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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I've had a couple crashes in X9 lately with no repeatable cause but every time I seem to have no recent archive files that I can retrieve even though I have auto save set to every 2 minutes. I go to my archive folder and there's a copy, but it's always much older than the 2 minute save would make me think. Frustrating? No. Infuriating!! Been through this multiple times with always the same out come. What am I missing?
  2. Ouch, but someone really has to say, and keep saying, this stuff.
  3. D@mn that would be cool. Is it really that simple? Must be more to it or Chief would surely have implemented this by now huh?
  4. Pretty sure EVERY other Chief user would like to know how to do this as well...
  5. Small note to anyone using Michael's method. I was using rich text and there were some formulas that wouldn't read correctly but when I changed to a regular text box it added some easier flexibility. Also MAJOR issues when using a CAD detail for the site plan. Haven't figured that one out yet.
  6. Nice job on the vids Scott. I was wondering about the second floor and you answered that question nicely. I wonder if Michael can create a more user friendly version of this for second floors? Or is it even needed once one gets the work flow figured out? And one more shout out to Michael's video's and plans - WELL worth the $15.
  7. Since I actually understood how to create formulas after the videos I can see a LOT of cool possibilities using simple poly line boxes. Again real world will be the test for me
  8. It is really time for a new title to this thread as X9's new features haven't been mentioned but a few times but either way in regards to yesterday's GTM, thanks for hosting Scott and thanks to Joe for all the great macro possibilities, there's a lot more to explore than I thought. One thing I'd like to add is that I am the most macro-phobic person there is and not because i haven't found the few I use to be useful but because the setup is so complex and most results seem easier to insert manually and move on but I have always been interested in an area analysis that was relatively simple, accurate, and flexible. I purchased Michael's Area Analysis videos HERE and plans and found that using the DIY videos I was able to create a custom Area Analysis that seems to fit my needs though I haven't used it real world yet. The videos were clear and the best part was at the end I kinda knew how to create my own custom poly lines with areas and formulas for calculating various areas. I have a few real world questions that should be answered on my next couple jobs but I am optimistic and would highly recommend the purchase to see if it fits your work flow..
  9. Hey Joe and others. A bit late to this party but I can think of a macro I could use and perhaps you've already done so Joe? Let's say I am doing a remodel and I am adding 235 SF. I am currently using a macro to show the added space within a poly line label. In this case I manually draw a polyline box that encompasses the newly remodeled area and in the label field I use %area.round(0)% or similar to give me the area of the room addition. If the room size changes I change the size of the box to match a refer t the new label for new SF figures. What I would like is to have that label figure be reflected in my property data calcs. As the box size and SF changes I would like the data field in the project data field to be updated automatically. The more I write this I have the feeling you already have this more than figured out. If I can make the GTM perhaps you can show how these types of macros work real world?
  10. The quote above is from Chief's help file and I know the terms can be confusing but I bet we are saying the same thing using different words.
  11. The difference between 5 seconds and 2.5 seconds is HUGE when working on any project, at least in my world.
  12. Thanks Joe, I think you are saying that the SubfFloor For Floor 2 setting takes priority over the ceiling Above Floor 1 setting basically rendering the Ceiling Above Floor 1 setting useless in most cases. From help file. Thanks again Specify how the Ceiling Above Floor X is built. These settings are relevant only for rooms that do not have living space above them. • Check Build Ceiling Framing to generate or regenerate ceiling framing when the OK button is clicked. Only available when there is no living space above at least part of the current floor. Not available in the Framing Defaults dialog. • The Ceiling Structure depth displays here for reference. Click the Edit button to open the Ceiling Structure Definition dialog and define the layers of materials that form the ceiling platform. Check Default to use the Ceiling Structure Definition set in the Normal Room Defaults dialog. See Material Layers Definition Dialogs.
  13. Always wondered - in the 'Build Framing' dbx - what's the difference between the Ceiling Above Floor 1 and the Sub Floor For Floor 2? On a two story model which one over rides the other? Do they need to match? and why are there any options for the subfloor for floor 2 on a single story model?
  14. This has ALWAYS been true and there's a lot of threads here concerning CPU GPU and Chief. It would worth it to do a search and see what you can learn.
  15. I agree with Chop and would do just the opposite - focus as much budget as you can on the CPU.
  16. Haven't delved in to the OIP much and am just using the label field to adjust label content but may explore the OIP and see if it fits my future work flow.
  17. Sounds cool and as usual I have a very simple strategy that works best for me and my work flow.
  18. Little different here. I have my templates for existing plans to show all existing items in the existing schedules. Helps my T24 guy relate to existing windows/doors. Save as and add new windows/doors as needed to new template schedules which fill out as needed.
  19. Thanks Glenn - looks like I found it in the first suggestion but it required a re-boot.
  20. ...the entire setting seems to be gone from the X9 Preferences menu. Below X8 on left X9 on right. Missing something.
  21. Morning Joe, Actually I'm most concerned about learning all I can about Chief. Having this option is a really nice feature added to Chief, IMO. For others who are curious here's a quick vid.
  22. Found it but don't understand it quite yet. HELP file; Specify how the roof Eaves are configured. • Specify how the rafter and truss ends are Cut by selecting either Square Cut or Plumb Cut. • Check Boxed Eave to produce horizontal boxed eaves or uncheck it for sloping eaves. You can also change this for individual roof planes in the Roof Plane Specification dialog. See Boxed Eaves. • Check Flush Eave to produce box eaves that build flush with the adjacent exterior wall. When unchecked, boxed eaves build to the gable fascia. • Higher Eaves Boxed - If the selected roof plane contains more than one eave, check this box to box the higher eaves as well as the lower ones.
  23. Hey Scott do you know what the flush eave feature is?
  24. Really curious about this feature, can't seem to find it or understand it. Thanks