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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. TS is aware of the problem as you've guessed. Will be fixed with X11.
  2. Wow, its so hard to keep up the stupid these days - feeling your pain....
  3. I've been making this point for YEARS. Someone with your computer skills should NOT find building a mono slab as you described - "most frustrating thing [you've] ever come across." Should you learn the software? Of course. Should it be easy to learn? Not necessarily, but it should not be so difficult as to cause so many users so much frustration. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed and have been using computers since 1989 ish - 30 years - and have used Chief for 20 years - in all those years with many, many software programs I have NEVER felt more stupid and wasted more time than when I try and figure out Chief's structure DBX. There's absolutely no ROI in Chief changing it, and no reason for them to mollify a few forum users, but it will remain, at least to me, the worst user interface I've ever encountered, in any piece of software, ever.
  4. Exactly my experience as well. I went back to prove the top down theory to myself and it wasn't needed. For we as well it "used to make sense, but now I can't remember why." Oh well, old dog, and all that stuff...
  5. This kinda makes a point I've been suggesting - that one man's logic is another man's crazy. The trick is to try and get your personal crazy to match the 'logic' that Chief built in, or the other way around. Once understood it gets easier. May never make sense or seem 'logical' as in my case and maybe yours as well Richard but once learned can be used to get some plans out the crazy as some of the steps seem...
  6. I also had no idea that menu item was there. Went through that crazy match properties exercise on that plan in the other this thread, went back to the plan checked the floor and ceiling heights and it was done - every floor. Wow, still learning in spite of myself...
  7. True but that simply replicates the previous Anno Set behavior which is cool - was trying to point out a benefit of Plan Views, but only if it makes things easier. Come to think of it I don't think I have a bunch of tabs open at once, probably old habits that are hard to break...
  8. One nice feature of plan views is that more than one can be open at a time in its own tab so switching between electrical, then foundation, then roofing no longer requires closing one Anno set, opening another etc.
  9. Here's what I've discovered. There's no reason to start at the top and work your way down in Chief UNLESS you are trying to correct floor height problems in a model which usually includes inconsistent floor heights on an upper level. If the model is correct from the beginning, and continues to remain correct, a user can work from the bottom up, top down, makes no difference in my experience.
  10. I think that X11 is just displaying the default numbers incorrectly as the plan seems OK. Curious, am the first to notice this? Or has no one built second floor yet? Beta team? Interesting...
  11. Thanks Michael and are you suggesting somehow that I have not lost my mind? THAT would be very cool....
  12. NOT the best approach, unless it was what you wanted. I think you had it nailed before but you had your attic walls turned off and set to not display. Did you check that out?
  13. Just to be clear, you started a new plan and got the same whacky default results?
  14. Looks like this phenom is related to X11 as my default plan in X10 behaves as it used to...
  15. Thanks Joe but I don't see any change when I do that??? Do the floor heights change to defaults when you uncheck that box? I do want a mono slab foundation and there's no way I know of having the mono slab box checked and the "Floor supplied by foundation room below." Still missing something..
  16. Either of these 2 vids Mick. Thought it deserved its own thread? Sorry for the confusion and multiple posts.
  17. I know, pretty dramatic post title but I am now more lost than ever and am missing something very simple. Need help bad. floor_level_1_test.plan