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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Interior Ambient, Daytime Ambient etc. Can't seem to find those settings in the familiar X9 location. Thanks
  2. Have no idea what that reference to X2 could be and I can see the Public Beta in my digital locker but can't find any kind of announcement for the Beta?
  3. I 'live with it' by just waiting for each 'undo'. Yeah that's me surfing in El Salvador a few years ago.
  4. Yeah I've been pretty deep down that rabbit hole myself...
  5. Beyond me as well but not everyone seems to have a problem judging by the comments above. For me? Major issue that I have just learned to live with, among quite a few 'major structural flaws'.
  6. That happens to me as well as I never know if the last undo has 'taken' or if I'm still waiting for it. Frustrating...
  7. I already have an EVO SSD for all my files and undo is a general problem for me, mostly with large files.
  8. Seems like a great feature to me. I would think one could set up a plan template with all the saved plan views ready to go and just switch between views for almost all of the design tasks. Layouts could be further set up and adjusted as well even though that's possible today. Just curious about others' view on this new feature.
  9. Good to know for future reference Mick - thanks.
  10. +1 Been using Chief for almost 20 years and it is, by far, the most difficult program I have ever tried to learn. Still do not understand many approaches Chief uses for its design approach but this simply comes down to how each of our brains tackle problems and looks for solutions. Chief looks in places I would not logically look but some people find its paradigms and solutions just great. Still the best program for my business but takes a very long time to fully learn - for me. Looking at your OP and your question about Chief being user friendly and to summarize my above diatribe. Yes Chief is user friendly - for some - and quite unfriendly for others, like myself.
  11. I have ALWAYS had issue with undo taking a very long time, especially when the plans get large. I have an associate with 2 M.2 drives run in RAID 0 and undos are very quick. Very slow on my system and very quick on his. Just sayin'. They supposedly made it quicker for (perhaps) X9? but I could tell no difference in length of undos.
  12. Much more like the Chief I know and love - thanks for the nice teaser. (Thanks to Chopsaw as well for the heads up.)
  13. I did see a couple changes but really want something I can use in my everyday work flow - not just more eye candy that does me no good at all.
  14. The video shows a 'render' with 'Ray Trace' material qualities, reflections etc. which I assume is the feature/benefit of physically based rendering? Something I don't need but Chief has never been able to resist pretty pictures at the expense of ConDocs and other genuinely useful user interface enhancements. Still can't really discern what features are actually going to be in X10 based on that video but I always keeps my hopes up and my expectations low.
  15. The video actually looks like it's in Beta testing as well, or at least not complete enough to give the user an idea of what's coming in X10. Surprising as Chief's usually very good at this sort of thing. Am I missing something?
  16. It amazes me how 'unlivable' a lot of those new homes truly are. Of course I've see a lot of gutted new homes that are worse than the original because you know - homeowners - but am mostly surprised by modern design decisions. On the other hand we walked through some models a couple months ago that were awesome (personal opinion of course) and very livable right out of the box.
  17. Me too...each has it's place but having the option is a great feature...and IMO nothing really compares to your Lumion renderings Johnny
  18. I tried to edit the original floor plan after a quick glance at the corrected plan and it framed perfectly. The framing in this case disregards the second floor platform and frames according to the bearing lines only (apparently). It looks like the bearing lines need to completely surround the area(s) being framed which might be obvious to most but the help from tech was so very helpful and should make future framing tasks much, much easier. Another huge thanks to Tech support!!
  19. I sent the plan file in to tech support and they really went over and above the call to address the problem plan. I think it might be worth your time to see the changes suggested and made to facilitate the final, and correct framing plan. Tech support will not usually fix a plan sent to them but made an exception because of the strange behavior. STELLAR tech support as always!!! Below is the problem as described by Tech support. I left out some unneeded commentary. "* Multiple Bearing Lines around the cantilever instead of a single Bearing Line polyline.* Too many Joist Direction Lines.* Nothing defining the lower left corner of the Floor 2 platform on Floor 1 (no walls or bearing line). ...needed to delete and replace the Joist Direction Lines several times before the program finally grasped what it was supposed to be doing. Notice that there are two Bearing Lines polylines and two Joist Direction Lines only. And, notice that these Joist Direction Lines do not touch the Bearing Lines or the walls defining the platform they define. There is no ceiling framing over the left side of Floor 1 because of the height of the roof planes." Plan attached below. FLOOR_JOISTS_1_edited.plan
  20. Just wondering what real problem "mandatory schooling/internships/continuing education and licensing" actually solves?
  21. uhhhh on the second floor? With note like 'post below' or even 'beam below' like my structural engineer does. Probably makes sense the way it is - just doesn't fit my little brain.
  22. NEVER did get the 'feature' that the second floor floor framing is only visible on the first floor. - sigh.
  23. ...and whose going to do the regulating? To what standard? Endless pit of regulation just like what we see now - only worse. Not for me.