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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I began this plan with the second story because that was the important layout bit and then added a floor below. Now when I want to draw a road or driveway those tools are only available on the second floor, the first floor I drew. Any way to get the tools back to the first floor? ROAD_1.plan
  2. DOH, didn't scroll down to that layer, forest for the trees and all that stuff - THANK SO MUCH!!
  3. I am defining a party wall with 5/8" drywall; 3 1/2" stud: 1" air gap: 3 1/2" stud: and 5/8" drywall and the display of the wall is thickened along one edge and I can't figure out how to get it to display with the settings from the wall dbx. The thickened line remains no matter how thick I set the lines in the wall dbx. Weird. wall_ine.plan
  4. OK I know I just broke every forum posting rule in the book and apologize for not being clearer and thank everyone for the great feedback..
  5. Wow what a crappy thread title, so sorry. The topic (or me) seems to be a bit confused by the tile. Live elevations and sections can be used whether or not they are sent to Layout or not. Using live elevations and sections is indeed the best (for me) way I've found to create an accurate model but when sending to Layout I've been sending plot lines, more out of old habits than anything else. Never understood the live views to Layout but maybe better now even though I asked a different, badly worded question.
  6. Thanks for the education, it looks like live views with update on demand is really pretty quick. Always live has a noticeable lag on my system.
  7. Is it possible to use live elevation views and updates set to manual? Don't live views require no updates by definition? Oh I see, that's how little I use the feature, I see 'update on demand' with live views. Seems to defeat the purpose of live views but again, obviously quite ignorant about the subject.
  8. Sorry meant to ask about 'live' elevations, not the update feature. Like the update feature, can't use live elevations - too slow. Anyone using 'live' elevations?
  9. I can see I worded the title wrong and have edited this post (again). I remember a frenzied demand for live elevations (sent to Layout) and after they were included I think in X8 I gave them a try and watched my system grind to a jerky, slow death and never used them again. Tried them (sending live elevations to Layout) the other day to show a colleague and same thing, slowed my system down to a crawl and probably won't use them again. Does anyone have much luck (speed) using them (sending elevations live to Layout)? Or are they a nice feature that simply doesn't work in real world design?
  10. Thanks Glenn, the windows actually have no sash but didn't realize that would kill them in elevation. Thanks again.
  11. If I draw a new plan and I can see the windows in the elevation with a curved wall but not in the plan I'm working in. Any help/advice?I Current plan won't show windows in elevation WALL.plan?dl=0 Test plan look OK test.plan?dl=0
  12. You forgot add that crap runs down hill, payday is Friday, and don't chew your fingernails.
  13. I think it really was as simple as having the vector view open in his plan instead of standard view. Will wait to hear if he got it fixed.
  14. You can also change your defaults so you get a standard, raytraceble view every time.
  15. Go to CAD>create Plan Footprint>make sure CAD default layer is on>double click the plan footprint>de-select Display Plan Details>select display Footprint Poly Line>change line style to suit>should get you dashed line of outside walls>annotate to suit.
  16. The RayTrace icon is grayed out and I can't RayTrace either. Must be a setting in your plan? CHANGE YOUR VIEW FROM VECTOR TO STANDARD!
  17. Curious as to what kind of problems you're having? Have you contacted tech? I know how frustrating it can be but X9 has been running very smoothly here. Is there another thread where you address your problems with X9?
  18. ...and there are jurisdictions that ignore FAR and use LOT COVERAGE in various forms to calculate home size/coverage.
  19. Actually doesn't/can't help in every situation. Been there and done that hitting save like a mad man and still losing work. Again depends on how Chief crashes and envy your perfect record..
  20. Perfect example. If it was a crash within Chief, Chief is designed to save those files as an .auotsave.bak file and should be able to go to the archive file and retrieve the file no more than 5 minutes old. If it was a system crash Chief can't save that file before it closes and you can't retrieve that file, but there are other files based upon the other setting within that dbx. Contacting support is always smart in these cases as I found out the above information the hard way. Chief does it best but cannot insulate from a general system crash.
  21. Chief will auto save copies of your files depending on what type of crash your computer experiences. If the crash is within Chief those files will be auto saved in the archives according to the time between saves setting you have. If it's a general system crash Chief cannot save those auto saved files but will rely on your archive setting (once every hour etc.) and you may lose, at worst, an hour's worth of work, again depending on that setting.
  22. This is the solution that works for me with the same problem.
  23. Each roof plane can be framed independently. Select the plane, set all your structure values and select the "Build Framing For Selected Object" icon. It will re-frame the selected roof planes and should frame to those new values..
  24. You've only seen the half of it - the rest of the office looks just as bad but I've resigned myself to who I am - just a messy kind of guy.