothing with that name. Were you looking on YouTube? User Guide? Chief’s Knowledge Base articles? Chief’s tutorial videos? Someone else’s tutorial videos? Why not tell us what tools you actually clicked on and what settings you changed? Now that would actually be a helpful way to “give back”. Your response just sounds lazy and definitely carried no spirit of helpfulness. To each his own, but I’m just trying to be straight when I say that attitude won’t get you too far when seeking “free” knowledge and assistance here on the forums.
  16. To be quite frank, the instructions aren’t terrible, your question is terrible. You have to put in a little more effort if you want accurate results and answers. For starters, describe what you mean by “dual dimensions” and perhaps post a screenshot showing what you’re looking for. And just FYI, saying things like this... a super efficient and effective way of burning bridges. I for one am a lot less likely to donate my valuable time helping someone who says something like that...especially if they don’t seem too keen on properly learning from answers they’ve already been given...
  17. There are a lot of ways to deal with this type of thing outside using a Pony Wall. Since you asked about the Pony Wall though, one other thing you can consider doing is rearranging your lower wall definition to put everything into the Main Layer. Then you can Align Pony Wall at Main Layer Outside.
  18. Don't reinstall. I just think you're not fully understanding how it works. If you have actually sent the view to layout, then the automatic text below line gets its information from the Layout Page Label. If you want to see the sheet number then you will need to enter the appropriate information for your layout page using the Edit Page Information tool. You can either enter a page number manually or use the # sign with or without the appropriate numbering scheme prefix (A-#, E-#, etc.). It sounds like perhaps it's you that's putting the information in the wrong box.
  19. Using the proper words is important. I believe what you’re trying to do is create a CAD Block (as opposed to a CAD Detail--as you called it throughout most of your post). Group select the linework with a marquee (drag a box around it) and then you should see the Make CAD Block tool (looks like a box) least that’s the way it’s worked for the last 8 or 9 versions.
  20. This... I think you might just want to note which of the receptacles is supposed to be the hot one. Not sure there's any proper way to note top vs. bottom with a symbol. Although I suppose you could add this to your legend and make left filled = top hot and right filled = bottom hot. Just a thought.
  21. Actually, it can. One thing I do all the time is simply copy an existing framing member in the wall detail and use that for whatever I need. It becomes part of that wall.
  22. I model custom objects like this for people as well. Just shoot me over an email if you're interested and we can take it from there.
  23. That's weird. My whole first post was typed up for drop-down lists and Mark's post was as well. I guess we both just mis-read? Anyway, check boxes are a different animal entirely. If you're trying to place tick marks in check boxes that auto fill a form, then this is possible too (in both MS Word and Excel), but in both cases you would have to work with macros and learn to do some minor coding. By the way, the same could essentially be done right in Chief, but would require utilizing custom macros.
  24. Did you change the wording of your original post? I could have sworn that it originally referred to using drop-down lists.
  25. Yes and yes. Might do a little searching online. The drop-down lists are quite easy to create and although I know true databases can be inserted and utilized somehow as well, I've never actually worked with those. Drop-down lists can just be created as their own standalone items in both Word and Excel so I'm not sure the databases would really be necessary (not actually sure how those are even used though). Just as a quick side note, in Word, you'll have to add the Developer tab (Options>Customize Ribbon) to get drop-down list capabilities. With Excel its a pretty standard operation.