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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. YUP that was it DOH!! Too many hours in front of this computer.
  2. Glenn I think that's it. I could have sworn I had it working before but then I couldn't get it to work. I'll try that and I think it will work. SO HELPFUL to everyone - Thanks
  3. Not sure what you're referring to Michael. I've never copied a CAD detail to the Layout either and also know of no one who has done that either. If you are referring to using a CAD detail for the site plan, it's not that unusual I don't think, and works pretty good.
  4. Always do just that - Send CAD Detail To Layout. Never copy/pasted a CAD detail to Layout. Have you tried what I'm talking about? Curious. It's a site plan CAD detail, not a plan, not notes, and is a function of the plan file as that's where the plan footprint orignates from. Reading again. Are you saying that if I send the CAD Detail Window To Layout then I should be able to do what I'm trying to do? And then there would be a Layout Box Layer Tool? Would love to know the trick. There's not that many people who use a CAD detail for the site plan but I do and have grown to like the system but the limitations are real. I'll probably just end up with one CAD detail sent to layout with everything on it. I don't think CAD details are meant to be that flexible and in this case not flexible enough for what I'm looking for.
  5. Yeah, simple with plan files but not with CAD details, or at least I can't find a way to do so.
  6. There is no Layout Box Layer Tool for a CAD detail, only for .plan files. Or am I missing something there?
  7. I create my site plans in a CAD detail and have (2) separate pages in Layout I send those details to. One is a simpler version with basic information, the other is a storm water site plan that includes more information that I can easily get on a separate Layer which can, again, be easily turned on and off. The problem I am having is that I can't seem to get each CAD detail sent to Layout to show different Layers. When I display the storm water Layer it displays on both Layout pages. When I turn that Layer off it doesn't show on both Layers. CAD details behave differently than a regular plan file went sent to Layout as there's no way to choose which Layer to show that I know of. I've create 2 separate details in the past but updating 2 CAD details is beyond painful. Is there any way to specify 2 different Layer Sets when sending 2 different CAD details to Layout? Or am I dreaming about a capability Chief just doesn't have.
  8. Thanks Mark - Never had to do that much to get the catalogs before but it worked great - thanks.
  9. I'll sometimes get a message asking if I want to associate files to X9 - sometimes - but no longer, and I'd like to have that as an option but don'tr know how to manually do so. Any help?
  10. least the Emser tile and Formica catalogs. Tried many times always loads to X8 after selecting X9 version.
  11. Talked to tech and didn't find out much new but the hitting cntrl 'S' twice is probably not an issue. It might take windows the second time before it shows up in the file manager, something about a windows cache. The biggest problem is still ending up with an older auto-save_bak file instead of an updated auto_save file after Chief crashes.
  12. Nice Scott. Appreciate your effort. I don't do much RT anymore but your video is pretty inspiring.
  13. Still take me 2 save keys to change the time stamp.
  14. Thanks a lot Perry!! I think I'm seeing a way to address the issue.
  15. Got a railing detail question. Thanks oops - vid coming
  16. Yes I am, but what difference would that make??
  17. I've got a couple issue Richard and the hitting cnrt 'S' twice is at the top of my list. I''l report Monday if I can find time.
  18. Thanks for looking Graeme, good though but no, it does not refresh the file manager screen until I hit cnrtl 'S' again. Thanks for the idea Perry - The 'save' icon in the tool bar requires 2 clicks to update the time stamp as well.
  19. Thanks Mark - I've discovered (I think) that it actually takes hitting ctrl+S twice on my system.
  20. Not sure exactly what you're referring to but I have confirmed through the archive management folder that my files are not saved to the current time stamp unless I hit cntrl 'S' twice. That is certainly worth a YIKES! Can someone confirm what I'm seeing or if your plan file gets the current time stamp with only one time hitting cntrl 'S'. THANKS
  21. Have only one user user defined macro %area.round% in this plan set. Still confused about why my auto_save files are not there after a crash, only the older auto_save_bak files. Also just discovered it take hitting cntrl 'S' TWICE before my file gets updated in the manage archive folder..
  22. Here's a perfect example of what I end up with if Chief crashes. You can see the auto_save plan file Chief is creating now as I work on this file but if I experience a crash all I see is the older auto_save_bak file. In this case it's 4 days old. What happens to the auto_save file?
  23. Just freezes with the windows dbx saying Chief has stopped working. So seldom (maybe twice since using X9) no way of really knowing what happened. I don't even care about the occasional crash, it's just that my archive files are not current enough to be of any real use. THAT'S the piece I can't seem to get working reliably.
  24. I can actually watch the _auto_save file being created in the archive but after a crash that file is NOT there. Only the older auto_save_bak file which is always older and useless. SIGH...