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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks Michael, don't think I saw it in X11 Beta, just this latest update...
  2. Yeah easy to get the look you presented, can't seem to get the opposite look. Will keep thrashing... ...and have a curiosity question, wouldn't it just be easier to put the line control in the glass house ref set?
  3. Don't know how to duplicate but it's happened 3 or 4 times...anyone else?
  4. Thank you very much Mark - really appreciate your time but what if I want just the opposite look? Where the addition is glass house and not the as-built/. Which is the look I'm after? Ran into a bug will continue shortly...
  5. I think we're doing two different things. I can't get any combination of standard/glass/ref sets to look anything like your last pic and have no option to move the ref sets nor the original front or back... Need another approach, or simply stop beating my head against the wall. Dose anyone else use this feature? How please?
  6. Might be missing something but I don't seem to have the option to place standard or glass to the front or rear (move up move down grayed out). No option in the dbx? See pic?
  7. Maybe I'm the only one who would like to use the glass house ref set in this way?
  8. Thanks Mark, but not what I want at all. The glass house view overlays the standard view with no way to move the glass house view to the back, nor the standard view to the front. Curious as to why the feature was implemented in its current crippled state with no line control for the ref set?
  9. Pretty sure that view does not use the Glass House ref set control so what's the point of same?
  10. Talking about this view. There doesn't seem to be any controls for the glass house lines, like in the main plan file. REALLY want that option but it was left out, perhaps intentionally?
  11. Surprising how much I dislike the larger line. We'll get used to it of course bit it makes the interface just little bit clunky looking IMO.
  12. I'm assuming this is the final release now in our digital lockers? If so I'm curious about a couple things. Is the glass house reference layer meant to have no discernable lines like the regular glass house version does? Am I missing a setting? Looks like the structure dbx has been fixed and also noticed the larger lines in the menu bars in this release. Not sure I'm a fan.
  13. It's most obvious with elevations, did not know it would happen in your example.
  14. Yeah not sure how Chief decides which image to pixelate...
  15. Has the view been sent to Layout? Layout can intentionally use a very low res picture that prints fine.
  16. Copying should be no problem and discovered that indeed DropBox is in the C:Users\Larry Folder so that location should work... Thanks for that.
  17. Thanks Mick. Seems like I've done this before and am surprised how little I know about computers. I created a new Folder in DropBox to point the My Data Folder in Preferences to: but have to have C:\Users\Larry\ in the path instead of a simple path like C:\DropBox\ New Data Folder Location. As soon as C:\Users\Larry\ is altered the path becomes invalid. Really don't want the new folder in C:\Users\Larry\ but seem to have no choice. Hmmm... Better get some work done and tackle this later.
  18. Ah yes, I think it will be that simple (and was probably already suggested but my thick skull and all) . Need to ensure toolbars etc. gets copied?
  19. But I can't get to my Data as the directory is no longer visible in Explorer. I think I'll try it on my Main Computer and maybe even copy data back to my Laptop. Is this a bad plan?
  20. Resetting the Data Folder Location Gets me this warning. Should probably make some backups of some kind...
  21. I don't think there's a problem locating Templates that currently exist, nor a problem copying the data folder. Its the simple Save As Template that seems to point only to Chief's Default Folder. I would like to change folder that but there's no method that I can find within Chief to do so - easily...
  22. The problem still remains. Folder can be re-located, redirected, re- a bunch of stuff but Chief still points to the same default location for its templates. I have more than one computer and each one needs its own redirection and each one needs to synch to the same folder and Chief needs to point to it for its templates. This may be possible (and even down right easy for some) but it's way too complex for me and I already completely messed up my Docs folder on my laptop. It's a couple clicks to get to my Templates Folder that is shared on DropBox and was just hoping Chief had a way to select which folder for my Templates like it does with so many other defaults. It's not a real huge issue, was just hoping to save a click or two...