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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think Perry is right Rich , there is a KB Article for doing it here : http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00930/18/Chief-Architect/Windows/Creating-Custom-Muntins.html
  2. since you are "busy" on the Lake at the moment perhaps these one I made last yr will help....3 are Arch,Blocks ,the other 3 Symbols of the same AB_. StoneClad Columns_MHD.calibz also CA has a Bonus Porch and Columns Library and a Bonus Porch Millwork library too at the moment if you don't have them.
  3. Nice..... 32 deg. here today so that would be the go....
  4. Thanks Larry , appreciate you taking the time to do that for me , like you I Remodel ,and I like that idea especially for smaller jobs like a Bathroom Only Job and it's a great Option if there is room on the Plan Sheet to work with. It's is always good to see how other Remodellers do Stuff , which isn't always the typical New Home Builds way.
  5. Wow , that's my learning Nugget for today , thanks Kirk , I should of checked the Manual , I thought that Button Reset ALL my defaults , in the Button above , back to OOB settings , so was too afraid to click on it perhaps you could mention a name change for that Button to the Dev. team....Thx.
  6. I wondered that too , but I think the Article mentioned using the Ones in the Library , though I have seen KB articles where it was obvious they didn't do the KB in the version/title mentioned. As far as I know there are no knee braces like the plain 6x6 at 45° in the Library that you wanted and what is there are called Brackets not Braces , put braces in the search and you will get nothing. you can use the Brackets provided with a little cheating too Personally I prefer the look of what CA calls the Ranch Bracket (no#2) , little more decorative.
  7. Are you working on the library Crashes Dermot ? it seems I am not the only one getting them.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5674-x7-crashes-while-inusing-library/
  8. Yes I have wished they provided Full Samples to at least SSA members to look at but suspect that they don't want people building off a "free set", especially those who "found" CA on the internet. Like you I have seen a number of errors/unfinished work in the Samples Gallery , which from and advertising point you would think would be bad, then again I guess they have other duties at CA headquarters and at some point ..."making it perfect " loses to those other Duties/deadlines. M.
  9. You get that message for every new plan , you need to say yes and then save the Layout to the same Folder the Plan is in, after that CA will open that layout by default , if it can't find the Referenced Layout it will 1st look in the Templates folder for the referenced file and if its not there ask you if you want to open a new layout again. So best to set up Client/Project folders and keep all flles in one Folder , easy to backup this way too. If you rename a Layout in Windows' Explorer it's name needs to match the Plan Name exactly or it won't be linked , and will need Re-referencing. One other thing to note is that CA does not start autosaving files in the backup archive unitl you save the Plan with a name the 1st time , so don't open a new plan , and work for a few hours then save , cos if there is a crash you will lose all your work. M.
  10. Thanks , yep they look good , wish things were that busy here..... don't forget to check out the Knowledgebase when doing something new , never know what you might find.......... http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00598/ I think this was the method you used but this KB isn't online anymore , not sure you need it but I had made a PDF of it so Pole Barn Structure.pdf
  11. Perry was answering my Question Joey on how you got the soffit up that high , not your reply on how you fixed it , looking at you section view I now see you must have subfascia's off or set to say 1/16th" or something , so P. answer makes sense. Thanks P. M
  12. Ok great... but that's a trick I might need one day ...how did you do it ? M.
  13. you know better to ask without posting the plan looks like your soffit but no idea how you got it up there....
  14. It is the same here , and usually depends on how much you pissed off the Building Inspector
  15. No Rob my exterior and interior walls still have the Dim Line set to the exterior of the Framing Layer , so manual and other Dims still find that. It also depends on what you are trying to get a Dim on I think , eg the width of a room ....then it works Surface to Surface , try and get the length of a wall , sticking at right angles into the same room and it will dim to the Framing main layer. The measurement in this case is accurate as it is frame to frame ,which is the same as dwall to dwall , it just doesn't look right. (see pic) Perhaps one of my other defaults , is also controlling it ? or one of my AnnoSets like Mark ? I seem to have to play with this depending on the Job and whether I am working from Old Plans or from my own Job Measure Notes. M. Edit: after playing a bit I guess in one sense it works, the wall clicked on gets a temp dim surface to surface but the opposite Dim is Frame to frame . so I think I need to play more too........Ahhhh once again the opposite Dim is the Wall length for the wall you clicked on , not the Room width....
  16. I remodel too and these are my settings that seem to work for temp. dims , I will have to check other settings if these don't work for you too and see what else I have set.
  17. Kbird1


    Assuming the gable is over the exterior wall , break the exterior wall and set it to full gable , it will likely get more complicated if you have porches etc involved and may require manual roof work.
  18. it would be clearer with a video .....I'm thinking you are mostly right.... and I don't know this method
  19. Thx Larry always good to see some else do it .
  20. Thanks for the Tips Jon , added to my Raytrace Notes.... I need to watch what RT videos there are , as the lighting stuff and dealing with glass , like in a custom shower is truly hit and miss at the moment ,though it doesn't seem well documented. M.
  21. Can't you copy the P-solid into a blank plan and in a 3D view save it as a symbol ? not sure if Millwork or exterior Fixture would be best. M.
  22. AFAIK they no longer include samples with the Program , so there is just the two websites to check below , most peoples plans are copyrighted so you won't find them posted online is my guess. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html?utm_source=Chief+Architect+Premier+ https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/samples.html?utm_source=Home+Designer+Pro+Trial+Version+
  23. Yep , that's exactly what I did Joe , went back to plan view and deleted the Schedule there so I didn't get the double numbering issue which I was aware of from other posts. I should of noted that above.... M.
  24. You can copy and paste schedules into the CAD Detail window too , and at least for me the Number system in the CAD Detail seems to work better/display better but I am not sure what the difference is with numbering in CAD vs Plan , though in the one I did this morning the Plant schedule totally rearranged itself on copy and pasting ,and the Plan view renumbered itself to match. M.