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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I'll update soon as well and agree X10 is a great release.
  2. I now see the official announcement and would like to thank the good folks at Chief for all their efforts.
  3. Thanks you guys. I'm holding off the upgrade for now....
  4. Curious, I see it my program updates but no announcement and no threads here regarding same? Anyone update yet? Or am I on an older Beta release? Build: and the latest looks like dated 2/14/2018. Curious as to anyone's experience Thanks
  5. Would like to know as well. Bump map for the carpet? What do you use for your stainless material? Thanks in advance.
  6. Curious side note - after spending a lot of time to get a decent render for my client he preferred the watercolor render over any of the more realistic renders. Who knew...
  7. Thanks for the help!! I haven't played around with lighting for literally years but just had it come up with a client and trying my best to get a good result but having only spotty luck. Your settings and help are useful.
  8. DOH! Haven't used those tools for a very long time - thanks for the help and reminder!!! Curious Mark, do you depend on those lights as much or more than your fixtures for lighting?
  9. Graham, Are there 'general lights' that can be placed within a floor space that don't specify a fixture? I thought we previously had that ability and I would like to place random lights within a floor space, say 48" down from the ceiling, to brighten a space without it having to be 'recessed' or other specific light fixture. Thanks
  10. VERY helpful as usual Michael - appreciate it!
  11. MIGHT have improved this scene a bit with more and modified lights but still a noob at best.
  12. Probably not and I think bump maps are the key to great grass but I'm not very learned in such things. Jintu has a couple great grass videos/textures somewhere.
  13. Never seen those lines unless my walls/floors are not lined up perfectly and/or there are breaks in the walls
  14. Got a couple good results - better than RT. Not sure this is the best example but the process is the same. Must have your materials and lights figured out as in a RT so it's more work than a 'standard' render but the results are pretty good. Here's a short vid that may help.
  15. Did a bit of searching and got just a bit more confused. Thought maybe Chief had a tut or library of maps? Saw the latest vid from the NKBA show and Scott was showing a wood floor with the grooves showing up so nicely and I thought that might be a bump map thing? ...but no clue how to accomplish same. I'll keep at it and thanks as always Michael.
  16. Is there a tutorial somewhere? Pretty lost on the process but want to add bump and normal maps to my skill set. Does Chief have a library of same? Thanks
  17. Would not hold my breath. I have struggling with large files for a very long time and threw as much hardware as I could with no change. Chief is simply slow software when the models get large.
  18. That sucks. Since this is our livelihood I think many of us are willing to throw cash at some new hardware but not if there aren't noticeable improvements in performance. So what's the end game? Chief gets larger with more (admittedly great) features and just slows down until what? Hopefully a new MAC Pro will get you the performance you need...
  19. Good advice and I suppose that can be managed by layer sets well? I haven't taken the time to set mine up with that consideration but perhaps it's time I did.
  20. I threw my many core Xeon processors at a large test model and it was much slower at most operations versus a modern i7 processor that handles single threaded operations much better as Graham has stated above. Would NOT get a Xeon processor again unless RayTracing is your focus and the many cores can be utilized.
  21. Many Chief users are facing the same issue - speed - or lack thereof and there's no easy solution as Chief is just a slow computer program when models get large. Many reasons for this of course but there's no relief in sight from the good folks at Chief (actually the reverse seems to be happening with Chief X10 actually running slower) so we have no other choice but to throw as much hardware as we can at the problem but the question is always the same, "Which hardware is going to make a real world difference." My computer is great about 90% of the time but those 10% jobs are torture. I'll have to make that decision coming up real soon and am lost as to which way to go and am not optimistic about seeing any great performance improvements which really blows. I don't know MAC's so can't help you specifically Scott but I'm curious if you'll notice any real differences with the Mac Pro. Keep us posted please.
  22. Nice video Michael, Haven't delved in to those settings for years but it's nice to remember what they are for....
  23. VERY nice. Could not find a couple windows hidden in an out building. The find object tool located them - SUPER nice new feature.