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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. That is set globally & in the camera
  2. I know this has come up before but can't find it. How to make the glass door see through in vector view? The wall to the shower has the same glass and you can see through it.
  3. This is the next house.
  4. Thanks, Yes but still working on the final details.
  5. Thanks for that good advice. In this scenario, unlike most of my work, I am working for an Architect who pays me buy the job + hourly for changes. As expected the GC is working for the Owner. So I'm a glorified drafter and the original drafter did the plans in Rivet Sept. 2018. I worked on the plans converted to Autocad in 2019 & 2020. Then in 2021 I converted the plan to Chief as the revisions were getting too involved to continue in plain Autocad. Here is the 3 story framing: Here is the 2 story exterior version The revision clouds are cluttering up an already clutter plan & the Architect wants to give the new GC a clean start for use in the field.
  6. In my case the Architect want the plans examiner to get a clouded version & only corrections requested by him added to his plan. The contractor set would have no revision clouds as a clean beginning & clouds added after this date. I would have to add changes & clouds to permit set only if they are code related. I'm leaning toward separate layer sets in the same layout & plan but it may become impossible down the road.
  7. Thanks fellas. The 3rd floor will never happen. The plan reviewer will likely do a completely new review. But the clouds must be used to show what changed on the 2 remaining floors. Having said that it's silly IMO to cloud a majorly modified plan. too confusing.
  8. Looking for any advice on a job I'm working on for an architect. The owner keeps making changes even though the first floor (slab on grade) is done. The house was permitted as a 3 story & is now a 2 story with changes to the 1st & 2nd floor. The architect wants me to create 2 sets of plans. One for the building department with changes clouded for them. The other set is for the builder to use in the field. BTW the first contractor was fired & so they want the new builder to get a fresh set of plan with only clouded items that took place after he got his first set of plans(the 2 story set). My dilemma is do I create 2 sets of plan & layout OR do I have clouds & notes on 2 layers, one for the building department & one for the new GC? Thanks
  9. Not sure where I got this. Maybe 3D Warehouse Golf Cart.calibz
  10. I send the plan PDF file as a reference to read any notes & pictures. For the CAD, I'm lazy, so I export the layouts needed to CAD, open the CAD file & scale up by 48 for my typical 1/4" scale model. The text does not scale up. You can grab all the text & change the font height. Or worst case open each needed view in plan view & export that. (only if I have to) If I do that I export all layers & all floors. The Chief layer names are hard to sort so I use a lisp routine to rename the Chief layers, sort the layers by floors & create Layer Sets to turn floor & disciplines on & off. Lisp attached, should run on most CAD platforms. Layer CA.LSP
  11. One out of 1000 have an adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine for COVID & they are still pushing it. There seems to be no standard threshold for risk.
  12. Are they sealed when in the up position? Crock-pot on the counter & the ladle gets out of control.
  13. I've never physically seen one, only pictures. My point is how water resistant are they. Spilling liquids like soup into the cracks & crevices will create a cleaning nightmare.
  14. So when you spill the soup down the receptacle, who is going to clean it out?
  15. I have found this site useful.
  16. I'm not very good at Sketch up & have an old version but if you have a 3d CAD file give me a shout.
  17. I used the Autocad file to produce the dae file. Deleted the drain & under counter piping. Faucet-Lavatory-Delta-Stryke-Widespread-Single-Lever_Handles.dae
  18. Great sleuthing mark! Here is the dae file I created. Faucet-Tub-Delta-Stryke-Roman_Tub.dae
  19. Thanks fellas, Thanks Michael, more versatile solution than a complete override.
  20. Try here:
  21. Any way to change the default "Fixed Glass" to "Direct Set" in a plan? I can do it through Select Similar & override the description but if I change the type in the future I will have to fiddle with the description. The GC is overly picky.