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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. ...or maybe a wall in the way? Hold ctrl key while moving?
  2. Here's what I just discovered - this time - as long as I changed the properties of a window and did NOT save as the default, the object painter worked as expected. As soon as I saved that window as the default the object painter would not paint properties any longer. Not sure that helps anyone but will thrash as usual to get things done. Thanks Mick!!
  3. Yeah, missing something basic...
  4. I've never noticed a big difference in the views speed wise and have never found a way to sped things up once a model gets large but I imagine the fastest video could have some effect - on your new laptop - which you don't want to buy.
  5. I have a question about the Object Painter and Window Defaults. I thought when the Windows Defaults were changed all the Windows set to use default would change too? And I thought the object painter could be used to 'paint' one style of window to another? Tried both methods this morning with no change to the Windows. Not a big deal as I can manually change the few windows I have but am wondering how those tools work? Thanks
  6. Maybe the saddest part is someone on the software team is spending time on an interface change that has no real effect on function while other issues go unattended...
  7. I think that there's another thing we fall for a bit here on the forum and that is that the posters here truly represent the user base and I am quite sure it does not. The purpose of this forum is to help anyone with pretty much anything so the fact that there's a few users who don't get Plan Views, or Layouts, or Plans or Anno Sets or whatever should not be unexpected. Hopefully the OP got an answer to his question?
  8. I'd be surprised to find any experienced users here who don't think Plan Views are the bomb (could be the best thing since Anno Sets IMO) but should new users know how they work intuitively somehow, or is posting here every week to clarify their usage again, part of the territory? Don't know the answers, but have a lot of empathy for those who take some time to really understand how Chief works.
  9. ...nor do I but I also understand ANNO Sets and most of the other features in Chief but when a question comes up over and over again, my first reaction, as a company would be to ask what can we do better? Add options to a dbx? Better training vids? Dunno, but there's inherent crazy with a complex piece of software that I think just comes with the territory. How many users even understand ANNO Sets let alone use them? I bet the number would be shockingly low. Is there any way around powerful and complex as Mark suggests above? Dunno but if indeed a question arises over and over again, it's either simply part of learning a complex piece of software, or the complexity is not embraced well enough by the GUI and people get confused.
  10. The paradigm that Chief uses for Plans, Plan Views and Layouts is inherently complex. Powerful once understood, and simple for the lead software designer who designed the features, but still complex for a lot of users. It may be only natural and expected that users have a difficult time grasping the concepts. I know I did and even after 20 years still find some things complex and difficult to grasp. So if Chief's software engineer has to post the same thing "every week or so...." what does that suggest? That the users need to be better equipped to use Chief? Or that Chief needs to be better equipped to design and or explain its software in a way that more people grasp the concepts quicker and easier?
  11. I've gotten to only a little of the Video but have learned a few things I did not know. Very helpful and a nice presentation Rene.
  12. Hope this helps. I think you may need to revisit some of Chief's terms and standards and get a better idea of some of the intentions behind each template and their purpose. BOB'S LAYOUT TEMPLATE.layout
  13. The Chief video I linked above had nothing regarding Page Templates, and again, not sure that's what you're looking for.
  14. Couple things going on. Certainly check out Eric's link which gives some insight in to creating numbering schemes that allow for each discipline (A, G, S, etc.) in a SINGLE Layout. That may be all you need to serve the purpose as you've described it. A Layout Template is a template you can re-use for future Layouts and a Page Template is an entirely new Layout Sheet design that you create in Layout and then specify for any page you want to use that Page template. Might actually be what you want but you might be able ti use just the number system as described in the link above. Page Templates below
  15. Thanks Mick, got -em downloaded but got distracted. My desk top has not shown the issue but my laptop with the 960M has. I'll update when I get a minute.
  16. Will try ctrl+tab if it happens again. Saw it 3 or 4 times while working on multiple plan files but not since. Can't be sure of the cause. Chief? Dunno...Windows? Dunno..
  17. Can't think of a way to replicate the phenomenon...and it's only happened with X11 final on my laptop. I'll wait to update my main computer if it keeps happening...
  18. Yes, if you are framing a ceiling plane as Eric suggests make sure your ceiling framing layer is turned on...
  19. Yeah, thanks Mark, been with Chief long enough to know they are not designing the program for the way I work but am still a bit baffled at the reason for that glass house ref set? Literally cannot find a use for it. Plenty of ways to work around its deficiencies, as there are for many of Chief's deficiencies, but seems it would be a killer tool with numerous uses, without much fiddling at all, if it had the same line control as the regular view glass house does. And yes I've learned many, many ways to get what I want from Chief, sometimes it's the long way around, and sometimes getting there's half the fun, other times I wish the program did read my mind... EDIT: and just think of the possibilities if all the other render techniques, with complete options, were available? Tech drawing? Water colors? Could be really sweet...
  20. Not sure if the "oh" means, "Here ya go, told ya so," or "Yeah you're right, if you use this method the glass house over writes the standard view and looks crummy." ..and this method also doesn't use the glass house ref set, at all. Either way your help is not unappreciated but that last look is actually the problem, not the solution... It's also pretty easy to see that no one else sees this as important so I'll either use it in its crippled form or not at all. Not expecting Chief to change it. Was checking the new X11 feature video and it shows the same glass house over the top of a standard view. Must be what was intended? They don't however show the glass house ref set, without line control, used in any way I could see...wonder what it's for?