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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. The Attic Room designation does indeed appear to be the Issue in this case.....I deleted the 2nd floor and then added it back as a blank floor and drew walls just for the bonus room over the garage area and it seems to be working just fine. M.
  2. Bummer, I've never seen a transfer form , that means an x7 license is no good even if the Owner did have X5 or X6 too. Might want to Post your request in the Seeking Forum too SeekingX5. M.
  3. Ahhhhh okay , that would of taken quite a bit of manual manipulation of the polyline I imagine to get it rectangular and on a single slope? I was thinking more along the lines of Auto Roofs as in the limitations per the Home Designer DIY Products where this can not be done , hence my different approach. That's nice of you Michael , I would suggest perhaps that the OP should receive the Training in this case if they'd like it. Merry Xmas everyone...
  4. No , I didn't do it for the "free hour" , just as an exercise to see if my initial thinking was correct.....and if not, i'd learn something along the way. I am not sure how I broke the "spirit of the challenge" though unless you mean adding the angled wall and the wall breaks? sounds like you think you know what Glenn did but I'll have to wait for the "reveal".... Merry Xmas ! M.
  5. True , we are both playing the game without knowing the Rules , figured I had likely broken a few ......will be interested to see your plan/technique. Merry Xmas.... M.
  6. All versions have there quirks it seems , but most of the Issues were related to the new PBR Views and issues with Intel GPU Drivers , which have been mostly cured I think. You'll be eligible for X11 in Q1 too now you have current SSA , there have been MANY library updated since X8 too all free with SSA. Merry Xmas to you as well. M.
  7. Thanks ! good trick to remember..... M.
  8. this works , just remember to Update the CAD Detail if you ever update the Detail in Plan View...as CAD Details are not "live" they are just "snapshots" of that moment in time.
  9. Nice find G. how did you notice that? the RH door is an Arch.Block and the LH one isn't for some reason, deleting it and copying the RH one over to the left also fixes the zoom issue.... though we have premade Barn Doors in the Bonus Door No.1 library... (there are 4 bonus door libs. btw) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/895
  10. may not help since HQ is on Hols, but there is a check box in the Dig.Locker to Show All Versions near the top.... usually used to show all your old versions though.... M.
  11. There is someone selling X7 in the Offerings Forum , it has a 32bit version , however I don't think it officially supports XP ? but you could confirm that with Sales. Something you could also ask perhaps would be if the Previous Owner of X7 upgraded from X5>X6>X7 if the transfer of license also allows you to Run the previous Owners other Versions too or only X7. M.
  12. I didn't know there were Rules and some just can't be helped....especially since i personally know no way to skew the Roof plane on Auto without an angled Wall. 1.) can't be helped with the invisible walls if you want the Roof , the Alcove setting didn't help to my surprise with the front entry area....but I stopped playing with it due to the time limit and just used an invisible wall. 2.) I didn't turn off Auto Roofs , it's still on in the plan I have ? you only need to turn it off to delete the angled wall but you could also just make the angled Wall invisible too **you must of downloaded the 1st plan I posted , the second roof plane was caused by the invisible wall snapping to the main layer at the corner instead of to the siding and also why i initially had Auto-Roofs off** 3.) As noted above , Glenn may know another way though? 4.) It doesn't , as noted above , just make it invisible but you are right Chief may not be able to do this totally Automatically but the time limit made me use the "tricks" I knew to "get her done" , an all too common occurrence in Chief in my experience. Good little Brain Teaser anyway , I thought it would be easier actually till I saw the Roof was skewed.... M.
  13. It looks like you may have a PDF in the Plan?, ( one layerset is complaining it can't find RED.PDF for the view) that I guess isn't saved in the Plan I have, as even All On does not display it .......and perhaps the overview cameras are centering on it's location?.....
  14. It's do-able with a few invisible walls and an angled wall to control the Roof slope (need to delete it later) but it will definitely take longer than a manual Roof plane (3 mins?) as you'll need to change every Wall's Roof Directive to make it work properly eg to Gable or High Shed .... Plan_1_MHD.plan
  15. Not sure why if setting the height in one room the whole floor is changing?.....are you sure you are changing just the one room's ceiling height? not the Floor's default height? You may need to check ...same roof height at exterior Wall on the Build Roof DBX or one of the other Options depending on the situation or even turn Auto Roof Rebuild Off and then change the one Rooms' Ceiling height.
  16. Have you tried different cables ie HDMI and DP ? are they quality cables? my guess is the ASUS doen't have DVI so not an Option..... does it do the same when hooked to your TV?
  17. Check the "Show Upgraded Versions Box it should be there The Files are also available on the Programs Updates Webpage https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates/oldupdates.html
  18. and are any of them set to use the Nvidia Card for Chief ? , you seem to only have issues when going into 3D which makes me suspect not......especially if the Preferred card is set to the Intel (default) Card.......there were or are still known issues with some Intel Drivers and Chief too as Mark mentioned , i also had that issue earlier this year. On the Chief Render Tab does it see the Nvidia Card?
  19. I was looking at the GL704G (17" version) myself last month and I am pretty sure it has the Intel 630UHD Graphics card too, most laptops with Nvidia Cards use "Optimus" which switches the Graphics when you go to 3D Applications eg games, however CA isn't always recognised as a 3D App and it is best to assign OpenGL to the Nvidias Card and also add Chief to the Programs under Manage 3D. Intel website for 8750H says you have a 630UHD ...unless Asus somehow has it disabled? https://ark.intel.com/products/134906/Intel-Core-i7-8750H-Processor-9M-Cache-up-to-4-10-GHz- Asus site also has an Intel graphics Driver for download...... not sure if you have the GM or GS version though.... https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Laptops/ROG-Strix-SCAR-II/HelpDesk_Download/ More on Optimus and enabling switching in this post..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17190-inserting-object-from-library-browser-freezes-most-of-the-app/?tab=comments#comment-144430
  20. Thought that might be the case as I had not noticed Reflections of Clouds etc myself in PBR, nice touch though. It is likely just the Added light causing the "hot-spot" on the Ceiling then.... M.
  21. You and me both...... but there are those who think they need to down-vote for some supposed infraction even here... M.
  22. as far as I know a like is just that , while the Up or down Vote adds or subtracts from a persons' "Reputation" points , ( green number under you Avatar) though it seems nobody here really cares about the Reputation points that much as there is no "rewards" etc like on other Forums.
  23. Have you tried since? as Chief did a lot of work to get CA working with Intel Cards ( which I assume you have) and again in X10 earlier this year after certain Drivers were problem-matic. Chief has always recommended Nvidia based Gaming graphics cards, there is no need for a Quadro based card as it offers no benefits in Chief. M.
  24. Looks good Rob , are the Window reflections all automatic/CA or did you need to add those? in the last pic it looks as if CA automatic Room light is still on even though you have recessed lights in there , are they actually on? (which should disable the auto-light) M.
  25. if you hover over the Heart icon on the right , you should get a pop-out to the left with an up-vote/like (green) or down-vote/dislike button (red) to click on. that is how I have always thought of it , of course you can force it to Pivot off the Ridge or Top of Fascia too though, if needed. M.