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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I think the latter, Items from the 'View' Menu Project Browser 'View' Active Layer Display Options 'View' Library 'View' etc....
  2. Seems the Template doesn't save those 'Views' and they need to be re-opened with each new template plan... could be missing something.
  3. Curt, can you do that without a new Layer Set for the new Plan View?
  4. Good thread...Thanks Scott and thanks for the vid Steve, I had a shelf ceiling fail the other day, user error most likely, but had to give up and P-Soild my way out of the jamb I created... Maybe I can learn from your vid how to use the tool. I've been trying to discipline myself with Chief and to learn when to hold 'em and learn when to fold 'em when Chief's tools, or my ability with them, just isn't getting the job done.
  5. That goes counter to everything the save as function is designed to do and would not know how to get one 'saved as' plan to change another plan. Do something different?
  6. Thanks Dermot, that challenge in this case is a user who is not fluent in the ways of Chief and am perhaps trying to oversimplify things for his use. "The way to turn off a reference is to simply remove it using the delete button. The way to turn on a reference is to insert a new one." Perhaps the feature is designed to work this way but it just seems to a be a lot of effort if changes are needed/wanted. I think different plan views is the only real solution for what I am asking for - still think the feature request is reasonable as you've alluded to.
  7. Curious about how (if?) they are being used by other users. I am find the inability to easily deactivate a view to be really, really inconvenient at best. There's a work around but still find it awkward at best. Here's what I mean...
  8. Surprising how inexpensive these have become....not for everyone of course, but hard (for me at least) to not have the newest tech in a new computer. Keep us posted on what you end up with David, thanks...
  9. I would be very surprised if a modern MBoard didn't have all the options for various HHD interfaces - AND would very hesitant to purchase one that didn't. To me one of the reason for the purchase of a computer is to "run chief okay for the foreseeable future," and buying a computer that doesn't have the most modern, fastest currently available HDD interface? Not for me...
  10. I would (and have) import the image in to Chief in to a CAD detail window or in to a plan file and simply draw stuff on top of it. You can create solid white boxes to hide details you don't want and draw lines and text in the place you do...then send the CAD detail or plan to Layout or wherever it suits your intent the best...
  11. Nice Mark, didn't know they were there...
  12. Type the capital letter 'C' and the Capital letter 'L', both no fill, place in position, block, add to library, done. I think that and PL for prop line were the first two things I did in Chief 20 years ago...
  13. Just really nice there are so many good options out there....
  14. Looks like DropBox has a SmartSynch feature that should prove pretty flexible...IF you have 'professional' @ $19.99 per month...
  15. Thanks Graham but am pretty committed to DropBox with clients who are not too computer savvy and no reason for me to change but will explore these options in DB to see if it makes sense for my work flow and file storage.
  16. Thanks but I'm not sure I can make sense of this "just as any other drive, nothing stored locally." [bonehead] Don't all my drives currently store files locally? What makes a 'mapped drive' not store files locally? [/bonehead]
  17. Thanks and appreciate all the info but am still curious "Does this mean that drive, which lives in the cloud and not on your computer, stores all the files freeing up your own hard drive? And accessing that drive, on the cloud, can be done from multiple computers like any DB or OD folder?
  18. Looks like there's a utility to map DB as a Network Drive
  19. I'm curious about mapping OneDrive (or DropBox) as a network drive. Does this mean that drive, which lives in the cloud and not on your computer, stores all the files freeing up your own hard drive? And accessing that drive, on the cloud, can be done from multiple computers like any DB or OD folder?
  20. Yeah been using it for years as a mapped hard have others here on this forum... EDIT: Could have this wrong. I have my DropBox 'Folder' on my computer which is linked to all my files - everywhere - but not sure it's actually a mapped hard drive. I googled the question and it looks like it's possible but I don't think I've been using it that way...Sorry for any confusion. Here's a method to do so but I simply have a folder that's common to all my machines....