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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Hi , you need to expand the Error message box to the right and show the File location ( 6th column? ) so we can see where it is..... looks like you might need to do a Materials Purge too to reduce File size ---- I can see in the pic the in use column is not checked for some.) Mick.
  2. Get you 2nd Assoc. to post a screen grab here of the error message....... But my guess is the referenced File link is to your Dropbox Folder rather than Dropbox itself. - There is this KB Article about using Cloud Accounts ...seen it? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03155/sharing-projects-in-a-work-environment-that-is-utilizing-cloud-network-services.html and https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03090/moving-library-content-to-the-cloud-or-other-custom-location.html - probably best to do a FULL backup though via File>Backup Entire to Zipfile and put it on Dbox though. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00987/using-the-backup-entire-plan-project-tool-to-send-files-to-another-user.html - This post should really be over in Q+A this isn't a Tip for Others..... * And please do your Forum Signature thx.
  3. The Blurriness was the 1st thing I noticed in Beta and commented here, but there didn't seemed to be many me too comments at the time, but I know it's not the monitor(s) as I now have new IPS LG's as of last week, or my eyesight even though I wear glasses , cos no other program has the Issue. M.
  4. that's very generous of you ...only mildly? and I have the 1/16th issue as well , along with the text boxes losing one border unless zoomed in. I am not sure if this is related to an older plan brought forward perhaps or something else...... the blurriness is like the "Performance View" workaround in Layout for Live Cameras, has now been applied to ALL cameras .... and Update while Idle seems to have no effect not that it should be needed Running a 3080/3080Ti. * I thought it maybe related to running windows at 125% , but the blurriness is the same at 100%. *** I see the Chief Team are here again , a downvote for this post ...wow ... M.
  5. Love it ! I normally have my ALDO and PB Left and Right on 2nd/3rd Screens and find if I close them before I close Chief they come back at the same size when reopened but suffer the same issue as you if I just close Chief, at least I think that's what's going on , either way was not an issue in X13. M.
  6. Please post screen grabs , not PDFs , not everyone is keen on downloading "unknown" documents. I use this website for Steel dwgs..... https://www.cad-steel.com/steel-sections/w-shapes-american-wide-flange-beams M.
  7. Nice writeup Alan ! this should help others....... Mick.
  8. Thanks Gene , I am sure many will appreciate it... Mick.
  9. TwinMotion is a Rendering Program ( was free, so many here have it ) now owned by EPIC who also own the Unreal 3D Engine ( v.5 just released.) Both can be downloaded through Epic Launcher , though I am not up on current free availability options. Download Twinmotion - Twinmotion EDIT : TM is still free for non-commercial use https://www.twinmotion.com/license
  10. I may just be a Layer Display Issue ? In X14 Polyline Solids were re-named a 3D Solids............. | | | | | | V V V V V V
  11. thanks Gene , for most here it would probably be better if you Exported the .calibz File from your Chief Library instead. Mick.
  12. sounds like it might be something right up Forum User Chopsaw's Alley........... He has a number of macros available. @Chopsaw
  13. MarkMc can't log into the Forum at the moment so he has asked me to post this for him......... Use Style Palettes (they are great for fixing things) select object, say window, select Style Palette, create new > name it > eg SP_no schedule. >Settings clear all, then find the setting for schedule and set OFF, go on through the list selecting other object types and adding them to that SP - doors, walls, cabinets, fixtures etc For each item instead of new schedule add them to the No Schedule SP - then you can marque select using that style palette to clear / turn off include in schedule for all - And you now have this SP in the library good for future use too. Regards, Mark @MarkMc
  14. That's typically how it works , the select similar tool on the edit tool bar ( yellow - 4 dots) is handy for this , so you don't have to do it manually, you can do it by item, layer, etc etc.... M.
  15. *Not a RTRT Expert .... but there really are no Settings the will be perfect in every camera View.... The 1000 is not refraction , it is your "Cap Live Samples" which I normally have on and set to 2500 ( 1000-3000 depending on scene > more glass = more samples ) Capping the Live Samples will stop your Videocard from running continuously. With interiors you can also go really low on the Sun ...in the hundreds if the interior it lit well. M.
  16. Have not seen that , it might be one for Dermot......... @Dermot
  17. The Designer would need Chief ( or Home Designer Pro ) if She want's 2D and 3D I think? but I admit I am not a Sketchup Owner, but I don't think a .3DS Model will give you a working 3D model in SU does it? it's more like a CA symbol isn't it? or a 2D floor Plan automatically either for that matter , but since I have only ever had the Free SU ( up to 2017) I maybe wrong on what SU Pro and newer Versions can do.... Gene may know he uses SU a lot.. @GeneDavis Mick.
  18. You might need to share the Plan , or an example at least ... I have not ever seen that. If you fixed it please post back with the Solution, thanks. M.
  19. As longer as you are Backup up your Chief Data Folder the User Library should be getting backed up too , but I also right Click on the User Catalog about once a month and "Export Library", and save the File to my external HDD.... a side benefit is that will highlight any issues with missing Textures. This "Export" saved me a few months back when Chief somehow wiped out my User Library......
  20. I believe Greg was referring to an External USB3 Harddrive (HDD), I also advise it , usually a 4 - 10TB depending on Budget, and also making sure you use a daily/weekly automatic backup scheme , not only for Lib. Files but all your Client Folders and Files, Documents, Pics. , Music etc. ( The Cloud is a good "off-site" backup - always have 2 copies ) Though, it is not 100% necessary to save them, as if you have current SSA they can be downloaded again, I personally do though, and Chief has about 420 bonus libraries at the moment , and you should make it a Habit eg. monthly to also save your User Catalog as back-up " just in case". Mick.
  21. Only use the Polyline Driveway/Road/Sidewalks --- they will simplify your life as they can be edited the same way and as easily as any other CAD Line/Object. M.
  22. The Plan file credit is all Larry's ( HumbleChief) Damon , I just added a few Tips to the discussion..... Mick.
  23. Should do........ it;s a good example Plan......... M.
  24. Couple more Tips...... Set you Terrain Break Transition Distance to 0 for immediate height differences Larry and centered on the wall at least at 1st .......... And make sure you pull the TR right to the Wall or a hair inside it , so it looks "cleaner" at the transition and Chief can't take over control for that 1 foot or so to the walls , as if you don't take control CA will.