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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thx...Did you know the 'o' key and the 'i' key will zoom in and out?
  2. Yeah it does seem to behave that way - thanks Mike (Mick)
  3. I'm just not seeing any way to set any kind of default for the Perspective Full Overview....there's no such dbx in the defaults. It seems to just pick a number from ...where? Here's what my default Full pers overview dbx looks like. No setting I can see for height or location...where does it come from??
  4. Here's my X11 default location for the full perspective camera. Can that be set or changed somehow?
  5. Hey Mick always appreciate your help but are you saying that if one sets the default height in the 'full camera' to 60" that the full perspective camera defaults to 329 9/16" from the floor? Not getting it so much...
  6. I hadn't thought of this use for plan views but it should work a treat...
  7. Curious as to how and set a default camera location?
  8. Yeah there's a bunch of stuff way out there. Fill Window shows a lot of it...
  9. Wasn't going to post this video as the help has been pretty complete but maybe it will help in the future...
  10. There is something very weird as Mick noted about the default location of the perspective camera. Don't know why it defaults to so far away. Also use the 'Fill Window' icon to show all of the items in your plan and you will find elevation cameras and all sorts of stuff that's a LONG way away from your model. Either delete those stray elevation cameras or open and change their location to be closer to X:0 and Y:0. BTW it's always a good practice to have your model close to 0,0 before you draw anything..
  11. Yes, DropBox, carbonite, whatever it takes. Lose one plan and it's all worth the time and cost...
  12. This advice won't help now but I've had Carbonite as a secondary back up for years. It's about 55 a year and in all that time I've lost one file to corruption. It was SO SO worth it to have that backup. Simply restored and was back in business - saving starting from scratch... Like I said won't help but best of luck...
  13. VERY nice bit of detective work Rob. Was puzzling it out here and got nuthin'...
  14. Yes agreed and there's another part, if your details are saved in a separate plan file they must at some point be sent to layout. If 'send as current screen' they can be double clicked and returned to the detail page and the exact detail.
  15. THINK I got it, just not that impressed for my purposes...
  16. The only other option is the glass house in the vid above. I think I might be missing something?
  17. The thing about Chief over the many years I've been with them is they seldom refine features much and if it starts out unusable it can remain that way for many many years. Maybe an exception here? Would you actually use this in a presentation?
  18. It's that same simple plan as the above video. Closed it up and it's only an experiment... Just something I would never in my business real world. If there was more control I would like to keep the as built as standard view and the proposed as something with more options, like line drawing or almost anything other than glass house which I never use...
  19. Thanks, Got it or at least as good as it will get with the current feature set...
  20. Here's a short version Gene. Can't seem to get the line detail that David is showing above...
  21. Yes, very cool but would be SO much cooler with more reference display options other than just standard and glass house.
  22. HumbleChief


    There are 8 different note types and they can be grouped and titled in any way you choose. Explore all the dialog boxes and try some combos that work for you...
  23. That's been my experience as well. It's a bit like the more useless detail pages are included in the plans the more valuable that set of plans somehow becomes? The builders I work with appreciate simple, clear and most of all relevant details, and nothing more.