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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I'm using 24 cores in my system. It's not the fastest dual Xeon system by a long shot but it crunches some serious giga flops and other computer stuff - still slows down with large models. Just sayin' - it's the way things are with Chief until speed becomes a priority and even then only modest gains should ever be expected with a program as mature as Chief. $2500 - $3000 should get you in the right zip code of a fast system, but still expect slow downs with large models. Build it yourself and get a REALLY REALLY fast system for the same cost, but still expect slow downs with a large model.
  2. I have many, many large plans that slow to a crawl especially with 3D views. 5 - 10 second redraw times become the norm after a plan reaches a certain size. My system is fast but even with a lot of CPU muscle a large plans will slow down. Had 2 or 3 that became almost unworkable. Sent them to tech and even thought they are always very kind and helpful there was no cure. Haven't read nor seen anything in any sneak peek about Chief being faster overall (other than a claim about faster undos) and frankly it would surprise me if it was. Most upgrades add capability at the expense of speed but perhaps it's different this time? Again I'd be surprised. If you take your Chiefing seriously you simply have to spend whatever it takes to get as much CPU and GPU you can afford. The investment will more than pay for itself in time saved.
  3. Pretty sure this is the way it works now...
  4. Here's a few more terms you can wow your buddies with at the Architects Golf Tournament.
  5. I assume you've tried the 'All On' layer set? And made sure every layer was actually set to display? Checked all floors? Hit cntrl 'A' to select all? Hit the show all icon? That's all I got.
  6. uh, duh my clients and I use the term all the time....
  7. Took me a long time to understand that there even was such a thing as a reputation point and that there are those who care about such things but alas there is, and there are. Can't be helped in our sometimes petty world but I'll give you a point (if even know how to really do such things) as a warm, don't worry about it so much, kinda greeting. Merry Xmas and a Happy Holiday
  8. There's no texture assigned to that material. Patterns show in Vector View, which you can see if you switch views, and textures show in standard 3D views. I'd pick another material from Chief's stock siding material or create/find a material texture if you must.
  9. Got it Joe and yes very useful indeed. Thanks
  10. Reference layers can be a bit confusing at first but they are very useful in a lot cases, your case being one the most useful. Stick with it you'll get it figured out.
  11. Wow, the video shows watercolor as 'instantaneous' when chosen. Cool (but no I am not fooled by an edited video) still anything faster will be appreciated.
  12. Group select looks really useful.
  13. Has anyone had an off angle wall? Can't remember ever having that problem, but at least it's fixed?
  14. I think if you look in Scott's libary you'll find dvx as the first entry.
  15. That was such an embarrassing oversight. I bet there's still something not quite right about that little rascal.
  17. A small addition to all the great comments is that notes can be stored in your Layout template but do not need to be used for every plan. Just pull them off to the side of the Layout page. They will be there when you need them and can be altered if needed. I have some County boiler plate that is in my Layout Template set off to the side of the printed page. Just drag them into position for a County job. It's a great way to store lots of various notes that may not be needed for every plan. Could be done with macros too I suppose.
  19. You can also simply turn off that layer in the elevation, there's seldom any need to see any framing in an elevation.