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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Always helpful Perry!! I think dragging that wall across is a first step I didn't think to do, among other brain f@rts Thanks again for you help
  2. That was awesome. I so, so appreciate the time you took to clarify things. Looked so simple and I was even able to make changes that actually worked as shown. Really had some fundamental misunderstandings of the structure dbx and this clarifies things a lot. I also Skyped a bit with Glenn yesterday and he helped a ton too as always plus just great talking to him.. Anyway thanks to everyone that was such a great help.
  3. Great video(s) Michael and many many thanks. Just got back to the computer and haven't implemented everything but will first thing.
  4. Looking for this Glenn. Garage slab at ground level and 24" floor height with stem at house.
  5. Bernie I don't think condition can be built in Chief without some manual tweaking of the section or the foundation wall next to the raised slab.
  6. THANK YOU JOE. I was thinking this was an easy thing for Chief and a very standard building condition but I think I was wrong. Cheif cannot automatically build this condition? And the manual wall drawing was what I was missing. Your (and Perry's) tip about the -18 to get me 6" stem wall helped a LOT - where do I send the money??
  7. Think I got close, but is Chief just not capable of a foundation like this? With a stem wall at one end of the garage and a slab at the other?
  8. Is that on the first floor or the basement level?
  9. More embarrassing than you can ever know to post this but I cannot understand this simplest of tasks. Missing (still) something very basic in the structure dbx. Here's a video of my (misdirected) thought process. I WILL PAY SOMEONE TO WALK ME THROUGH THIS. Give me your PayPal info and I will send payment. I simply cannot understand how this works. I know it seems like I might be making this up because I have gone 15 years without understanding this but I am not making this up. Appreciate any help. GARAGE_SLAB_PLAN.plan
  10. Thanks Joe. I just came across another new dbx in the defaults menu. I'll need to learn a few things about that as well.
  11. I've watched the what's new in X9 videos and have seen new features but haven't see any videos on how they are intended to work, in detail. There is a new draw order tool and the what's new video show that it exists but I had no idea how to use it until Michael posted this video explaining the nuances and all its great capabilities. There seems to be so much to learn about each feature and the Draw Order Tool is a perfect example of the cool abilities it has. Is it just a matter reading the manual? Do we learn by experimentation and asking questions here? Do we wait until those who know such things post how the new tools are intended to work? Is there a source I'm missing? Thanks
  12. Thanks for the video Michael. That takes a lot of the mystery out of that new feature. I'm curious, is there any other source to find out that kind of detailed information about that new feature? A new training video? And what about all the other nuances of each new feature? Do we need to wait for the generosity of the Alpha/Beta testers to post how things are intended to work? Or are there detailed training videos I am missing?
  13. Always good advice Bob. I've had similar experiences and for the newer user some simple advice like 'change floor defaults' can lead to a few complications that require a better understanding of Chief tools and a back up is just plain smart - always.
  14. X9 seems very stable and am now using for all production.
  15. Quick video showing the process I use. Hope it helps.
  16. Yeah shift select does not work for rooms. Change the default ceiling heights for that floor and change each room to be at the default height. May need to redo roofs unless on auto.
  17. Lane, is it possible to post the plan and Layout to see if anyone else is having the problem? I see you're suing a Quadro video card. Could that be a factor? Latest drivers?
  18. PLEASE get this bug reported (again) ASAP. I've never seen the problem but it would kill my elevations and don't want to get anywhere near it. Showing even thru walls is the killer. Thanks
  19. Really? Sorry, is hitting a hot key(s) not an extra step? Seems like one to me, that's all I'm saying. Isn't it always better to eliminate steps (even fast ones) when designing a software interface? Would you or other users prefer there were no extra steps if you could have it that way or do think the extra steps help keep the interface cleaner and more functional and is worth the albeit small effort?
  20. Yes there is an extra step. The extra step needed to click the icon or hit a (4 really?) hot key(s) instead of having those tools appear whenever an object is selected. I would like to add tool menu, like a flyout to my tool bars but can't find a way to do so.
  21. Thanks you guys. I went and used a simple single key 'V' of course works a charm. Was wondering - would anyone else like to see those tools available when selecting an object without the extra step? Is there a reason to have that extra step?
  22. The roof is set up to rotate around its base line, which you may already know. Altering that rotation point is another story. You can also rotate about the ridge top and the fascia height. Maybe there's a way to use those tools to accomplish what you want but it's tricky and a work around for simply moving the rotation point to wherever you want. QUESTION What is a Roof Baseline Polyline and how do I use it? ANSWER First, let's define the terms "roof baseline" and "roof baseline polyline". Roof Baseline: A roof plane's baseline is the line in 3D space around which the roof section pivots as you alter its pitch. Typically drawn over the exterior surface of a wall's main layer, the baseline may also be drawn over a CAD line or at the corner or edge of an existing roof section. A roof base line is the uppermost portion of a roof plane directly above the main layer of your wall. Baseline height does not include the roofing material or sheathing, just the framing materials. If, for example, you were looking at a truss or rafter, the baseline would be on the top of the rafter or truss. The baseline would be located at the point where the truss or rafter sits directly above the main layer of the wall the roof plane is resting on.