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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Chief Time Conversion Using an Excel Formula By Mick – aka Kbird1 on the Chief Help Forums PDF FILE FOR DOWNLOAD : How to Convert Time to Decimal in Microsoft Excel 1.pdf *** I am not a Excel Expert , this is just how I do it..... First, create a new column if needed ( for me CA does this automatically??? ) and enter the formula : =HOUR(cellno#)+MINUTE(cellno#)/60 Where (cell no#) is the 1st Cell of the Data to be converted. In my case below the cell is C4 (underlined in RED) so =HOUR(C4)+MINUTE(C4)/60 You also need to make sure that the cells are formatted correctly. Select the CA Duration Time column, (C in pic above) right click and select “Format Cells” and select Custom, and then h:mm ( if needed type in the h:mm where it says Type) You also need to make sure that the Formula RESULT Column cells are formatted correctly. Do the same for your Decimal Time column……but set it to Number with 2 decimals, remembering the Result you see is in Decimal Hours NOT Hours and Minutes, ie 1.30 is 1.3 hours not 1 hr 30 mins. You will now have Time in a Numbers Decimals format which the AutoSum Feature should add together with no problems. ie =SUM(D4:D17) for this Image below You can then select the Cell with the Formula in it , hover over the bottom right corner for the cross icon and then grip it and pull down the column and Excel will fill in the result for all Cells automatically. Updated March 12th 2022. M. .
  2. Same results for me..... in your plan ...not sure if it was an OOB Template? M.
  3. This will help with that.... X13 does have new Dimensioning Options....... M.
  4. It would be like playing 20 questions trying to diagnose from a single image, it's better that you upload a small test plan ( 25mb max) done from the default residential Template , this will also tell you if it is a fault in your template perhaps too. M.
  5. Yep totally weird , and should go to Tech. Support for sure. M.
  6. I was having major Issues with the Save/Autosave function for the last few weeks causing lockups of 3-9 mins and occasionally full crashes where I'd lose work, but the last Windows' Updates ( 2 on same day about 10days ago) for Windows 10 seem to have fixed it , since I am still on the same projects and there hasn't been an X13 Update in months that is the only thing I can put it down too. Being M$ Tuesday there should be another Update today...... KB5010415 and a .net Framework update KB5009467 I believe. Mick Yes another M$ Update available today too....
  7. this is true , but never claimed I fixed the Issue , in fact it seems worse, but I think that is maybe because you are using 2x2 posts (newels) and the Deck Railing is using a 4x4 post and a 4x beam. M
  8. I missed that on the 1st go around and after a bit more of a play it seems when you switch the Room to a Porch Chief is automatically moving the Baseline to the center of the Wall instead of leaving it on the outside edge which is strange...... I am not sure if it is related to the fact that the Walltype used in the plan is the Interior Railing instead of the Railing/Fence Walltype used in the Deck Railing Tools or not?
  9. Not sure if it is the cause but a Porch comes auto with a Roof and Flat Ceiling Certainly seems like the Fix in this Plan, though I can't explain why your custom subfascia sizes ( 6 1/8?) or 7" eave fascia don't work normally, or why switching to unspecified fixes it ......one for T.S. to explain methinks......or @Dermot
  10. Ask Sales if you can be downgrade to the 2021 Version, (with rebate) it uses the old X12 Graphics Engine and should work fine, or Ask for a refund and just use your 2015 Version. M.
  11. You should be using the Radeon not Integrated iGPU unless you are using a computer with the RX 580 soldered into it? No Weird "Dots" here , but perhaps this is an old Intel iGPU problem I have seen before ? Check in Preferences > Render>Video Status and see what Chief is Using....
  12. No, you have to have only One Person work on the file at a Time and pass it back and forwards....... this is true even for Chief Premier. M.
  13. Your Drivers appear to be from 2019 , I'd suggest contacting Dell as well if still under Warranty just in case it is not a Driver Issue. The Latest AMD 580 Drivers are here : https://www.amd.com/en/support/previous-drivers/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-580
  14. There is a known Issue with multiple monitors IF your computer uses the Nahimic 3D Sound software ...( Sound Radar in particular.) M.
  15. Get in the habit of ALWAYS starting by Opening the Layout File IF you use the Time Tracker....... ie Open the Layout with a double Click From the Client's Folder or the CA Recent List each time or you will find you have screwed yourself out of time ( and Money )... or feel like you need to spend time on a "Compare" to make sure you haven't undercut yourself. The Layout that way will (or should) always have the Plan Hours as well as it's open in the background , even if not showing in the Project Browser. If you Have a Plan File for a Project and thus Hours in the Tracker already, then Open the Plan's Tracker, note the Time, then start a Layout for the Project, making sure it is Named and saved then Close it. Then immediately reopen it , this will give you the 1st entry in the Layout's Tracker List which you can edit and put a Note of the Time Transfer from the Plan. As you can see here I Spent almost 23hours in the Plan in Jan. before getting the Go for the ConDocs. ***1 caveat is that the Time Tracker does not Enable UNTIL you save the File with a Name, but you should never be working in an Untitled Plan or Layout anyway , as this would mean the Autosave function is not enabled either.
  16. Make sure to Use VECTOR VIEW for Elevations , not a Standard Camera View and when you send to layout Send as Plot Lines , not Live Cameras. Mick.
  17. MACs cannot use RTRT it's why Greg came back to the Light CA also calls the new GPU based PBR RT ...Ray Tracing which is a bit confusing, The old CPU based RT, it is still available but much slower. The " Passes " Greg mentions are actually the number of Sample as seen in the Status Bar at the bottom....
  18. Yes that is PBR , (Physical Based Render) same as X12 But in X13 RTRT is if you have the Ray Trace Box Checked inside the PBR Technique Options under Global Illumination this activates the New in X13 ASTRAL 3D Engine. It is best to Cap Live Samples so the 3D card does run hard continuously (think Heat) I find 2500 works well , just takes a tad longer , and most have found it is best to turn Daylight Backdrop intensity down to 500-700 range max.
  19. Yes but not bad for an Electrician , must be why the lighting looks good ! you just need to play with your material properties........ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10210/material-properties-how-to-import-set-the-pattern-visualize-in-3d.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/83/advanced-materials.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10119/using-the-adjust-material-definition-tool.html M.
  20. If you open the Client's Layout File, it opens the Plan File in the background, so if you link a Plan to a Layout when you Start a New Project immediately and Open the Layout for Each Client each time you work, rather than the Plan File you can basically ignore the Plan hours as the Layout will capture those as well. I do this even if I don't think the Job will ever goto to Layout as I find the Timer Tracker is easier to use this way, or if need be I take the Plan Total Hrs and transfer them to the Layout Timer when I make/open a Layout for the 1st Time and Open the Project from the Client's Layout from that point on. Mick.
  21. I think with that Design , you'd be better off upgrading to HD Pro, so you can use the Manual Roof Tools. I do support HD Pro, Interiors and Premier , send me a PM if you'd like. Mick.
  22. AntOnline is doing GPU "Bundles" , but GPUs still ain't cheap anywhere you look but are coming down a bit. https://www.antonline.com/evga/graphicscards/bundles
  23. What no Pic of the How ? how will the next Kiwi who askes know what to do M.
  24. Perhaps if the Foundation (Auto?) Rebuilt for some reason and the sizes changed ? M.
  25. I think I would use a 18" high Pony Wall and Edit the Cross Sections if needed, though Molding Line works great too depending on the circumstances. M.