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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Not true. It all depends on which Plan View you use to generate your Auto Dims. That Auto Dim spec will then over ride your SPV setting for Auto Dims, until Auto Dims are re-generated in that SPV. Try it, as the video above illustrates.
  2. Thanks for reviewing Joe and Yes, VERY confusing behavior, like Auto Dims have there own set of spec's ignoring the Plan View Dim defaults, depending on which Plan View they were created in. Unexpected. Another thanks for taking your time to review. EDIT: "All dimensions should then be created using that Layer" Auto Dims actually ARE created using that Layer, but their spec's don't re-inherit a new Plan Views Active Defaults or Anno Set spec's. Would be nice if they did but might be a heavy lift to program same.
  3. Did not know this.....but explains the behavior I'm seeing.
  4. But not when Auto Dims are used in another Plan View. The Anno and Layer Sets are ignored when changing Plan Views.
  5. Found out something new. When using Auto Dims the dim default that is set in THAT plan view over rides the dim default in a different Plan View. As if Auto Dims has its own default that transfers to any Plan View. The dim default in either Anno Sets or Active defaults for that plan view is ignored until changed manually or Auto Dims are set in another Plan View. Also Active Defaults duplicates any Anno Set setting and actually eliminates the need for Anno Sets - not a problem at all.
  6. It looks like Auto Dims are not Plan View specific? Whichever view you are in when using Auto Dims it looks like that dim default carries over to all Plan Views until that default is manually changed.
  7. Thanks Chris, but isn't that the same as active defaults which shows another/correct dimension layer and setting? That's the confusing part. I can't figure out where that Plot Plan Dim Default comes's not set up that way in Plan Views and happens randomly but fairly often...
  8. I have gotten this weird dimension view many times and can't figure out where it comes from. I'll be working in my plan with my Plan Views set up and many times I'll open my Floor Plan View and the dimensions will be over sized and set to Inherits Default Properties From: PLOT PLAN DIMENSIONS. I have to go in to that dbx and change that default but can't figure out where that comes from. Why is it inheriting properties from that Dim Default? And can that be changed? How? Thanks
  9. Like it was before? Confusing to simply choose an angled hatch pattern from the drop down? OK...
  10. Might be even a bigger time saver if the drop down had our most commonly used custom fills from the library, like the new line styles dbx ...or no drop down at all with basically useless fills? To each their own of course and the flexibility of the new library of fills is awesome but it takes another step to get there and any GUI in my opinion should reduce steps wherever possible. Overall a good change but leaves users confused, which is another reason to think the move over before committing.
  11. It's just one of those changes with good intent (creating a vast library of fills) and unintended consequences that makes the feature just little harder to understand and use. Just get used to it because this is not a change that Chief is likely to fix, probably because it doesn't seem broken from their non-user perspective.
  12. The most every day used fills have been removed from the drop down menu, leaving the least used fills in the easy to access drop down, and you now have to create the most common and most used fills anew each time or place them in the library, where you can access them with a couple additional clicks, which is something you couldn't know unless you read all the notes or posted here.
  13. Thanks Scott, and pretty much the formula I followed but always get tripped up by the structure dbx and in which order to change each floor. Tried from the top down and when I got to the foundation I was toast. Then went through the steps above and got 'er done.
  14. Is there a special reason the pitch is in degrees instead of per:12?...and all of your pitches vary by a little bit. Did you try auto roofs? Using a standard pitch:12? Double click on the selection arrow and change show pitch in degrees, if that's what you want. Why that selection is no where near a roof dbx is anyone's guess.
  15. Figured it out. Floor 1 does not, turns out, have to be at 0". Most of my confusion comes from the nature of the structure dbx but if the floor and ceiling of the foundation room are both set to 36" it lowers the floor above by 36" to 61". Then moving up to the second floor and raising the floor 36" which raises the ceiling of the first floor, then moving up to the roof planes and raising them 36" completes the raising of the entire building. All of this ignores the absolute insanity of the foundation dbx that assumes one is in the 'room' of a mono slab foundation (as if that were somehow possible in real life) that shows a 96" high ceiling, again in the 'room' of a mono slab? That basic craziness within Chief will never end but it's possible to raise the entire height of a mono slab building with the proper order of things...
  16. This might work and maybe what Cheryl was getting at. And wouldn't you know it the contractor decided not to add a second house on the property. Stll a good exercise.
  17. AHA, finally understand the logic here, may give it a go.
  18. Wow, tried to adjust floors and simply failed. I worked my way down from the top by raising the roofs 36", then the floor below up the same 36" then when I got to the first floor over the slab it just went bonkers. Now I know why I posted the question, simply can't get it done with my pea sized brain...Will keep trying. Maybe the symbol is the way to go? 45TH STREET PROPOSED 2 SAME HOUSES 2_auto_save.plan?dl=0
  19. Yeah, good advice and am always surprised at how difficult changing a building height could become, and given enough thought may not be needed with symbols etc. I'm going to give it a go with one building set to '0', adjust terrain, and then raise/lower the other one in relation to the terrain.
  20. Terrain will be fixed and each house occupy a section of the terrain, one high up on the lot and one down lower, probably a 4ft. diff in height. Should be easy to set the terrain then change floor heights but haven't tackled yet as the structure dbx always gives me fits.
  21. Yeah thought of a symbol and may go that route and am curious, would you use that method no matter what? And what if you wanted to change the height of the entire house, each floor. Would you use defaults perhaps? Except that would change the heights of both houses. ....
  22. Thanks Cheryl, question probably wasn't clear enough but the 2 story house is complete. Just need a quick way to alter the entire building's height. Sounds simple but each floor needs adjusting, maybe through defaults? Haven't had a chance to try it yet.
  23. I have 2 identical 2 story houses, on mono slab, on a sloping lot and will need to adjust floor heights a few times as we decide on final grades and was wondering what the easiest way would be to raise and or lower the entire 2 story house to grade ad terrain heights?
  24. Thanks so much for taking the time for the video. Really appreciate your take on Chief. The whole "plan views saves defaults settings for walls" thing was news to me. Not sure when/how I'll use it but another tool in the box is always a good thing.