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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Turn the smoothing angle down to something like 40...
  2. Its because the ceilings are set to Use Room Ceiling Finish and the rooms have 2 totally different ceiling finishes defined. That setting is one of the very first places I would recommend people look when having issues with manually drawn ceiling planes.
  3. That's a weird one for sure. You can leave it as concrete too but you have to change the material definition on the Materials List tab to something other than concrete. Probably best to just create a new material for that. On a side note, I'm curious if the structural definitions are actually correct. Around here we would typically pour that inside the wall which would mean placing the concrete in the Floor Finish definition.
  4. I’ll answer your question with a question. What is it that you are telling Ruby to round in that last example?
  5. ...or at the least, valuable time and expertise. The first of which you can of course spend order to arrive at the second if you should so choose to do so. Or, if your time is valuable enough to you, yes, you can just pay one of us (with money) to set something up for you or perhaps to coach you so you can start writing your own.
  6. Yes. That’s essentially the method I utilized. In a nutshell, my method for this particular use case was to first convert the file path to a string, then to break that string up into an array of values to represent drive, directory, subdirectories, and file, and then to display only the first 3 of the last 4 values in the array.
  7. Well, I'm a little disappointed. The way you worded your post sounded like you had a super extremely cool secret to share. I kinda feel like it was false advertising and that you owe me an extremely cool secret Chief trick now.
  8. Ah, that's what I meant then when I said that it "doesn't seem to do anything unexpected". Holding down the control key to override snaps is a pretty common and standard practice and it matters not what handle, what tool, or what mode you're drawing in. The control key just overrides all snaps.
  9. You're probably missing out. Makes it super fast to draw a building perimeter or trace things.
  10. That's the functionality we were talking about with the first 2 posts and like I said in the second post, it only requires the alt key or right mouse button. What Rene was talking about was something different.
  11. Still not sure what the "arrow handle" is. And what you described is simply continuous draw mode. it works that way with lines, arcs, splines, walls, etc. but doesn't require the control key. It simply requires that you start drawing with the right mouse button or while holding the alt key. Still not sure what exactly you guys are talking about with the "arrow handle" and holding both Control and Alt.
  12. What do you mean by the "arrow handle"? And what's it supposed to do good sir? Doesn't seem to do anything unexpected on my end with ANY of the edit handles.
  13. No. I typically draw that with a second wall reshaped in elevation or with a polyline solid depending on the situation. A wall is usually necessary though in order for the railing above to behave and display properly.
  14. Not totally sure, but they really are pretty good about getting us the ones we need when we request them.
  15. Chief will only put the arch on the built-in door styles (slab, glass slab, panel, etc.). If you want to use a custom door or one from the library then you'll need to make the changes yourself or pick a more suitable door.
  16. You are correct. It seems you can use rebar length if you set the overlap to zero, but you also have to know if the wall is connected to another wall or not... Not Connected: Rebar Length/2 Connected on one end: (Rebar length/2)+Footing Width Connected on both ends: (Rebar length/2)+(Footing Width/2) As you know, we really just need the footing height as an attribute and we wouldn't need to jump through any of the hoops. I also think the "thickness" attribute should be renamed width. I'm starting to suspect that the "thickness: attribute was actually always intended to report the footing height and that it was just programmed to report the width by mistake, because we can get the width in other ways but that's not true for the height.
  17. Just FYI for whoever cares, if you set your rebar overlap to zero, you can simply divide the rebar length by your rebar count and get the actual footing length...from which you can calculate a perfect footing height. I haven't quite figured out how to calculate with a different overlap value, but I never use the overlap so I guess I don't care.
  18. It works just fine for me Joe. I wonder if you're possibly using the wrong formula. It should be: Footing Quantity/Wall Length/Footing Thickness You'll probably want to write some rules as to how things are rounded though and might even want to use the Rebar Length somehow (if you can actually figure out exactly how its calculated) because Chief actually counts the Footing Quantity so accurately that it accounts for the extension beyond the wall ends which would lead to deceptive footing heights without writing some proper rules. NOTE: The footing "area" is the cross sectional area of the footing measured lengthwise (footing length x footing height). The 2 things we don't actually know are the footing length and the footing height. We really just need to be given the footing height as an attribute.
  19. It has to be extrapolated using values in the footing_layers Collection.
  20. Are you talking about a perpendicular extension? Or are you trying to rotate the polyline so that it is perpendicular? If you;re talking about rotating then you need to use the Make Parallel/Perpendicular tool. If you're talking about perpendicular extensions then you'll need some kind of reference point to snap to (end of line or center of line) and you should get the extension snap if you temporarily turn off angle snaps.
  21. Here's one I made a little while back... Curved shower rod with curtain.calibz
  22. The file size Glenn and I were referring to was for a stripped down version.
  23. This comment intrigued me, so I opened the plan and simply saved it on my system without making any changes. The newly saved file is only 1,740 KB. I wonder if it's a Mac thing. super weird for sure.
  24. Not sure what the problem is. They look joined to me. Can you be more specific?